A Different Cinderella

Key Stories




Key: “Aish… it’s so boring…” slumping on the couch. All 5 of them were sitting around the living room just doing nothing.

Taemin: “What do you want to do?” his tone dull

No one answer’s Taemin’s question since no one really knew what they could do

Jonghyun: “Well I heard there was a some kind of ball going on in the nearby high school. It’s for their prom or something?”

Key: “Let’s go!” Jumping up, excited that there’s something they could do

Onew: “We can’t. If they find out we’re SHINee then there might be some kind of chaos that might happen.”

Key: “Well… what if we wear disguises?” Everyone looks at each other, having nothing against it. “Okay then! Let’s do it!” SHINee all goes to get ready, putting on masks so that they won’t be recognized.

After all getting ready and seeing no way someone might notice, they all head down to the car


Onew: “Remember guys, we’re only staying till 12 okay” telling everyone sternly as they get out of the car

Minho: “Why midnight?”

Onew: “Because, we have to get up early tomorrow for a photo shoot”

Key: “Yeah, yeah we know. Come on let’s go!” He eagerly points to the entrance where other students were into

They all walk through the doors and are welcomed by loud music and people dancing. As they stop to look at everything, 1 person pushes past Taemin, almost knocking him over

Taemin: “Gosh, it feels so weird when people don’t know who we are” fixing his mask that almost fell

Jonghyun: “Come on Taemin & Minho, let’s go show off a little” he playfully suggest, taking them by the wrist as he drags them to the dance floor

Onew: “Oh, look” he wanders to the food table, eating a little of the bite sized chicken(x

Everyone went to go do something while Key stood there, looking around, tapping his foot to the beat of the music. Then his eyes stopped on something, stopped on someone



You: “*Friends Name* Why did you bring me here?” you yell to her, trying to get your voice heard over the loud music.

Your friend had gotten you to come to the Prom even though you had planned on never coming.

Friend: “Oh come on _____, live a little! Have fun for once!” She shouts back, having fun herself as she jams to the music

Random Guy: “Would you like to dance?” he holds his hand out for your friend as she looks at you and squeals. You watch her as she takes his hand and disappears into the dance floor

You: “Oh great, she left me” crossing your arms. You ended up sitting like a loser on the chairs. The loud fun beat music soon changed to a slow love song. You were about to leave until someone tapped you lightly on the shoulder. You snap your head in the direction and see someone in a mask

Key: “Would you like to dance?” the stranger asks you. Not knowing what to really say, your hands automatically goes to his hands as he pulls you up and leads you deep inside the dance floor. You started to blush a little when he put your hands around his neck while he puts his hands on your waist, swaying you a little. You look deep into his eyes, getting lost into them.

He didn’t look like he was from your school, but it was really hard to tell with his mask and everything on. He smiled at you, a gentle smile. You nervously smile back; you felt like you could really be yourself when you were with him, a feeling you normally don’t feel when your around other people. You guys danced together, not speaking, just staring into each other’s eyes. Soon enough, the song ended, but as soon as it stopped he grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the building and outside to the cold night air.

Key: “So how was the dance?” he laughs a little as he pulls you to sit next to him on the bench. His voice surprised you a little, sounding so different from when he was inside, but sounding like a soft melody

You: “It was… something I never experienced before” your mind going blank, literally lost for words

Key: “I’m sorry, I never caught your name?” he asks

You: “Oh it’s ______...”

Key: “______” he says, smiling while saying it “I like it. _______. It has a nice ring to it” he laughs a little

You smile at him as he repeats your name in different tones. His eye’s watching you,

Key: “You know, I like your smile” pushing the strands of hair out of your face and behind your ear

You blush a little and tilt your head down, embarrassed

Key: “Ha, You’re embarrassed after a small comment like that?”

You: “I’m… I don’t normally get told that” you honestly say; your voice all innocent

Key: “Well you should; you’re really beautiful…” he easily comments. You lift your head to meet his gaze.

You: “Thank you…” you whisper the words. The cold wind blows through you guys, causing you to get a chill

Key: “Oh, here you go” taking off his jacket and wrapping it around you

You look at him, “Who is he?” you thought to yourself. You were positive now that he doesn’t go to your school. He still kept the mask on, making it harder for you to get a better look at him.

All of sudden, another random guy in a mask comes to you guys

Onew: “Uh,” thinking what he should call Key so that they remain Anon. “We got to go; it’s already 12, hurry up” he says in a rush, leaving you and Key again

You: “Who was that?” you look at him, seeing his face in a rush too

Key: “Uhm, a friend of mine. I got to go _____” he stands up and you stand up too, sad he’s leaving

You: “Who are you?” you ask, hoping you can at least get his name before he leaves

Key: “Someone who thinks your very special and will never forget.” He looks at you, both his hands on your shoulder. He leans in for a small soft kiss on the lips, smiling as he parts away, leaving you in the dark. You watch as he disappears through the door again

Your friend then comes out, walking towards you

Friend: “There you are ______, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! How are you enjoying the dance?” She asks

You: “It’s… magical” you smile to yourself, never forgetting this moment



Onew: “So how did everyone’s night go?” he asks

Jonghyun & Taemin explain how everyone was watching them as they dance and Minho just listens, smiling.

Onew: “What about you Key?” grabbing Key’s attention away from the window “How did you’re night go?”

Key: “Oh me? It was... definitely a special night” he smiles to himself, looking down at his hands, his mind wandering  on his thoughts about you…

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please