"Dream" Boutique

Key Stories



Manager: “__________, Can you get those boxes in the back and bring them out” she asked, not even turning her head to look at you.

You: “Uh, yeah sure” Nodding your head. You walked briskly to the back of the shop, your pony tail swaying. You saw a stack of boxes, almost half your height, just waiting for you. Readying yourself, you got a good grip on the boxes before carrying them.

It was your 3rd day on the job at this popular boutique and you successfully was able to land a job. To bad the manager was such a pain in the neck…

You: “Ahem, where do you want these?” pushing open the door with your back. You could barely see where you were going, trying to find your way by looking at the side of the boxes.

Manager: “Geez! Can’t you see I’m busy? Your always asking questions! Just put it over there” she sassed, annoyed at your questions

You walked slowly and carefully, keeping your eyes on the top box, making sure it doesn’t stumble.

Key: “No I just walked in…..Everything looks alright” looking around the store as he holds his phone to his ear, “Yeah I-” dropping his phone

Manager: “________!” Shocked, quickly leaving the counter

Right there. As you were moving the boxes, you ran right into Key, causing him to drop his phone and for you to fall back. The boxes you were holding all fell on down on you, one of them hitting you right on the top of your head

You: “Ugh…” rubbing your forehead

Manager: “__________! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING?” She yelled at you. You looked at her, she wasn’t even helping you out??! “I am SOOOO sorry Key” she leaned down towards him, helping him up by grabbing his arm.

Key: “I’m fine, I’m fine” he stood up, brushing his pants

Manager: “What were you thinking!? Do you know who this is???” She yelled at you again as you stood up. You tried to stand straight but a pain in your ankle stopped you. “Well??” You looked at her, not saying anything. You were too distracted with the sharp pain, “APOLOGIZE! THIS INSTANT!” she stomped her foot

Key: “Yah!” He yelled, his eyes angry and annoyed. ”Why are you yelling at her?? You should be helping her! Can’t you see her ankle is sprained and that she got hit in the head carrying these heavy boxes?? Why is she carrying so much any ways?!”  he’s nose fuming. The Manager had her head down, scared. “What were you doing?? Is this how you take care of my store?! YOUR FIRED!” he yelled. “Now, Apologize and get out.” not saying another word

The Manager turned to you and apologized before running out, her eyes almost tearing.

Key: “I’m sorry, that was my fault” helping you to a chair for you to sit down

You: “Thanks… But don’t you think you were a little to harsh on her?” feeling a little guilty now

Key: “Actually, I was planning on firing her. I found out she acts like that to everyone, even the customers…” You nodded your head. “I’m Kibum” holding his hand out for a shake

You: “I’m __________,” taking his hand and smiling lightly

Key: “Well __________, go home for the day. Rest. Take care of that ankle.” he smiled at you. Key personally took you home himself, walking to your door and everything.


A few days later-

Key: “___________!” he yelled your name right as he walked into the store. You head shot up from behind the counter

You: “Kibum?” you looked at him surprised, “I thought you had a meeting?”

Key: “Well I did, but then I thought, if your going to be working here, you need to start looking the right part” examining you from head to toe

You: Following his eyes, “What’s wrong with the stuff I wear?” liking the outfit you picked out

Key: “Nothing! Just… let’s upgrade a little, okay?” grinning as he takes your hand. “Watch the store, your in charge!” he yelled at another worker

You: “Key?? Are you insane?” as you got forced into the passenger seat of his car

Key: Chuckling at your choice of words, “Maybe I am” he smiles. He pulls into traffic, going to a very stylish shop for women’s.

You: “Key, I can’t afford this?” picking up a shirt and seeing the price. You REAALLY can’t afford it

Key: “Here,” picking 4 clothes right out of the racks quickly, “Try these on” he hands them to you

You: “W-What? Key?!”

Key: “GOO!” pushing you from the back towards the dressing rooms

You tried on all kinds of different clothes. Laughing with Kibum, enjoying your time.

You: “Okay you ready?” you call out

Key: “Let’s see it” he replies. Key gave you a blue dress to try on, and you were nervous to show him how it looked.

You: “Well what do you think?” walking out. Key sat up straight quickly, his jaw dropping. “Key?” biting your lip, actually nervous about your response

Key: “Uh… Uh.. it- it’s….” stammering on his words as he stands up, slowly walking towards you as he looks at you

Worker: “That dress looks fabulous on you!” she compliments as she comes to check on you guys, “Are you her boyfriend?” She asks Key

You: “Oh um, N-“

Key: “Yes, I am” he quickly says. You looked at him with your eyes open wise

You: “We are?!”

Key: “Yes honey, we are.” he smiles, putting his hand around your shoulder

Worker: “Well then, you are one lucky man sir” she smiles

Key: “Yeah, I am….” Key turns you towards him as the worker leaves “Your so beautiful __________…. So pretty, I can’t restrain myself any more…” He leans in, coming closer. Automatically, you close your eyes tightly, waiting for his lips to meet yours…

Closer and closer, then you both finally ki-


Key: “Then you woke me up” he laughed. You laugh with him, your head laying down on his chest, feeling his chuckle deep in his chest.

You: “Yah, that’s what you dream of at night?!” laughing at his silly dream he just told you

You came to woke up Key and when you did, he complained about you ruining a good dream. So, you spent the morning cuddling in bed, listening to Key tell you what happened in his dream

Key: “What?” laughing a little still, “Is it wrong to dream of my beautiful girlfriend” he asked, looking at you

You: Looking up at him, “No…” you mumbled, blushing from his words. “Sorry I woke you up from your dream….” you mumbled again louder this time, your hand gripping his shirt

Key: “It’s alright. Reality is better then fantasy” giving you a kiss on the head

You got up from laying down and faced Key, hovering your face above his,

You: “Do you want to continue where your dream left off…?” You grinned at him. Key looked at you, his eyebrow lifting, his mouth giving you a sly smile. You leaned your head down, capturing his lips on yours. It was a soft kiss, until Key pulled your neck more to him, deepening the kiss. He kissed you until you began to become light headed, “Ahh!” you laughed as Key pulled the sheets over your heads and rolled you over so that he was above you, “Key!” You laughed as he started giving you soft kisses on your neck

Key: “I can’t restrain myself any more __________, I need you!” he looked at your eyes deeply… “I love you…”

You: “I love you too Kibum…” your hand his cheek softly, “I love you too…” whispering again. He watched you closely. You leaned up, giving him another soft kiss on the lips.

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please