Fight For Me, (Jonghyun) Pt.1

Jonghyun Stories




Jonghyun: “______’s going to love these” smiling as he holds a box of chocolates in his hands.

It’s been exactly 6 months, and 5 days since you and Jonghyun last saw each other. He was so busy with work and fans that he began talking to you less and less. It turned to meeting up with him, to phone calls, to text messages, to nothing at all. He was slowly losing contact with you and no matter how many times he tried to get a hold of you , it wouldn’t happen. But he always thought of you, always looking at your photo in his phone. He couldn’t help but think though, that maybe he wasn’t good enough for you. There were so many guys that you could have gone out with, that could be by your side all the time…

Jonghyun was on his way to your favorite café, knowing that you always hanged out there on a Sunday afternoon.


You soon went on with your life, the thoughts of Jonghyun slowly fading from your mind. But there was always a small pain in your heart whenever you heard his name, his voice, or just when he crosses your mind. Your friends kept you busy, introducing you to some of their friends; guys and girls. Later you all became friends, keeping in touch, talking together a lot.

You sat inside the café drinking coffee like always; but this time with a guy friend you had. Your friend had introduced him to you and it turned out you both had a lot in common. You guys were laughing, telling stories, and just talking about topics that you were both into. Every time you hanged out together, you couldn’t help but smile, and just feel free.

Jonghyun opened the door of the café, walking inside. The café was filled with the sweet aroma of coffee beans being grinded and cookies coming out of the oven. His face was with a big smile as he looked around the café for you. It only took him a few seconds to see your smiling face in one of the booths. You were laughing, which made him smile more.

He walked closer to you, seeing you laugh more and more; just like you were enjoying yourself

Jonghyun: “_______!” he says as he comes in hearing distance to you

You stop laughing and look up to see Jonghyun walking towards you

You: “Jonghyun…” surprised to see him

Jonghyun: “Hey, I missed you” he finally comes to the table and sees your guy friend sitting across from you. He looks at him confused “Who’s he?” pointing to your friend

Friend: “Hey” giving a nice hi to Jonghyun who looks at you for answers

You: “Uh, Um, Jonghyun… This is my friend *Guy’s name*. *Guy’s Name* this is Jonghyun” awkwardly introducing each other

Jonghyun: “_______, what are you doing here with him?” not liking this situation 1 bit

You: “Jonghyun, what are you talking about? This is my friend” giving him a look for being a little rude

Jonghyun: “Are you guys more than friends? Because it looks like it; with the way you were smiling just a few minutes ago” You look at Jonghyun a little angry. Your friend doesn’t say anything, just keeping quiet in the weird atmosphere that Jonghyun just set.

You: “Can I talk to you for a minute” Getting up and taking Jonghyun by the wrist “We’ll be right back” giving a nice smile to your friend

You drag him outside the café before letting go of his wrist

Jonghyun: “What was that?” his voice irritated

You: “What was what?” not knowing what he’s talking about

Jonghyun: “That! That ‘We’ll be right back’ what was that!” mocking your voice

You: Frustrated with Jonghyun now “Well what about you?? How could you embarrass me back there!” remembering his rude remark

Jonghyun: “Embarrass you? Now you’re worried about being embarrassed in front of him? Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t know you cared so much about his opinion!” his voice being sarcastic

You: “Jonghyun stop it!” He was being mean, and you just couldn’t take it. “What’s wrong with you?! Do you hear yourself? Your being a jerk right now!”

Jonghyun: “A jerk? A jerk!? Excuse me? But at least I’m not hanging out with another girl like you are with me!”

You: “He’s just a friend! Why can’t you understand that!” shouting now

Jonghyun: “Yeah, right. You expect me to believe that?” scoffing

You: “You changed! You’re not the same Jonghyun I knew! I don’t know who you are now!”

Jonghyun:  He looks at you, angry, mad, at what you said “Then maybe we should just break up!” he shouts out of frustration

You: Taking in a big breath. You look at his words, not believing what he said “Maybe your right…” you whisper, choking on words

Jonghyun: Thinking about what he just said, and starting to regret it “Wait ____…” shaking his head

You: “No, you’re right. We should break up” swallowing. Your mouth was dry, but what he said was out of line and you knew that enough was enough

Jonghyun: “ ______, I didn’t mean that” slipping on his words.

You: “This relationship was dead a long time ago…” you couldn’t believe what you were saying. Every word coming out was a stab in the heart to yourself. You didn’t want to believe it either, you wanted to rewind everything, but for some reason you aren’t able to stop yourself from saying these sentences.

Jonghyun: “Don’t say that… You know I love you… I always will” looking at you with sad eyes. His voice went from shouting at you to whispers. You could see his eyes becoming watery,

You: “Yeah well, you should’ve thought about that before you didn’t believe me…” In your mind, your heart was yelling at your brain, asking you ‘What are you doing?? You’re making a huge mistake! Stop!’  You took a deep breath “Good bye Jonghyun…” turning your back. In the back of your head, you wanted him to come after you, you wanted him to run up to you, take you in his arms and just kiss you. You wanted him to fight for you…

Jonghyun: “_______!” shouting as he watches you walk home, hesitating on that first step towards you

You: “Please… come after me…” 

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3