
Jonghyun Stories



You: “You called?” calling Jonghyun back after you missed his call that was an hour ago

Jonghyun: “Oh yeah, could you meet me tonight? The usual? I need to get some things off my mind….” he softly replied in the phone. Your eyebrows wrinkle in worry but you simply respond yes before hanging up.


Today was 11/11/11. But somehow, it had slipped your mind since you’ve been busy with your life. The only thing you could think of now was Jonghyun, and how depressed he sounded on the phone. Jonghyun was your best friend, so of course it would worry you. He has always been there for you, so now it was your turn.

You went along with your work and before you knew it, it was dark. You looked out the window seeing the sky filled with stars instead of clouds.

You: “Oh!” you exclaimed, looking at the time on your watch. It was already 10:30 at night and you had almost forgotten about Jonghyun due to your work.

You ran to your closet and grabbed a jacket, running out the doors as you struggled to put it on. You ran to the usual, a grassy hill in town that looked over the city’s lights. By the time you were at the bottom of the hill, your hands were on your knees, trying to catch your breath. You could barely see a dark shape on top of the hill, leaning against the tree that was now all branches and now leaves.

Calming your breathing, you walked slowly up the hill, not making a sound. Your arms hugged you from the cold wind that was blowing at you.

You: “Jonghyun?” you quietly said aloud. The figure turned around and there he was, smiling at your arrival.

Jonghyun: “What took you so long?” he smirked. He stood up and walked towards you as you met him halfway. His hands where in his pockets, cold from the wind.

You: “Sorry, I got caught up in things…. Did you wait long?” worried about him

Jonghyun only smiled, which seemed so bright in the blackness. The only light you had was the moon and the light glow from the city below you.

Jonghyun: “No, you came just in time…” You looked at him with confusion in your eyes

You: “I thought you wanted to get something off your mind?” You asked

Jonghyun: “I did… And I’ve been holding it in since the day I met you…” You had no idea what he was talking about, and the only thing you could do was stand there and listen to what he had to say, “I met you 11 years ago on this very day…. and the years after that were the best I’ve ever had. You started to grow closer to me, sharing your feelings, your pain…. I’ve watched you go out with different boys, each breaking your heart in the end. You always smiled at me the day after telling me you were alright. But I knew you weren’t. Through those 11 years, I held a secret from you. I know we promised to not keep secrets between each other but I had to keep this one….” Jonghyun took a deep breath, now looking at his hands that were fumbling with each other than your eyes. “I love you.” he whispered.

Your eyes opened wide at his words, as a small tear formed and slide down your cheek. Jonghyun looked up at you now, taking a step closer to you and holding your hand in his. His hands were ice cold to your touch; he’s been outside in the cold for so long…

Jonghyun: “_______, will you please…. love me too?”

You: Speechless, “Y-Yes” choking the word out. It felt like you lost your voice at the moment but soon found it.

Jonghyun pulled you into a hug, bracing your in his warm body in the cold air. His warmth felt so soothing to you, like it was nothing you ever felt before. This was no longer the person who was a childhood friend. But now the person you would love forever.

Jonghyun: “Yes!” he said to him self as a self accomplishment

You: Pulling away from the hug to look at him “What do you mean?”

He opened his phone and showed you the screen. 11/11/11 11:11pm

You: “D-Did you plan that?”

Jonghyun: “I wanted to be with you forever” he smiled as he gently lifted your chin and kissed you lightly on the lips, “I love you ______. And now your finally mine!”

You: “I love you too, Jonghyun…”

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3