Father's Day (Key)

Key Stories


(YC= You’re Child) (KJ = Key Junior <- Key said he wanted a little Key)

You wake up, stretching your arms in bed. The door to your bedroom was wide open so you climb out of bed, fixing your bedhead in the mirror first. Walking out of the room, you could already smell something good coming down the hall as you walk to the kitchen.

Key: “Good Morning _______” Turning around to plate the eggs, and seeing you walk in

You: Surprised to find him cooking “Key… It’s Father’s Day! You’re not supposed to be the one making breakfast” Pouting. You were planning to wake up before him and make breakfast, but it looks like he beat you to it

Key: “Haha It’s okay _____” Kissing your pouting lips “You don’t have to do anything special for Father’s day for me” Smiling as he turns his back to set the table for breakfast

You: Still not satisfied, head to the living room where you could hear the TV on “KJ, Breakfast time. Turn off the TV”

He turns off the TV and starts running towards the kitchen, where you follow close behind. KJ pulls open a chair for him and starts sitting down. You and Key both help him get food on his plate and also take your seats

You and Key has been married for about 6 years already and already had your first Child. Since it was a boy, of course Key named him, and he was already 4 years old. Everything about your son just reminded you of Key!

KJ: Taking a bite of his food “Happy Father’s day Appa!” Smiling. You and Key both laugh at the little cuteness

Key: “Thank you. So What do you want to do today KJ?”

KJ: Putting his fork down to think “Mmmm… The Park!” His face just lighting up

Key: “Okay, Let’s go to the Park!” nodding his head and smiling to his son

You sit their quietly, admiring your 2 boys, laughing to yourself about how their so much alike

Key: Hearing you laughing to yourself “What’s so funny?”

You: “Oh, Nothing. Just that he’s so much like his dad” giving him a gentle smile.

Since he made breakfast, you decide to wash the dishes while he gives KJ a shower and also gets him ready for the park. After cleaning, you got ready yourself, taking a shower and changing. You packed a small bag with Money and the Camera just in case. Once all of you were ready for the park, you all got into the car and drove off.


At the Park-

You: “We’re here” Helping KJ out of the car and holding onto his right hand. KJ reaches his left hand for Key’s after he locked the car. The 3 of you walked together to the park, seeing that it wasn’t that full of kids but it wasn’t that empty.

KJ: Tugging on his dads shirt “Appa, Can we go on that!” pointing to the open swings

Key: “Sure” letting him pull his hand towards the swings. Key helps KJ up onto the seat,
“Hold on tight now” Pulling the seat back. He pushes him on the swings, listening to KJ laugh and giggle as he gets pushed back and forth. You stand in front of the swing and start laughing as your son tries to kick you. You could hear Key laughing in the back

KJ: “Higher!” Shouting. Following his command, Key pushes him slightly harder, making him soar higher

You take out your camera and take a couple of pictures

Key: “Okay, That’s enough now” Taking a break from pushing. As the swing starts to slow down, KJ jumps down and starts heading to the slide, climbing up the steps

KJ: “Look Daddy! Look!” Yelling at the top of the slide, as Key starts to walk beside you

Key: “Okay, I’m watching” laughing as he watches his son slide, also wrapping his hand around you at the same time

You: “He reminds me of you so much” smiling, as Key wraps both hands around your waist from behind this time, and kisses the side of your head

Key: “Mmm… How?” swaying you in his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder

You: “His smile, his voice, the way he acts” turning your head to his, looking into his eyes “Their all yours…” gently smiling. He gives you a small kiss on the lips, pressing his cheek against yours, holding you close

You place your hands on top of his, both turning your attention to your son who was still running up the steps and sliding down the slide. You can feel his hands bringing you closer, tightening his grip. Without any warning, you see KJ suddenly trip and fall while he was running to the steps. The both of you move 1 step closer, watching him to see if he was okay. KJ sat down on his and started crying, lifting his head up in the sky, letting tears run down

Key unwraps his hands and starts running towards him, with you following close behind

Key: “KJ, are you okay” lifting him to stand up, kneeling beside him. You prop your hands on your knees watching Key

KJ: “M-My Kn-Knee” Crying louder, pointing to his knee. It was scrapped a little from the fall, and had little blood coming from it

Key: “Aw…” He wipes the blood away and blows on it “There? All better?” KJ rubs his tears away, not crying anymore since the pain was gone

KJ: “Y-Yeah…”

You: “Come on, let’s go gets some ice cream, okay?” trying to cheer him up. He nods his head and Key picks him up, holding him in 1 hand. The 3 of you start walking towards the ice cream cart nearby, ordering 1 kiddy cone for KJ and a normal one for you and Key. You son it happily, getting his face all messy. You hold the ice cream for Key and lift it towards him for him to eat too.

You: “KJ!” Seeing his sticky face covered with ice cream. “You got Ice cream all over you” Getting out a napkin, you wipe his face clean and laugh at his silliness

After ice cream, you guys take a walk around the park; holding on to each of KJ’s hands and lifting him up when he jumps

KJ: “When I grow up I wanna be juust like Appa” jumping over a crack. You turn to Key and see him smiling a big smile at KJ.

After spending the whole day at the park, you guys finally went home. During the car ride, KJ fell asleep.

Key: “I got him” Getting out of the car, he opens KJ’s door and picks him up, resting KJ’s head on his shoulder. You open the door for Key, letting him go first

You: “Here, give him to me…I’ll put him to bed” reaching your hands out for KJ. Key carefully hands him to you, where you head to his room to lay him on his bed. You tuck the blanket over him, brushing your hand over his hair and kissing his forehead before leaving the room

The house is quiet as you make your way to your bedroom where you know he’s there. You peak your head through the door, seeing him laying down on the bed

Key: “Come join me” patting the bed, seeing you at the door

You make your way to the bed, climbing up next to him. He pulls you closer to him, letting you rest your head on his chest. You wrap your hands around his waist, closing the little gap in between you guys

You: “Happy Father’s day Key…” turning your head to look up at him

Key: “Thank you” bending his head to kiss you. After 1 kiss, he began craving for more; Kissing you again and again, each one getting deeper. Soon he started kissing you passionately, Moving on top of you, caressing your neck at the same time

You: Pushing his chest away, breathing heavily now “Key, He’s sleeping” worried you might wake up KJ in the other room

Key: Looking in the direction of KJ’s room “Don’t worry, he’s sound asleep” grinning and continuing what he was doing, but this time pulling the covers over you guys. “Happy Father’s day to Me” He says in the kiss, grinning bigger now to himself

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please