Fight For Me, (Jonghyun) Pt.2

Jonghyun Stories


Jonghyun- Pt.2

You: “Please…. Come after me…” you thought to yourself, holding yourself up high as you walked away,



Jonghyun: “_______!” He shouts as he watches your back, walking away from him. His hand reaches out for you, hesitating on that first step. He bites his bottom lip, his hand clenching to a fist. He bites hard as he pulls back his hand, his nails digging into his skin. “Tch” his eyes intensely watch you, going farther, farther away…



Your pace slows down once you knew you were out of his sight. You hugged yourself, as you look back in the direction you came from

You: “That’s your answer..…” you whisper. A tear falls as you continue walking home.“After all those years, I thought I meant more to you. I guess I was wrong the whole time” You open your house door. Everything seemed different for some reason.

*Beep, Beep*

You get out your phone, seeing if it was Jonghyun,

Guy Friend: -Hey? What happened?-  You sigh. You were hoping for something different

You: -Sorry, something came up-

Guy Friend: -It’s okay, everything alright?-

You looked the screen, “Am I alright?” No. You weren’t. You just had your heart broken; the only guy that can make you feel happy just walked out of your life, and he wasn’t willing to go after you. How could you be alright?

You: -Yeah, I’m fine(:- Dropping your phone on your bed as you sit at the edge, shutting your eyes tight. You wanted everything to go away; life wasn’t fair.



He left the café, walking silently. He didn’t go home, not wanting to face s. Instead he went to the little playground in the neighborhood. He looked around seeing families spending quality time together. He took a seat at the swing set, rocking back and forth.

You: “Higher!” you giggle, looking over your shoulder to Jonghyun behind you

Jonghyun: “Okay” he laughs, pushing you harder, making you go higher. You touch the clouds, smiling brightly

He stops pushing you and walks to the front where he stood in front of you. You watch him and slow down the swing. Once you completely stop he comes to you, walking slowly

You: “What?” smiling up at him. The corner of his mouth lifts at your question

Jonghyun: “Nothing; Just that I’m so lucky to have you in my life” grinning. You look down and blush to yourself “I love you,” he quietly says as he lifts your chin so that his eyes meet yours

He holds his hands together, his elbows propped on his knees. He holds in his pain from his flashback. The past when everything was perfect, where you were still his. He watches kids play. 2 kids, a girl and boy, were playing hide and seek. The boy covered his eyes, and counted to 10 as the little girl ran away to hide. Before she could find a place to hide, the boy finished counting. As he dropped his hands, his smile grew bigger as he saw the little girl running away. He ran after her, getting closer to her no matter how much she ran further away from him. The little boy caught the girls hand and made her turn to face him

Little boy: “Caught you!” he smiles. The little girl smiles back as the 2 walk back to the playground, holding hands.

Jonghyun: “Maybe this is for the best” he says out loud, getting up. He walks slowly through the park in the direction to home “She could find someone better; someone that can be by her side every day. That someone just isn’t me…”


5 Years Later-


The years went by fast. Everything was okay with you since you were already use to not having him around now. You never found another someone in your life, mainly because you never let anyone else have your heart; Not when you knew it belonged to someone else…


He didn’t have time to be sad, always busy with SHINee. s helped him a lot, getting his mind off of you. Backstage he would be a wreck, on camera; he hid it. He couldn’t be depressed; he had to it in. But that didn’t mean he forgot everything about you…



You went to your café, out of habit. You haven’t gone much but for some reason, you just went. You ordered the same coffee you always do and sat in the same booth, next to the window. You looked outside, watching the people passing by as they head to work

Jonghyun went out for a walk, some fresh air. His legs dragged him to the café. He looked at the sign, remembering you. He takes a big breath and walks inside. The store was busy, people going in and out. His hands in his pockets, he looked around, walking in deeper. Something catches his eye, the shine from the sun being reflected off by a spoon. He turns his head to your usual booth and his eyes grow big.

Jonghyun: “_______….” he exhales underneath his breath. He walks to you, it’s been so long. “______…” he says louder, reaching your table

You look up from your coffee and see him shocked just as you are with the sight of him

You: “J-Jonghyun” your voice stutters “I-I have to go” getting up quickly, leaving your coffee. You brush your hair behind 1 ear as you rush out of the café

Jonghyun: “Wait!” running after you. His hand catches your wrist. You stop instantly outside of the café, and turn to him

You: “What” you flatly say to him

Jonghyun: “I missed you…”

You: “I missed you? That’s all?” you try to pull your arm from him but his grip was to strong

Jonghyun: “I love you, I still love you, I never stopped” he says, just looking into your eyes. He couldn’t believe that you were standing in front of him after all these years “You never changed” he quietly says underneath his breath

You: “Yeah well, there wasn’t much to change.”

Jonghyun: “_______, I made a mistake. A huge one.” He pleads

You: Stopping from pulling away and listening now “Which was?”

Jonghyun: “Not going after you when I had the chance. I should have stopped you, I should of, I should of” thinking of something to say

You: “Should have what Jonghyun” your eyes were getting watery, not wanting to remember 5 years ago

Jonghyun: “I should have fought for you”

You: Swallowing, “Yeah well you’re too late. I wasted so many nights crying, wanting you to come after me. But you didn’t”

Jonghyun: “You wanted me to come after you?” looking up at you confused

You: “Yeah, I did. That was all I ever wanted….” Tears falling, “But you made your decision 5 years ago by not coming after me” you pull your hand away, and start walking away. You wipe the tears away as you walk home

Jonghyun: “________!” he confidently says this time, sprinting to you. He breathes hard as he runs for you. He grabs your hand, turning your around. You look at him surprised. Before you could say anything his lips occupy yours, kissing you deeply. You fought him, trying to push him away but that only made him push his lips harder against yours. Soon you fell for him, getting into the kiss yourself. This is all you wanted, the one thing that no other guy could replace.

He pulls apart and holds your face in his hands as his thumbs wipe away the tears that were falling

Jonghyun: “I’ll never make the same mistake of not running after you. I love you, and no matter what happens, my feelings for you will never change.” He pulls you into a hug as you hold him tighter. You bury your head in his shoulder, crying. “I missed you _____” whispering in your ear as he your hair. You hold him tight in your arms.

You: “I missed you too” you muffle. You take a deep breath, remembering his warmth, his voice, his smell, everything about him

Jonghyun: “Sorry I’m 5 years late…” hugging you tighter, closing his eyes as he buries his face in your hair

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3