The proposal

One Fine Autumn

One day, when Kyungsoo returned home after classes, he was shocked to see the house is in such a clean condition. The living room was messy last night as he remembered. He sat there to finish his assignment and Jongin came, playing pororo cartoon on dvd. He can't stand the distraction, so he quickly accomplish the assignment, then watched pororo cartoon in Jongin's arms. He was to tired, and Jongin was the one carried him to bed last night.

"So Jongin is back? So early, unusual.." Kyungsoo saw Jongin's shoe at the rack. Suddenly he heard Jongin calling him, "yeobo ahh.." Before he could respond, Jongin pull his hand and run into their bedroom. Kyungsoo's curiousity increases rapidly, when he saw the room was also tidy and neat. It was always his job cleaning up, Jongin never help, and somemore likes to generate rubbish.

He was about to ask Jongin, but realise Jongin wasn't around him. He was too tired, so he sat by the bed, resting. Jongin then came in, and knelt in front of him, with puppy eyes, asking, "Hyung, will you marry me?" Kyungsoo, with his mouth wide opened, and his tears rolling down his cheek like tsunami. "Yes!! The answer is obviously yes!!"

Jongin was too happy, his tears drop too. Jongin gave Kyungsoo an origami box, Kyungsoo opened its lid, and saw a pair of ring, craving their names on it. Jongin kissed Kyungsoo's tears away, and quickly pull him in his arms. Kyungsoo hug back, and said, "so this is what you wanted to tell me at the lakeside that day?"

"Nae, but you were sick, so I pos[oned my plan," Jongin took the ring and fits it into Kyungsoo's tiny finger. "Looks so pretty, it fits you so well," Jongin kissed Kyungsoo, hard. "thanks for everything, Jongin," Kyungsoo said, still sobbing.

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