Surprise Birthday Treasure (Jonghyun)

Jonghyun Stories



*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep* Slapping the turn off button on your alarm, you wake up at 7am. The sunlight brightens up your room through the curtains. Tired, you sit up on your bed and stretch, yawning in the process. You look around your quiet bedroom, “Todays the day…” Climbing out of bed, you make your way to the kitchen.

 As you walk to the fridge, something catches your attention; A white rose, laying on the table. Changing direction, you walk towards the table, and as you get closer, you see Pancakes, in the shape of hearts. There was a glass of orange juice, maple syrup, some blueberries on the side, and a little note card. Smiling to yourself, you pull out the chair and sit. Knowing who it’s from, you couldn’t help but feel so happy! “He remembered!”

Grabbing a fork, and taking a bite out of the pancakes, you pick up the card to see what it says:

Roses are red, Violets are blue

I have something, for you to do

Finish your breakfast, then start to get dressed

                                                                  Then you’ll begin, your very first quest        

The treasure you seek, is very clear you see

All you have to do is come and find me


Excited, you quickly clean up and start heading to your room. You take a shower, and everything and get dressed. Passing the mirror, you notice a another note card taped.

Ready or not, here’s your first clue

Next you have to find, Not what, but who?

I talked to him a lot, before we debut

Now run and go find him, he’s right at the zoo


Pumped up, you grab your bag and take the cards with you. Locking the door, you grab a taxi and head to the zoo. Arriving, you look around but see nothing but little kids and their parents. So you decided to go inside, and look for your clue. “Where could he be?” thinking to yourself as you walked through the whole zoo and found nothing

Taemin: “________!” Shouting to you as he walked towards you with something behind he’s back.

You: “Taemin!” You hug him, not seeing him in a while because of his busy schedule

Taemin: “Happy birthday ______!” He takes out a teddy bear from behind his back and gives it to you “Here’s your next clue. Well Good luck!” He walks away, and soon disappears in the crowd. Sure enough though, the teddy bear held a little note card.

You’re eyes sparkle, whenever I see you

That’s why I’m so happy, to call you my boo

The next one up, well he really has game

Now go to the studio, and look for a flame


Putting the note in your bag, you continue the hunt and head to the SM building. This time, it was more easier to find him since he really stood out. You tapped Minho on the back and he turned around

Minho: “Oh _______! Happy Birthday!” He hugs you lightly before handing you a card

You: “Thank you Minho!”

Minho: “No problem, anything for him” he waves good bye to you and goes into the building

The hunt was getting more and more fun. His rhymes were sweet, and it was fun to solve the riddles. Opening the card with excitement, you read

Wow, your so close, but not quite there

This person right here, has a lot of flair

You’ll find him, where I got the rose

You better hurry up, before they close


You start walking towards the closest flower shop, and go inside. The place smelled like spring, with all the different flowers around; it’s was like a little rainbow, just for the ground. You walked around, smelling the different flowers until you accidently bumped into someone

You: “Oops, Sorry” you turn around to see who it was

Key: “_______! You figured it out! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” He jumps up and down, hugging you. “Here, he told me to give these to you” He hands you a dozen *Your favorite flower* “Your almost finished, so have fun!” he pats your head and starts to leave the shop.

You: “Bye Key! & Thank you!” You yell after him. You grab the card on the flowers

You’re so close, just a little bit more

Now go to my house and just knock on the door

He’s waiting inside, looking for you

To give you your last, and final clue…


With your Teddy bear tucked safely in your bag, and the 12 flowers in your hand, you run to his house, which was only a few blocks from the shop. You reach his house, out of breath, and knock the door.

Onew: “Annyong!”

You: “Hey Onew, do you have my last clue?”

Onew: “Actually, I do” he runs inside and comes back with a piece of paper In his hand “Here you go”

You: “Thank you” taking it from his hand

Onew: “Happy birthday ______, bye”

You: “Bye” he closes the door and you sit down on the steps before reading the note

When I first saw you, I already knew

That you were meant for me, and I was meant for you

This whole thing started, with an umbrella colored blue

Now look at us, and see how our love grew

Let’s press rewind, and head back to the start

Come and find me, where you took my heart


You reread the poem so many times in your head, just falling in love. Coming back to reality, you get up and head to the café where you met him.

Walking in, the lights were dimmed. You walked in deeper, and found him sitting at a piano, smiling at you. The piano was pure white, with a birthday cake and lit candles resting on top. On the verge of tears, he takes your hand and seats you right next to him.

Jonghyun: Whispering to you “This is for you” he starts slowly playing the piano, his fingers just sweeping through the keys as he plays “Kiss the rain by Yiruma”

You just can’t hold it, and end up crying happy tears. He doesn’t stop playing, and smiles at you as you try to wipe away the tears. When he finishes playing, he lifts your chin, and wipes away the remaining tears before kissing you

Jonghyun: “Happy birthday… I love you”

You: Speechless “I love you too”  

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Chapter 17: Oh my god I was listening to colors of the wind when I read this and this made me cry. This was great.
SooYeeon #2
Chapter 17: This made me cry! Love it!
*sobbing* They are soo sweeeeeeet <3<3<3
They are soo sweet i like them :)
Am not a new reader i read it last year and its aswem keep it up..
iluvwhf #5
Hi i'm new to this. But i just want to say these are the BEST stories i've ever heard i love these sotries!
alyaanazeri #6
Hello! I'm the new subscriber. I just LOVE you stories. One of the chapter made me cry.. Really hard. I really hope that you would update soon! Thank you for making such a pure sweet and romantic fics! :D
Iheartlife #7
AW! I miss this! update sooner :D
faithfullyxo #8
chapter 9 and 10 made me literally cry out oceans of tears :'''''( SO SAD :'(((((
This is so so so cute. <3