Fights (Jonghyun) Pt.2

Jonghyun Stories



After the fight, you finally got ahold of yourself and went to take a shower. Once you were done, you got out and changed then went straight to bed; forgetting about dinner. The next morning when you woke up, you laid in bed, just leaving yourself to your thoughts.



He went straight home and when Taemin tried to talk to him; he ignored him and everyone there, heading straight to the room. They all could tell that he was mad so they left him alone to cool off, not daring to ask what had happened. When morning came they expected him to be his happy self again but it seemed he was still a little mad. They didn’t bother him until they reached the place they were shooting some scenes for the MV

Directior: “Okay so we’re going to shoot in this order: Taemin, Onew, Key, Minho and then the kiss scene with Jonghyun. Got it?” Explaining to the 5 how today was going to work. They all nod their heads.

The director smiles and goes to help set up the camera for the first shot, letting SHINee talk about the video

Taemin: “Hyung?” facing Jonghyun “Are you really going to do that kiss scene?”

Jonghyun: Looking at Taemin “Yeah, why?”

Taemin: “Oh nothing, it’s just that doesn’t ______ feel uncomfortable about it?” kind of scratching his head, thinking what you must have thought when you first heard about the kiss

Jonghyun: “Aish, Not you too. It’s just a simple kiss okay!?” his voice a little loud.

Taemin: Shocked by the sudden out burst from Jonghyun “Okay, okay!” Holding his hands in front of him “Geez, is it bad to just ask?” mumbling. The director calls out for Taemin to come and do his scene. “COMING!” He shouts back, leaving his hyungs

Onew: “Jonghyun, you didn’t have to yell at him. He was just asking…” kind of feeling sorry for Taemin

Jonghyun: “Yeah I guess” thinking back now, he feels kind of guilty for shouting at Taemin like that “It’s just this was the first time I got so mad at _______! It really irritates me!”

Minho: “Well, what were you guys fighting about?” asking the question they dared not to ask

Jonghyun: “She said that I don’t take things seriously. But she took things a little too seriously!”

Key: “Wait, wait” holding his hand out like a motion for pause, listening carefully to what Jonghyun was saying “What was she taking too seriously?”

Jonghyun: “The kiss scene” scoffing, he squats down

Key: “Yah! Did you ever think she might feel insecure about it! That’s why she took it as something serious! You really don’t know that she might have felt like you could be taken away from her after you kiss some other girl!?” towering over Jonghyun now, shouting the facts at him

Jonghyun looks at Key, just motionless. Everything he just said was just like a huge slap in the face. He never really did try to look at the situation in your point of view.

Jonghyun: “Yeah but she should know that this kiss wouldn’t mean anything?” trying to save him self

Key: “Did you tell her that?”

Jonghyun: Thinking though the fight you guys had “No….” He whispered. He knew he had messed things up badly and all he could think of is how he could make it up to you “Ugh, What have I done! I have to make it up to her but we have the MV shooting!”

Onew: “Go! You’re the last one shooting so we’ll buy you some time so that you can just do your scene tomorrow” Pulling Jonghyun up from the ground. Onew, Key, and Minho planned on doing a lot of NG’s so that they end up wasting time and have to continue shooting tomorrow

Jonghyun thanks all of them and starts taking the car to their dorm first. By the time he knew what he was going to do it was already 9pm and it already started snowing. He grabs what he needs and runs to your to your house, forgetting the he could have taken the car



You were reading in bed, everything silent and still. You were trying to distract yourself by reading but every book you picked up was about romance and love and kissing and all that lovey-dovey stuff that you were trying to get away from. You finally ended up reading a boring book about a boring topic that you didn’t even care about. You were about to get to page 33 when you started to hear guitar chords being played in the distance. You thought it was probably you neighbors until you started to hear his voice singing your song.

You climbed to the edge of the bed, getting out and went to your nearest window where you opened it and peered outside, trying to find where the sound was coming from. There he stood in the icy cold snow singing to you. You stand there watching him and listening to him sing; in just total awe for what he did. You could tell that he was really cold since you could see his breath coming out of his mouth but he tried not to show the coldness. Towards the end you grabbed your jacket and went outside to join him, walking slowly to him as he finished the rest of the song.

When he finished you just ran to him, wrapping your hands around his cold body as he does the same

You: “Jonghyun, that was so beautiful”

Jonghyun: “______, I am so sorry for what I said to you yesterday. It was out of line and I shouldn’t have said it in the first place. I love you, and I never want to fight with you again” kiss your forehead, your cheek, and lastly your lips

You: Smiling as his cold lips parted from yours “Apology accepted.”

You bring him inside to warm him up and end up cuddling together underneath your blanket, holding each other close. You laid on his chest while he played with your hair a little, kissing you from time to time

You: “I guess I over reacted too, yesterday. I can be a little too serious sometimes” You say, feeling guilty now. He stopped playing with your hair with his finger

Jonghyun: “No ______, you weren’t over reacting! You had ever right. And you’re not too serious, I just said that out of anger” kissing you on top of your head

You: Sighing “I still think I over reacted. Maybe it’ll be okay for you to do the kiss scene”

Jonghyun: “Really?” making sure it was really okay with you “Are you sure? If you don’t want me to do it, I can always tell the director no tomorrow”

You: “No, you can do it. I don’t want to cause problems for everyone”

Jonghyun: “______, you’re the best” bring you up to him, kissing you softly on the lips

You: “Just make sure you don’t fall in love with her” pouting a little

Jonghyun: laughing at how you were acting “I won’t. You’re the only one for me” kissing you again “How about you come to the shoot tomorrow to watch, this way you’ll feel alright with it?” suggesting to you as you think about it

You: “Okay” thinking it would be better if you were there


The next day you walked on set, holding hands with Jonghyun, following behind the SHINee members. You ended up meeting the girl Jonghyun was going to kiss and got to know her better

Girl: “You must be Jonghyun’s girlfriend!” coming to shake your hand

You: “Yeah, I’m ______” shaking her hand

Girl: “I’m *a name*! Haha don’t worry I don’t plan on stealing Jonghyun from you, I have a boyfriend too” assuring you so that you don’t need to look at her as a threat

You guys ended up being friends in the little amount of time you go to know each other! As it was time to watch the kiss scene, you stood behind the camera watching it closely with your hands crossed. The kiss was over in a few seconds and they didn’t have to do a retake since it was already perfect with that 1 shot.

After he finished the kiss he thanked the girl and ran to you, picking you up in his arms to kiss you on your lips, passionately.

Jonghyun: Pulling away to take a breath “I told you it was just a simple kiss. You’re the only one I really love” pushing his lips to your again. You wrap your hands around his neck, grabbing a little of his hair from the back as he deepens the kiss, reassuring you that you’re his true love and that he can only kiss you like that

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3