Chapter 31

Kidnap Me Hyung

“Jinki.” A man’s voice called out. Onew swallowed hard, shaking in his boots as he caught sight of his parents standing by the car. He tightened his arm around Taemin, so that there was no space between their bodies.

“It’ll be okay.” He muttered, although he wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince Taemin or himself.  When they were a few feet from his parents, Onew’s mother strode up to them, and raised her hand, smacking Onew across the face. Hard.

Taemin gasped, his heart flying into his throat. Onew turned his head back to look at his mother, ignoring the throbbing pain on his face.

He was shocked to see tears in his mother’s eyes, as she was normally a very strong woman, and Onew had only seen her cry twice in his life. He was even more shocked when, with a choked cry, she through her arms around Onew, hugging him tightly.

“You jerk. How dare you leave us. How dare you leave your poor mother. Don’t you know how worried I was these past few years? You. Stupid. Boy.” Mrs. Lee sobbed into his chest. Onew stared down at his mother, unsure how to react. Beside him, Taemin looked equally flustered. Mrs. Lee turned to Taemin, releasing Onew from her vice-like grip.

“And you. Are you Taemin?” Taemin nodded mutely. Onew’s mother smiled sweetly and hugged him as well. “It’s nice to meet you dear.”

To Onew, she said. “Come. Your father and I are taking you two out to dinner.”

“Wh-what?” Onew asked.

Mrs. Lee frowned. “You didn’t think we were just going to let you run off again, did you? Besides, after all the trouble your father went to to help you get Taemin back, we have to meet him. I need to know what he’s like.”

Onew’s mother looked back at Taemin, sweet face turned serious. “I can’t just let my son be with anyone, you know. I have to approve of you first.” Taemin nodded, feeling nervous. With that, a smile broke across her face and she walked back towards Onew’s father, signaling them to follow her.

Taemin looked up at Onew, biting his lip in worry. “Onew.” He said quietly.

“What is it Taemin?”

“What if your umma doesn’t like me?”

Onew smiled softly, rubbing Taemin’s arm reassuringly. “Don’t worry Tae. She’ll love you.”

The four ended up at a small noodle shop near Onew’s parent’s house.

“They have the best noodles in Seoul.” Mr. Lee had told Taemin, while Onew nodded in agreement.

Taemin couldn’t help but agree, as he shoveled the delicious food into his mouth. In fact, that was all he was doing, in a desperate attempt to disconnect himself from the awkward silence going on between the other three.

Taemin supposed it made sense; after all, what do you say to someone after not seeing them in years, after leaving on not-so-great terms? Onew’s mother had had the only idea so far, and that plan had involved slapping her son and then crying into his shoulder. A good start, but unfortunately one that had lead no where.

Taemin reached for his water, and Onew’s mother let out an alarmed gasp, breaking the silence.

“What is it yeobo?” Onew’s father asked, but she ignored him.

“Omo, Taemin-ah, your wrist!” She pointed, drawing everyone’s attention towards it. It was then they noticed that ringing Taemin’s wrist was a painful looking bruise, the edges red and raw.

Onew felt anger course through him once more, his hatred for the boy’s parents ever-growing. He also felt angry at himself, how had he not noticed before?

“It must be from the rope.” He said. Onew’s father turned to him.


Onew nodded, upset at just the memory of it. “When I found him, there was a rope around his wrist. It must have caused the bruising.”

Mr. Lee frowned, while Mrs. Lee waved over a waiter for some napkins and an extra cup of water. When the waiter returned, Mrs. Lee took gently Taemin’s hand in hers.

“You don’t need to do that, I’m fine.” Taemin tried protesting. Onew’s mother frowned.

“Arguing with her is pointless Taemin-ah. Just let her take care of you.” Onew said. Taemin nodded, and Mrs. Lee got to work dabbing at the wound with a wet napkin, tainting it slightly pink from dried blood. When she was finished, she pulled a roll of gauze from her bag and wrapped it around his wrist.

Onew gawked at the sight, nostalgia filling him. “You still do that?”

“Do what? You mean carry around medical supplies?”

Onew nodded. His mother shrugged and studied the gauze. “I always did, since you were always hurting became such a habit, even once you left, I couldn’t help but continue doing so.”

Onew’s heart swelled at the confessin. After all these years... he suddenly felt guilty for leaving. How could he have thought these loving people would ever turn away from him?

After that, conversation became much smoother, the ice broken. Onew told his parents about his job; they were shocked, and in his mother’s case, a bit upset, as she had known how much he’d dreamed to be a singer.

Onew’s parents explained that when he first disappeared, they had searched and found him within a week. However, upon seeing how happy he was with Kibum and how well off he was on his own, they decided not to interfere. It was only after the accident and the name change that they couldn’t find him anymore, and had assumed he’d left the country.

Onew was shocked to find that his parents had known and accepted him all those years ago. He felt like punching himself for being such an idiot. How different would things have been if he’d never left?

For all he knew, he could’ve been living happily all these years, talking to his parents. He could have pursued his music career. He wouldn’t have had to save Kibum because they wouldn’t have left. They could’ve been living in a house together, maybe adopted a kid even. They could have- but then, Onew thought, he would have never met Taemin.

He would have never bumped into him on the bus, taken care of him after he stormed in his shop soaking wet, let him live in his house, sleep in his bed, all to keep him safe from harm. He would have never fallen in love with him.

Onew looked over at Taemin, studying his bright, smiling face, and felt guilt twist his stomach. Would he really give this up? If he could go back in time, would he really have chosen to stay with his parents if it meant giving up Taemin? As horrible as it sounded, he knew, if given the chance to start over...

He would do it all the same.


Taemin was enjoying himself immensely. All his fears of them hating him had flown out the window, replaced by happiness and hope. Talking to Onew’s parents, he felt something he hadn’t felt since he was a child: acceptance. Yes, Jonghyun and Jongin and Joon were all chill about his type, but knowing that there were parents that supported who he was, that didn’t look down upon it. It was more than he could ever ask for.

Mrs. Lee was extremely kind, and never seemed to be without a smile. Taemin finally knew where Onew’s perfect smile came from. Mr. Lee was quieter, but equally pleasant, doing what he could to make Taemin feel like part of the family.

They were also excellent storytellers, Taemin realized, as the two recounted many of their memories of Onew as a child. This had Onew in a constant state of embarrassment, face beet root, while Taemin’s was a similar shade from laughing so hard.

After a particularly funny story involving Onew, a potted plant, and Mrs. Lee’s 2000 won heels, Taemin threw back his head and laughed. Who knew Onew had been such a troublesome child?

At that moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Onew glaring at him. Taemin’s laughter quickly dissipated, replaced with confusion. Had he done something wrong?

Onew turned to his parents, who were watching the two with equally bewildered faces over their son’s sudden change.

“Umma, appa, could you please excuse us for a moment?” Onew was already pulling Taemin out as he asked, not waiting for their answer. The two walked quickly towards the bathroom, Taemin tripping over his feet to keep up with Onew.

Inside, Onew pushed Taemin against the wall, eyes blazing with fury. He grabbed the collar of Taemin’s shirt and yanked it down, exposing numerous marks across his neck, collarbone, and shoulders. Some were older, fading yellow, but others were bright black and blue against his pale skin.

Hands shaking slightly, Onew lifted the hem of Taemin’s shirt, revealing more marks littered across his chest and stomach.

“What is this?” Onew asked, though he didn’t need Taemin to tell him to know what they were.

“Who did this to you?” Onew questioned angrily. Taemin blushed and looked away. He had hoped Onew wouldn’t notice, hoped he could hide them until they went away.  

Onew squeezed Taemin’s arms tightly.

“I said. Who. Did this. To you.”

“Minho.” Taemin whispered guiltily, though he knew it wasn’t his fault. “I’m sorry hyung, I tried..I tried to stop him, but...”

“How dare he?” Onew growled, before kissing Taemin hard on the mouth.

“Onew!” Taemin gasped.

“You’re mine. Don’t you forget that.” Onew whispered in his ear, sending shivers down Taemin’s spine.

“Ne-neh hyung.”  He replied, his lips captured once again by Onew’s. Their lips moved in sync, the heat between them increasing. Oh, how Taemin had missed this.

Hands slipped beneath his shirt, running along his chest. Taemin moaned at the feeling, pushing himself against Onew. He ground his hips against Onew’s, earning a loud groan.

“Taemin.” Onew panted. One hand slipped down, squeezing Taemin’s before gripping his  leg and lifting Taemin so his legs were now wrapped around Onew’s waist.

Taemin knew they should stop, Onew’s parents were waiting for them, they were in a bathroom, someone could come in, but he could honestly care less. So what if they were? Taemin had been kidnapped, locked away, and unable to see Onew in god knows how long.

He deserved some hot and steamy bathroom , dammit.

He was pretty sure things would have ended that way, too, if it weren’t for what happened a moment later. The two were interrupted by a loud cough, and turned to see Onew’s father standing in the doorway, an eyebrow raised. Taemin immediately pulled back, blushing hard at being caught.

Okay, so maybe he did care if someone walked in.

“I... we were...” He stuttered.

“Boys, I understand that you haven’t seen in each other in weeks, and that you have, erm, needs, but please, could you save it until you get home? This is a public place.”

“Neh appa.” Onew replied, grabbing Taemin’s hand and following the older man out of the bathroom.


A little over an hour later, the four stood up to leave. Taemin bowed towards Onew’s parents.

“Goodbye Mrs. Lee, Mr. Lee.” He said.

“Ani, don’t call me that.” Onew’s mother said. “Call me umma.”

Taemin looked shocked, before smiling shyly. “Neh..umma.”

“Aigoo! So cute!” She squealed. Onew smiled widely. He had never expected his parents to accept him, but this, this was so much more than he could have ever asked for. Seeing this, now, he felt happier than he had in a long time. He only wished everyone was as supportive as they were.

“Goodbye then, umma... Appa?” Taemin looked questioningly at Onew’s father, who merely nodded, a smile upon his face.

“Goodbye Taemin. Let’s meet again soon, neh?”

“Arraso appa.”


Onew pulled up in front of the shop, a smile stretching across Taemin’s face. Onew had barely enough time to unlock the door before Taemin was running in and upstairs to their home. Taemin ran up to the door, threw his arms out and hugged it.

“Oh god.” He moaned. “I missed this place.”

Onew laughed. “Come on, let’s get inside.” Taemin nodded and moved out of the way so Onew could unlock the door. Onew swung up the door with flourish, yelling out, “Guess who’s back!” before stopping cold in the entryway.

“Onew, what’s wrong-oh.” The two stared, slack-jawed, in horror at the sight before them. On the couch, for all the world to see, lay Joon and another man, both lacking any form of clothes, sweat glistening on their skin. Taemin’s eye twitched. Of all the things he’d expected upon returning home, this certainly wasn’t one of them.

The two culprits looked up, and Taemin got an even bigger shock than he had moments before.

“Mir?!” Taemin exclaimed, recognizing the brunette from the concert.

Mir looked equally astonished, a bright pink crossing his already flushed cheeks. “Oh, uh..hi Taemin.”

Onew shook himself and stated, a bit high pitched, “Taemin and I are just going to go down to the shop now.” Before dragging Taemin back out and slamming the door behind them. Downstairs, Taemin’s laughter filled the shop.

“Well.” Taemin said between laughs. “That was certainly a warm welcome home.”

So, almost all of you who commented guessed that Onew was going to propose. I almost felt bad not writing that in here XD but I already have that particular event planned out, sooo it'll have to wait a couple more chapters. 
Also, since you all seem to have the proposal on the mind, tell me, how do you think Onew will propose? I'm interested to see what you expect kekeke
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Chapter 1: Just thought of this story and needed to feel the feeling that it gives me. Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story <333
Exofan12345 #2
I usually read 2min story this is my time reading ontae and now I prefer ontae
Chapter 35: This is the best fanfic I have read in so long!!! You're so talented, I read the whole thing in a sitting, I have so many butterflies omg I'm going to read the sequel now (and probably everything else you've written c;) Thanks so much for writing this!
Chapter 35: omomomomomomo this was freaking perfect I love it, yay their getting married and he asked at the most perfect spot; I really really really can't wait to read the sequel, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow coz it's soooooooooooo late here; ;-( can't wait for more, fantastic job hun; <3 <3
Chapter 34: awwwwww onews sooooo cute; i'm glad jonghyun approves it just proves key would too;
Chapter 33: oh god poor jinki, please don't let it happen again, it can't;
Chapter 32: so so glad that jinkis parents love tae, of course the do; i laughed so hard when jinki's appa caught them, brilliant;
Chapter 31: yay he got Tae out, i'm glad his dad helped, jinki you should let tae freshen up before meeting your parents lol;
Chapter 30: oh yes, i really hope he helps him, it sounds like he really missed him;