Are You sure?

Key Stories



Key: “Are you done with that book yet? We have to go” tapping his watch as he stood at the door. You were dressed already but begged him for an extra 5 minutes to finish the book you were addicted to.

You: “Almost, just a few more sentences” you replied automatically, not even taking your eyes off reading. Your eyes begin to skim through the last few sentences, quickly finishing the book. “Finish” you grin to yourself and close the book. You throw the book on the bed and walk towards Key, who reached his hand out for you.

You take his hand and follow him out of the house, leading you to the passenger seat of the car.

Key: “Aish, we’re behind time again” turning on the car

You: Blushing a little, feeling guilty “Sorry. Hey, at least we’ll be ‘Fashionably late’” you kid. Key smiles at your comments and start pulling out.

The drive was quiet, only the sound of the engine and AC could be heard. You sat in your seat thinking about the book. It was one of the best books you’ve ever! You had been addicted to reading it ever since you got it, which was last week.

Key: “We’re here” smirking as he parked and got out of the car. He came around and opened the door for you.

The party was at a idol’s house, who had invited all of the SHINee members to come. Key decided, or more like forced, you to come along. The house was huge, and you could already tell that there were a lot of people inside already.

Key: “Come on” grabbing your hand and pulling you up the steps to the door. Both of you were greeted inside, which was filled with music and people everywhere, talking to each other.

You held Key’s hand tighter, a little nervous with all the idols walking around.

Jonghyun: “Hey, you guys finally made it!” coming to join you guys with a drink already in his hand

Key: “Yeah, we ran a little late” looking at you again, making you blush with guilt. “Where is everyone?” seeing no members behind or near Jonghyun

Jonghyun: “Oh, they’re all talking to someone” taking a small sip from his drink. His eyes begin to wander to you, looking at your nice but simple dress “_______, you look pretty tonight” giving you a bright smile

You: “Thanks Jonghyun” smiling back. You finally calmed, no longer feeling insecure.

Jonghyun: “Well, I’ll talk to you guys later” giving a goodbye nod before disappearing in the sea of people

For next hour and a half, you stood by Key’s side while he talked to idols. You kept quiet, just smiling to yourself as you think about your book. The book was just so romantic that it always made your heart melt. It was about soul mates, and how it continues even when you become a ghost.

Key: “______…_______?” starting to nudge your shoulder

You: “Huh?” looking around, coming out of your deep thought

Key: “Are you okay? Are you bored?” looking at you with worry

You: “No, I’m fine” giving him a reassuring smile

Key: “Well, would you to dance?” motioning his head towards the dance floor. A nice slow song was playing and it was the perfect time to spend with Key. You gave him a simple nod, and he led you to the floor.

He wrapped his hands around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck. The both of you danced to the beat of the music, gazing up at each other’s eyes

Key: “So, how was your book? You were smiling all night about it” making conversation

You: “Oh, Um… It was alright” not really sure what to say

Key: “It has to be more than ‘alright’ if you read it nonstop” lifting one of his eyes brows “What was it about?”

You: “It was about soul mates” softly smiling

Key: “Soul mates huh?” thinking about the words in his head

You: “Yeah. Can you believe it? Out there, there’s someone your destined to be with” looking at him, smiling to yourself

Key: Looking back at you “Yeah, I can believe it” he smirks a little “And Maybe mine’s is somewhere around here” looking all around the room

You: “Yah!” slapping his softly as he laughs at your reaction

Key: “Oh hey, she’s right here” bringing his eyes to you and giving you a small kiss on the lips

You: “Are you sure I’m your soul mate?” tilting your head to the side as you both still dance to the song

Key: “Positive” both corners of his mouth going up as he leans down again and kisses you as the song comes to an end

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please