Sweet Coffee

Jonghyun Stories



It was winter break, and you decided to get a part time job to earn some extra cash. They had an opening in a nearby café so you thought you should go for it! The best part was; The café was only a few blocks from your home and only a couple more blocks away from the studio where Jonghyun is at. After only 1 day of applying, you got the job in less than 3 days.

You worked there for 3 days already, getting a hang of it really quick! You were especially good at making those cute little drawings in the coffee, your hand steady and creative.

Manager: “________, clean up and lock up for me will you?” putting on his jacket. You look up from wiping the tables

You: “I thought newbie’s weren’t supposed to lock up?” This was the first time you would be asked to lock up the store, shocked

Manager: “Well you seem to know what you’re doing. So I’ll leave you to it. Bye!” throwing you the keys as you catches it in midair with both hands

You watch your manager leave through the door and head into the snow. You look in your hands where the keys were. Taking in a big sigh, you place the key in your apron pocket, continuing wiping the tables.

You never really watched the time but when you looked at your wrist watch it was already 8:30pm; and looking out the café windows, it was already really dark; the street lights all on.

*Ring, Ring*

You: “Annyong?” picking up your phone immediately forgetting to look at the caller “Who’s this?”

Jonghyun: “Yah! You forgot me already??” He smiles into the phone as he walks out of the studio, looking up at the sky as the snow falls softly down to the ground

This was the first time you talked to Jonghyun today; with your new job and him being at the studio, you haven’t really found the time to talk to each other

You: “Yes, I already forgot the amazing Jonghyun already” sarcasm in your voice. You could feel him frowning in the phone, laughing “I’m only joking! I would never forget you! You’re too special to me” complimenting him

Jonghyun: Laughing with you “I better be! Haha so how’s my ______ today?” starting to walk down the steps of the studio, placing one of his hands in his jacket pockets. Tonight was a really cold day since there weren’t a lot of people out at this time, probably all in their homes, toasty warm. He walks to the sidewalk, seeing which direction he should go

You: “I’m okay. I’m in the café right now, closing up. I just really miss you….” you blush a little in the phone as you move on to the next table, flipping all the chairs on the other one

Jonghyun: “Oh really?” 1 of his eyebrows lifting up. He starts walking to the café you work in, kind of in a fast walk pace. “What exactly do you miss about me?” He smirks, trying to get to you faster without letting you know

You: Laughing at how he always likes to hear good things about himself “Well I miss your voice whispering in my ear” the tips of your ears going hot as you say this

Jonghyun: Finally arriving at the café, looking inside without getting seen by you “What else?” he opens the doors, watching you wipe the tables. His smirk grows bigger as he quietly walks closer to you

You: Standing up straight now, putting your left hand on your hip while the other holds the phone “Hm… I guess what I really miss is your warm hugs… It’s so cold here, I could really use one right now” you joke in the phone, only to be breathless as your hugged from the back

Jonghyun: “Like this?” whispering deep in your ear. He kisses the side of your head, holding his head close to yours as he tightens his hands around your chest. Bringing you closer to his chest, he softly gives your shoulder small kisses. You feel his warmth, his hot breath on your neck, all just making you melt.

You: Taking his hands in yours, turning around to face him, taking a step back “When did you get here?” smiling up at him

Jonghyun: The corner of his mouth smiling as he looks down at you. He twines his fingers in between yours, using this movement to pull you closer, “You told me you missed me… So here I am” touching your forehead with yours

His face was close to yours, his nose lightly brushing against yours. You look into his eyes, then at his lips as he comes closer. His lips meet yours, making you lean back a little. His right hand lets go of yours, coming to your cheek as he pulls your face closer to his, deepening the kiss.

He leaves you breathing heavily as he pulls away from the kiss, breathing fine. He laughs at your deep red blush after the kiss as you try to hide it

Jonghyun: “You’re so cute ______” ruffling the top of your hair a little, walking towards the counter

You: “Am not!” crossing your hands across your chest

He looks at your reaction and laughs. After awhile of watching him laugh, you begin to laugh with him too, coming closer to him to hug his chest

You: “Do you want any coffee?” asking as you lay your head against his chest

Jonghyun: “Sure” smiling

You unwrap your hands from him and walk behind the counter, making his coffee just the way he likes it. He stands on the other side, watching you as your hands quickly make the 2 coffee. You concentrate as you draw a simple heart on top of his. Once you were done, you hand his over the counter, grabbing yours and joining him on the other side, sitting on the stool next to him

Jonghyun: “Wow, how did you do that?” pointing to the heart

You: “Just something I learned from a coworker here” The both of you take a sip at the same time. It was already dark and cold; having coffee together in a quiet room just seemed so peaceful to you

You place your cup down, the same time at him. You look at Jonghyun, seeing that he had a little cream on his lips

You: “Um Jonghyun you have a little” motioning a hand over your lips

Jonghyun: “Huh?”

You: “You have a little cream here” pointing over your top lip “Here I’ll get it” grabbing a napkin and getting off your seat. You take a step to his chair, him seeming tall to you since he was on a chair. Just when your hand was coming close to wipe the cream, he grabs it by the wrist, stopping it

Jonghyun: “I have a better idea” He takes your chin, pulling you to him so that your lips meet. He kisses your bottom lip, while you kiss his top. The kiss tasted just like the coffee you both drank, seeming a little sweeter for you as you end up getting the cream off his lip. “Now that, was really sweet” looking down at you

You: Looking up at him, your chin still in his hands “I agree” chuckling a little as he pulls you in for a hug. You hug his stomach as his hands wrap around your head and his legs wrap around your waist a little, trapping you in his hold

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3