The season where sun shines

One Fine Autumn

After the confession, both Kyungsoo and Jonginknow each other's feeling better. Kyungsoo's mother knows about their relationship, but no bad comments, Kyungsoo mum was happy because he knows her son found someone right to love him. Both Jongin's parents don't know about Kyungsoo, but Jongin's sister knows about Kyungsoo, and seceretly agreed on her dongsaeng's choice.

Sooner or later, it was their third year in university. Next year they will graduate, and go separate ways. Jongin will be working in a wedding house as a photographer, while Kyungsoo already had plans to work as a pattiseur in a bakery near the university.

Jongin doesn't want to lose Kyungsoo. It's already third year of their relationship. Thing went out smoothly. They even rent a house near the university, moving out from the hostel. They spent night together, whispering secrets and end up sleeping in each other's arms. Sometimes Kyungsoo cooked a meal and they will have candlelight dinner with Yimura's piano sound as background, and waltz around in the living room, arguing how much they love each other.




"Kyungsoo ah, can we meet at our usual place later?" Jongin gave Kyungsoo a call. He miss his knight in shinning armour so much. He went back to his hometown to attend his friend's wedding, and visit his parents. He wanted to bring Kyungsoo along but Kyungsoo has three papers to sit for. It was only four days, but to Jongin it was four thousand years. He just miss his lovely, round eyes doll.

"Urm...sure. Around four?" Kyungsoo doesn't sounds right. Maybe he's feeling unhealthy or too stress due to the papers. "Honey, are you okay?" Jongin was worried about Kyungsoo. "I am...fine. I miss you, darling!" Jongin heard Kyungsoo's coughs from the phone. Kyungsoo wasn't feeling well, he doesn't want Jongin to worry about him, so he try his best to cut short the conversation. "I miss you too! Don't stress yourself. See you later! Ahh, I can't wait."

Birds chirpping happily, ducks in the lack chasing each other cheerfully in the lake, April in Korea was a bit warm, and comfortable. Jongin arrived 10 minutes early and admiring nature's beauty, waiting for Kyungsoo, and thinking about their future.

Feeling a pair of hands covering up his eyes, Jongin then heard the voice which he can't forget even in ten thousand years, ringing in his ears, "guess who am I!" and jingle of laughter which always cheer him up when he feels down. "Darling, I know its you!" Jongin pulled Kyungsoo's hands away and hugged the small squishy doll tight. Kyungsoo laughed and hugged back, tight. "Oh I miss him so much... I really can't live without him..." tears falling, without Kyungsoo can control.

Jongin realised. He patted Kyungsoo's head and said, "You are not okay at all even its only one day without me. Its okay I promise you I will never leave you alone." his hands touched Kyungsoo's soft hair before brushes Kyungsoo's lips, and kiss his dearie deeply. He don't care how many pairs of eyes are watching. Kyungsoo nodded his head and trying to wipe his tears off, but instead of that, Jongin wiped off those tears gently, and looked into Kyungsoo's eyes. They walked around the lake, holding hands.



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