When He's Sick (Jonghyun)

Jonghyun Stories


Your sitting inside the Recording Studio, Listening to the Music as Jonghyun records his part. As he sings, you notice he’s coughing a little. After waiting about 45 minutes, he finally comes out, taking your hand and pulling you out of the room. He waves goodbye to the Members and begins walking to his car, pulling you with him.

Jonghyun: “So ______, *Cough* where do *Cough Cough* you want to go?”

You: “Jonghyun, are you ohkay?”

Jonghyun: “Oh course! It’s just *cough* a little cough, Nothing to worry about!” Suddenly he starts coughing non-stop for 2 minutes. You pat his back and put on a worried face. You check his fore head, and its hot.

You: “Jonghyun! I think you’re sick??”

Jonghyun: “I’m fine, its nothing” pulling away from your hand and heading for the driver’s seat.

You: Quickly stopping him “It’s not nothing! You’re sick, and I’m taking you home to rest.” He gives up and gives you the keys. He gets in the passenger seat as you take the driver’s. During the ride, Jonghyun begins to feel cold, and his fever gets worse


At the house-

You help him out of the car and get him into bed. You feel his head 1 more time and its worse than last time.

You: “You’re getting hotter!” Surprised

Jonghyun: “________, can you get me more blankets?? I’m freezing!” Shivering underneath the 1 blanket.

You run to get more blankets and a thermometer. Returning to the room, you quickly lay more blankets on Jonghyun and also put the thermometer in his mouth. While waiting for the thermometer, you his hair, worried. After 5 minutes of waiting, you take the thermometer out.

Jonghyun: Turning to you “What does it say?”

You: You turn to him “It says 103°. Jonghyun, you’re really sick.” his hair again as you guys look into each other’s eyes. “I’ll go get a towel…”

Just when you were about to stand up and leave, you feel something tug at your hand.

Jonghyun: “*Cough, Cough* No, *Cough* Stay here… With me.”

You: “Jonghyun, we have to get your fever down! Or else it’ll get worse!” in a serious voice

Jonghyun: “I bet if you stay here with me, I’ll get better?” He pouts at you. You know you have to control his fever or else it will get worse! But you never seen him make that face before, and you just can’t help but give in to his will. You sit back down next to the bed as he smiles, knowing that he had won.

Jonghyun: Lifting up the blankets “You know, I’m really cold right now. Do you think you can warm me up with our body?” (; Smiling

You: “Jonghyun…” shaking your head

Jonghyun: “Pleeease ______. I’m going to freeze to death if you don’t…” He plays his pouting card again, knowing you can’t ignore it. Trying to not give in again, you fail and end up getting underneath the blanket. He smiles a big smile, happy that he got his way again.

He hugs you tight against his body as you wrap your arms around him. You feel his body burning up underneath the touch of your fingertips. The room is silent; The sound of his breath is the only thing you hear. He squeezes you now and then, bringing your body and his closer.

Jonghyun: “_______, I love you.” As he puts his forehead against yours; opening his eyes to meet yours.

You: putting a hand on his cheek and meeting his eyes, “I love you too…” you whisper back. He smiles back at your response and takes a deep breath. “Now get some rest…” your thumb against his cheek.

Jonghyun: “Promise you’ll stay here. You won’t leave my side?” looking at you with sad eyes

You: “I promise, now sleep…” He looks at you for a few more minutes before closing his eyes.

   As he’s sleeping, you look at his face up close. His soft face, sleeping so peacefully, you couldn’t help but smile at it. Laying there in silence again, you rest your head against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. From time to time you feel him hug you harder in his sleep. Your bodies were so close, the only thing stopping your skin touching his was your clothes and his. His fever was slowly going down, and soon enough, you fell asleep holding him.

When the members came back, you both were still sleeping. Not wanting to bother you guys, Minho slept outside on the couch for tonight, letting you guys sleep in each other’s arms for the rest of the night.


The Next Day-

You wake up alone in the bed, trying to remember what happened.

You: “Jonghyun?” You sit up and look around the room yawning, still a little tired. Soon enough Jonghyun pops his head through the door.

Jonghyun: “Morning ________. Did you sleep well?” Coming underneath the blanket with you, wrapping his arms around you as he cradles you in them

You: “Mmmmm, you seem to be better” leaning into him, closing the small gap between you, as he rests his chin on your shoulder

Jonghyun whispers into your ear, “I told you sleeping with me would make me feel better” squeezing you tighter as he kisses you softly on the side of your head.

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3