Fights (Jonghyun) Pt.1

Jonghyun Stories


You: “Stop Jonghyun!” you whispered quietly

He was holding your hand tightly on the table but was playing footsies with you underneath. You were sitting in on a SHINee meeting for the next MV their going to be working on and was trying to be serious like the other members but Jonghyun’s feet kept distracting you

He smirks at you, and gives you a small kiss on the cheek; Not even caring that you guys were in front of s. All of them were already used to how Jonghyun acts so they weren’t bothered by you guys playing with each other

Manager: “Okay, so this is                                                                                          

how it’s going to work,” ignoring what you guys were doing “The video is going to be about a first love. So everyone is going to have a special paring in the video, and do a certain scene about their love. Is that okay?” Looking around for any comments

All of them seemed to think it was a good idea so there was no protest

Manager: “Also, because this is about love; We decided to have a kiss scene during the video. And since this person is known for skin ship, Jonghyun is going to be doing it. Is that alright with you?” focusing his attention to Jonghyun now

You sit there, “Kiss? KISS?” thinking in your head. You also turn your attention to Jonghyun, seeing what he has to say “Say no, say no, SAY NO!” biting your lip a little, your eyes widening

Jonghyun: “Mmm,” tapping his fingers on the table “Yeah it’s okay with me” nodding his head a little

Manager: “Okay then! It’s settled; Shooting starts tomorrow. You guys can go now” closing his binder and opening the door to leave

The other members start to stand up and stretch after sitting down for so long. You sit there, shocked that Jonghyun was alright with kissing another girl. You sit there motionless

Jonghyun: “______? You okay?” waving his hand in front of you “We’re going now. Come on” holding his hand out for yours. You take his hand and follow him out the building, not saying one word, just keeping your head down, trying to think about what just happened. You sit in the car quietly as you guys drive to your house to hand out.

You unlock the door and the both of you head inside, with him crashing on the couch to see what’s on TV. You drop your jacket and bag into your before joining him on the couch again; still not saying anything.

Jonghyun: Finally noticing the long silence from you “Babe? Are you okay? You never talked ever since we got back?” nudging your shoulder “Is anything bothering you?” looking you in the eyes directly, with a pouting face

You: “It’s nothing…” Not really wanting to cause a fuss, hesitation in your voice

Jonghyun: Taking your hands in his “______, I told you if anything is bothering you then tell me. I don’t like it when you’re keeping things to yourself” kissing your hands

You: “Okay.” He looks at you, ready to listen while you take a breath “Well it’s just that I don’t want you to do the kissing scene….”

Jonghyun: Really astonished “______..... are you, jealous?”

You: “NO!” thinking about it in your head “Okay… maybe a little” biting your bottom lip again

Jonghyun: “Haha, ______, You’re not the jealous type!” laughing a little. This is the first time you actually told him you were jealous of something

You: “I know… But still; I just don’t think you should do it” Shrugging your shoulders a little

Jonghyun: Not leaning against the chair anymore but sitting straight up in the couch “_______, it’s just a little kiss! Come on! There’s nothing to worry about”

You: “It is something I should worry about worry about! You’re going to kiss another girl!? Slumping into the chair, pouting “and she’s not me…” mumbling. Your biggest worry with Jonghyun being so famous is the girls he meets. Sometimes you see him hanging with other girl idols and they look so perfect compared to you and not to mention their idols just like him!

Jonghyun: “_______, you’re over reacting” laughing, not really in a serious tone. He doesn’t really see how this could be a problem for you

You: “Jonghyun this is serious!” You kind of shout, getting off the couch and standing up now

Jonghyun: Looking up at you “It’s not! It’s only a simple kiss?? Nothing serious! I don’t see any reason why you’re getting so worked up for” changing the channel on the TV

You: “Why don’t you take this as a serious thing?? Why don’t you take ANYTHING as a serious thing?! Oh yeah, because you never take stuff seriously anymore!” crossing your hands over your chest

Jonghyun: Throwing the remote on the couch and standing up to face you “Who says I don’t take things seriously? If anyone has a problem with being serious it’s you! You’re too serious all the time!” Waving his hands in the air, his anger kind of boiling from all the yelling you 2 were doing. You look at his mad face, you can hear him breathing heavily, see his shoulders moving, his last comment felt like a stab in the back

You rub the sides of your forehead, getting a major headache. Not even bothering to argue back, you walk to the hallway, leaning against the wall where he can’t see you. After all the yelling today, you just couldn’t handle it. Breaking down into tears, you sob quietly in the hall, sliding your back down the wall till you’re sitting down on the floor with your back against the wall.

Jonghyun: “Geez ______, you’re so moody today” scratching his back, saying the words under his breath but it was loud enough for you to hear over your soft crying. “I’m leaving” grabbing his jacket from the couch and heading to the door

The last thing you hear is the door slamming shut, as you hold your knees tight to you, trying to stop crying but couldn’t.

“That was the first time he you saw him so mad before….” Thinking in your head as the whole house goes silent and only your sobs could be heard.

(Pt.2 in Next Chapter)

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3