Fights (Key) Pt.2

Key Stories



You sat there, just staring at the ground, ignoring all the people walking by. Your tears had dried up and you anger has finally simmered down. After that outburst and you waking away from him; you knew you couldn’t go back because it was still too much to handle for you. You watched the strangers passing by, watching couples be happily together, holding hands and laughing. You remembered when you and Key used to be like that, before he started nagging you. Just having fun, enjoying each other’s company, not caring how that person looks but just glad that their by your side and will always be like that.

You looked at them, being jealous. Watching them made you start to feel sad, so you stood up and started walking around, not wanting to look at any couples today. You had the choice to go home, but for some reason you didn’t want to leave. You had to buy new clothes but with everything that happened; you just didn’t feel up to it anymore. You walked aimlessly around the mall, just looking at the ground as you walked; Not caring where you were really going

Your phone beeps a couple of times as you walk, getting text messages from him to come back. You ignored all of them, leaving your phone in your pocket to beep.



He sat on the bench with his head in his hands, sulking. Key then leans back against the bench and takes out his phone from his pocket, typing you a message

Key: -_____, Please come back; I’m sorry! I didn’t mean what I said!- He sent the message and waited. No reply after 15 minutes of waiting. He sent another message and another message. After the 40th message he stopped, concluding that you weren’t going to reply to any of them no matter how much he tries.

Key: “I got to make it up to her” standing up, looking around the mall at the shop. “But if I approach her she might yell at me… or just walk further away….” He slumps back down into the bench, thinking real hard on what he can do. 5 minutes of thinking and he got something! He jumps up and walks to a random guy “Do you think you can help me with something important?” playing with his fingers as he asks, really hoping the guys says yes

Guy: “Um… sure?” He awkwardly volunteers to help Key

Key: “Okay, so here’s my problem” He explains to the guy what happened between him and you and how he was trying to make it up to you. The guy nods his head, thinking the plan was a good idea. Key gathers up 10 more guys to help him, explaining to each one the problem he was in and how he planned to get out. 1 Guy was a father of a 3 year old who was also going to help out with the plan.

After getting everything set, he went to go get the stuff he needed for his ‘special’ plan



Walking around the mall for about 20 minutes already, you stopped. You sighed to yourself and finally took a look around at your surroundings, finally taking your eyes off the ground. You were in the west part of the mall; your argument with Key was in the east area. Just when you were about to start randomly walking again, the speakers for the mall made an announcement

Speakers: “May ______, please head to the North side of the mall please. We have something that belongs to you. I repeat, May ______, please head to the North side of the mall please. We have something that belongs to you. Thank you”

You looked at 1 of the speakers that was set-up high on the wall

You: “North side?” You turned your body so that it was facing the direction to the North hallway “Something that belongs to me?” You didn’t remember losing anything, so you began walking in that direction to tell them it might have been a mistake.

As you got to the North side, it was just a regular hallway with stores on each side and with random shoppers. You walked down the hall, looking for the place for lost items, walking in deeper

Guy #1: “Excuse me, are you _____?” Coming up right in front of you suddenly, causing you to jump when you see him

You: “Um Y-yeah that’s me? Why?” You ask suspiciously, wondering how the guy knew your name, never seeing him once in your life before. Without asking he pulls out a red rose from his back and hands it to you, then just walks away from your surprised face “B-But” you tried to say to him but he just kept walking “Thank you!” you shouted to him. You smelt the rose; it was fresh.

You continued walking down the hall, and every time you went further down more and more guys that you have never seen before came up to you and handed you a rose! Each one walking away before you could say anything

Before you knew it, you already had 10 roses in your hands, each one fresh and bright red. You were continuing walking, looking left and right for the place they called you to come too until you felt a tug on your shirt. There stood a little boy holding a rose up for you

Boy: “Here you go” saying it in such a cute baby voice

You: “Aw, thank you” bending down to his height to give it to you. After he handed you the rose, the little boy ran to join his dad and they both walked started walking away. Still squatting, you watched the little boy and his dad walk hand in hand together. You now had 11 roses, 10 from random guys and 1 from a cute little boy. Just this simple act made you smile, and happy.

Key: “Excuse me miss, are you ______?” He says nicely from behind you. You turn around and see him looking down at you with a smile. You stand up and smile at him; Not believing he was behind all of this

You: “As a matter of fact, I am”

Key: “I’m sorry ______, and I know 11 roses won’t make it up to you; But I’m hoping 12 will?” He takes out a white rose this time, from behind his back. “I promise I won’t nag you about your clothes and won’t try to control you anymore. I’m fine with whatever you wear because no matter what, you’ll always be beautiful to me” He says to you, handing you the last rose. “Will you forgive me?”

You: “I forgive you” Saying it in a small voice

Key: “I love you ____”

You: “I love you too Key” wrapping your hands around his neck, still holding the 12 roses in your hands. He wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you closer, kissing your cheek.

He pulls apart a little, kissing your lips. You could feel his smile grow bigger under the kiss as he pulls you closer, pressing hard

Small Crowd: “Awww…” they all watch you, surrounding you a little in a circle. You pull away and blush a deep red, forgetting that you were in public “Yay!” they all cheered as you and Key laugh in embarrassment. The crowd cheering a little since you forgave Key. The 10 guys and the little boy all stood in the crowd, clapping at you guys. 1 of them shouting “Another kiss!”

You blushed even redder, your cheeks going hot. You feel Key pull you back to him, whispering in your ear “We gotta give them what the crowd wants” he smirks, pulling you for another kiss, this time longer. You laugh at all this and wrap your hands around his neck again, going along with everything. As you guys kiss, the small crowd cheers and claps louder

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please