When He's Sick (Key)

Key Stories


Its 6pm and your listening to Your name by SHINee when your phone begins to ring. Picking up the phone, you read the screen –Onew Calling-

You: “That’s strange? Why is Onew calling?” you say to yourself before answering. “Annyong”

Onew: “Hey ________, are you busy tonight?” with a hurried voice

You: “Umm Nope, why?” Pacing in your bedroom

Taemin: “Hurry up Onew! We’re gonna be late” You hear Taemin shout in the background

Onew: “Im coming! Im coming!”

You: “Onew??” Curious now about whats going on over there

Onew: “______, Key’s sick and we have to go to a recording right now. Do you think you can watch him tonight?”

You: Feeling it was a chance to be with Key more, “Yeah sure! I’ll be right over”

Onew: “Thank you _____, You’re the best. I gotta go, bye!” Once hanging up, you quickly grab your stuff and head out. Before going to the house, you stop by the store and grab some supplies.


Arrived at the House-

Knocking before going inside, you find the house to be really quiet. Putting your stuff done, you go ahead to Key’s room to check on him. Slowly opening the door, you see Key in his bed sound asleep. Seeing that everything’s ohkay, you begin to leave the room…

Key: “_______?” waking up

You: “Yeah it’s me. Just go back to sleep, you need to rest some more.” Coming to the side of the bed, feeling his head with the back of your hand

He’s sweating a little bit and it seems that his has a slight fever.

You: “I’m gonna go get a towel, don’t move ohkay.” You leave the room and head to the kitchen. Putting a towel and a bowl of cold water on a tray, you were just about to take it into the room when you see Key walking into the kitchen. “Key!! I told you to stay in bed!”

Key: “But you were taking too long! I don’t like it when your away from me too long!” Coming towards you for a hug

You: Dodging his hug, you check his head again. “Aish! You need to rest!” You grab the tray and push him from behind, back into his room. He climbs back into bed as you soak the towel in the water. Once he settled back in, you placed the towel on his head. “Feeling better?” with a worried voice

Key: “Now that you’re here I am” smiling at you

You: Smiling back “Haha… I’ll go make you something to eat. You better stay in bed this time” giving him a stern look before leaving the room

Before heading back into the kitchen, you grab your stuff by the door and bring them with you. You take out the supplies you bought and lay them on the table.

You: “Now let’s see…” Suddenly you feel 2 hands around your waist.

Key: “What are you making?” As he pulls you closer

You: “I am making some miso soup” turning around and wrapping your hands around his neck, looking at his eyes. “And why aren’t you in bed?”

Key: “I’ve been resting the whole day! Plus, I wanted to see you cook” Moving closer and closer to your face

You: “…… Fine, you can stay” He kisses you softly on the nose before taking a seat on the table.

As you continue cooking the soup, you can feel his eyes watching your every move and it makes you blush. Every time you blush you hear a little snicker come from him.

Key: “______, you’re so cute when your blushing” resting his head on 1 hand as you get a bowl of the soup and bring it to him.

You: Putting the bowl and spoon in front of him “Here you go, make sure you eat everything” You look at him, hoping he likes the soup

Key: He looks at you and frowns, “I want you to feed me!” saying it like a little kid

You: “Haha, Ohkay” He pulls a chair closer to him. You sit down and take the spoon, blowing it before putting it into his mouth. You wait for his response to the taste…

Key: “MMMM! It’s good!” Opening his mouth wide for more

You: “I’m glad you like it” Smiling at your success, you feed him until he ate everything. Taking the dirty dishes, you go and wash them. Just when you were almost done you feel him against your back.

You: “Yes Key?” wondering what he wants this time. He turns you around and holds your face with both of his hands.

Key:  Looks deeply at you, “I wonder what I can do to thank you…” you look back at him speechless. He smiles deviously… “I know…” He kisses you softly on the lips… You blush a deep red at the sudden kiss, “Hehe, ________ your so cute” He pulls you for a hug.

You finally got him to sleep before the Members came home. Tired, you say bye to everyone as they thank you for watching Key.


The Next Day-

*Knock, Knock* Opening the door to find Key waiting

Key: “Aigoo, how could you have gotten sick from me?”

You: “*Cough, Cough* I think it was from that kiss yesterday…” blushing from your memory of what happened yesterday

Key: “Ohh… Shall we pass the sickness back to me?” (;

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IsuelMaya #1
Chapter 12: wow... this is just so good... keep on writing....:)
asianpopgurl #2
omo.<br />
key is so sweeet. <3
awwwww!!!<br />
they're soul mates! tahts soo cute!<br />
!update soon please
zhiixiin #4
Are you going to continue the fanfic? I love it, i can't stop reading it! I'm so into it! Will u be writing another Chapter of it? By any chance, you will be updating another Chapter? PLEASE :(
i liked the stories pllz update soon ^^
there should be a part two! XD lol.<br />
aww so cute!!!<br />
update soon please
x3WhitePanda #7
For A Different Cinderella: Sorry; it's only a One-shot, so there isn't a pt.2 ):
Awwh, they're all sweet. :)<br />
OMG the latest one, she's gotta find out who he is.<br />
awwwwww.....this time key's is Cinderella!<br />
she got to find out who he is!! make a part 2 :)<br />
update soon please