Fights (Key) Pt.1

Key Stories


You: “Key are we done yet? My feet hurt!” Complaining

You were in the mall with Key, shopping for his new clothes and were practically carrying everything for him. The only thing was, you were the one that called him to go shopping with you, since you needed a new wardrobe and he could keep you company!

Key: “Not yet ______, we still have to check out this store” walking into another shop. This was like the 5th clothing store he went in today! You’ve been walking around the mall for 1 hour and a half with no break. It was getting boring, watching him try on clothes after clothes, just asking your opinion on them.

You: “Ugh” Your hands tired from the bags he made you hold, you wait beside him as he looks through each rack of clothing for anything good to where.

Key: “I don’t know why you’re complaining _____, this shopping day is going great!” Saying happily, hearing you grumble

You: “Yeah for you. All this stuff are for you” raising the bags up then dropping it back down in your hands “Come on Key, can we please start shopping for me now? I thought I called you to help me shop for clothes! Not the other way around!”

Key: “Fine, the next store we’ll shop for you okay?” still rummaging through the rack, holding a handful of clothes in his other arm

You: “Promise?”

Key: “Yes! Would I ever lie to you?” looking at you now

You: “Well you said we’ll shop for me next last time and we’re still shopping for you!” Complaining

Key: “This time I mean it; We’ll look for your clothes next” Heading to another rack of clothes “Ooh, this looks nice” pulling out a black t-shirt and heading to the dressing room to try on all the clothes

You sat outside the dressing room, near the big mirror in the hall, holding your head in your hand since you were so bored. You watched Key come out of the dressing room, look at him in the mirror, then go back inside to change. Only to do it all over again but with a different outfit every time

You: “Are you done yet?” Shouting to him inside the changing room

Key: “Yes, I’m done” unlocking the door and coming out with all the clothes he bought “Let me just pay for these” He quickly pays for the clothes and comes back to you to take all the bags from your hands. Your hands ache when he takes the bags away, feeling light when all the weight was gone. “Let’s go shopping for you now” smiling happily

You walk to a girls shop, looking through the clothes, trying to find something you like. As you look for clothes, you could tell Key was already bored out of his mind. He stood there, holding his clothes, with a frown on his face. When you finally get a couple of clothes that you like, you head to the changing room while Key sat on the chair outside. He sat there, tapping his foot impatiently with his bags surrounding him.

You: “So what do you think?” coming out of the room with your first outfit. You model in front of him and the mirror for a bit, liking the clothes you picked. “I think it’s pretty nice” smiling at your reflection. You turn your direction to Key to hear his opinion but hear him scoff

Key: “That shirt doesn’t match with the pants, and the whole color doesn’t match you. It doesn’t look good on you ______” he straightly comments.

You: “R-really?” looking at your reflection again “I thought it looked good” pouting a little. You really liked the outfit and thought it was okay for you. But after you heard Key’s thoughts, you started to hesitate

Key: “______, I know what looks nice and what doesn’t. Trust me, That’s not the outfit for you”

You take his advice and go back into the room to change. In the end, you didn’t buy ANY clothes from that store, each one getting turned down from Key. No matter what you wore in front of him, he found at least 1 flaw in the clothing and made you feel bad when wearing it.

In the next store, he’s nagging you to try on all these different clothes that you didn’t like! And when you picked up something that suited your interest, he turned it down. You weren’t getting anywhere with your shopping because of him! Every time you finished going to a shop for you, he kept whining for it to be his turn to choose the next shop! You had 0 things bought, and he had like 50?!

Key: “Let’s go shop over here” walking to another shop for guys

You: “Key!! I didn’t even buy anything for myself! You’re the only one shopping here!” crossing your arms and stomping your feet as you walk

Key: “It’s not my fault everything looks bad on you” He said, his mind more concentrated on getting to the shop

You: “What???” Stopping in your tracks

Key: He thinks back to what he just said and notices his mistake “I-I meant we just haven’t found what looks good on you” he nervously says, his voice shaking as he turns back and walks towards you “Come on _____, you know that’s what I meant” putting his hands on both of your shoulders

You: Moving your shoulders so that his hands fall to his side “No, I know what you really meant and that wasn’t it. You said everything looks bad on me….”glaring at him a little “You know what Key, I’m done with it. I’m finished!” walking away now

Key: “_____! That’s not what I meant! I didn’t mean it!” He shouted to you as you walked further away. You didn’t turn back once, not even looking back to argue. Your anger had boiled up so high it became tears. You had it with Key’s constant nagging. Him always telling you what to wear, how to do things, what to do, when to do it! He was basically taking control over you! Ever since you guys gotten closer, he’s been making more and more comments that weren’t so pleasant.

He stood there, watching you walk away; his hands ruffling his hair

Key: “Why did I say that!?” he argues with himself. He takes a seat one of the benches in the mall and buries his face in his hands, thinking over his stupid mistakes he did in 1 day “I’m so stupid…” he whispered. The hallway was silent since it was the part of the mall that a lot of people don’t go to.

You kept walking through the mall until you finally took a seat at a bench, trying to hide the fact that you were crying from people passing by.

(Pt.2 in The Next Chapter)

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please