Chapter Fifteen


        Jiyong and Youngbae drove to where Seunghyun wanted to meet. It was an area outside of the city, right by a lake.  


        Youngbae pulled up to where Seunghyun's car was and parked. He looked at Jiyong. "Try not to be rash." He warned. 


        Jiyong nodded. "I'll try, but if Seunghyun hyung really did take her then I can't promise you anything." 


        Youngbae sighed and turned off the car. "Let's go." He said. 


        The two got out of the car and slowly walked over to Seunghyun's vehicle. Neither one of them were expecting to see Seunghyun in the state he was in.  




        Seunghyun was leaning against the steering wheel. He looked like he had been in a fight. Blood was coming from a cut on his forehead, as well as a cut across his nose. His knuckles were bruised and he was breathing heavily. 


        "Hey." He weakly smiled, noticing them outside the broken window. 


        "Hyung, what happened to you?" Jiyong asked, stepping forward and opening the car door. 


        Youngbae helped Seunghyun out and situated him on the ground. 


        "Thanks." Seunghyun groaned, clutching at his side. 


        "Are you going to tell us what happened?" Youngbae asked. 


        Seunghyun sighed. "You two are going to hate me." He looked down at the ground. 


        Jiyong and Youngbae shared a look.  


        "I... I know where Bom is. I told you that on the phone, Youngbae. I... I went to get her, but he won't let her go." Seunghyun frowned. 


        "Who won't let her go?" Jiyong asked. He was still hoping that Seunghyun hadn't kidnapped Chaerin and that the person who had Bom had her as well. 


        Seunghyun looked away. "I... I have been working for him. I have been doing all his dirty work. He promised me that he would let Bom go after I completed the last task. To think I thought giving him her would be the last task. Oh no, he wants me to do something else." He scoffed. 


        "Hyung, what did you do?" Youngbae asked. His hand rested on the gun at his hip. 


        Seunghyun looked both of them straight in the eye. "I'm sorry, but I have to follow his order."  


        It happened all too fast. As much as they thought Seunghyun was injured, he seemed to have a burst of energy in him. Seunghyun was on his feet tackling Youngbae to the ground and trying to wrestle the gun at his hip away.  


        Youngbae fought back as best as he could from the surprise attack. Jiyong had joined in, trying to pull Seunghyun off. An elbow to the ribs sent Jiyong stumbling back and Seunghyun was standing up, the gun in his hands. 


        "Hyung! What the hell!" He gasped, clutching at his side. He knew he would have a bruise from that. 


        Youngbae got up off the ground, wincing a bit. "What's your problem, hyung?" 


        Seunghyun had the gun aimed on them. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. His last task is for me to kill Jiyong." 


        Jiyong's eyes widened. 


        "What? Jiyong is your friend. Who would want you to kill him?" Youngbae asked. 


        Seunghyun sighed. "I guess I can tell you. Seungri wants Jiyong dead." 


        "What?" Jiyong asked. "That doesn't make sense. Why would Seungri want me dead?" 


        "You really don't know, Ji. You really don't get it. Seungri wants you dead, so he can have Chaerin all to himself." Seunghyun smirked. 


        "So.... then... what Eunji said is true. You kidnapped Chaerin." Jiyong glared, fists forming. He took a step forward and Youngbae held a hand out, stopping him. 


        "Yes I did, but you have to understand Jiyong that I didn't want to. I did it because I need to save Bom. Seungri is keeping her hostage until I kill you. Once your dead, he will let her go."  


        "So, you're really going to kill me then?"  


        Seunghyun nodded, aiming the gun straight at Jiyong. 


        He really should have been prepared for what happened next. With his full focus on Jiyong, this gave Youngbae a chance to tackle Seunghyun to the ground. The gun went off, the bullet landed a few feet to the left of Jiyong, who breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly ran forward to help Youngbae, but stopped when he realized his friend already had it.  


        Youngbae had his gun back in his hands and was pointing it at the kneeling Seunghyun.  


        "Bae." Jiyong murmured. 


        Youngbae looked at him out of the corner of his eye. "I got this. I'm going to call for backup." He said. 


        Jiyong nodded and looked at Seunghyun. "Where is she being held, hyung?" He asked. 


        Seunghyun, who had now accepted his defeat, looked at Jiyong. "In an old house not to far from here. The door is painted blue and the mailbox is falling apart. There's a tire swing hanging from the tree in the front yard. You'll know you got the right house when you see that." He said. 


        Jiyong nodded and looked at Youngbae. "Go a head and take my car, Ji. There's an extra gun in the glove compartment. It's loaded. You're going to need it. Go and save Chaerin." He threw the car keys to Jiyong, who caught them. 


        "Thanks, Bae." Jiyong ran back to Youngbae's car, sliding into the driver's seat. He immediately opened the glove compartment and got the gun out, sitting it on the seat next to him. He then proceeded to start the car. 


        He took one last look at Youngbae to make sure he truly had Seunghyun subdued.  


        Putting the car in drive, he pulled away from Seunghyun's car. He pulled out onto the dirt road and began to drive. 








       "Ugh... my head." Chaerin groaned, clutching at her throbbing head. 


        "Oh good you're awake." the sweet familiar voice had Chaerin looking up. 


        "Bom unnie." She blinked, not believing her eyes. 


        "Hey." Bom smiled, her eyes teary. 


        Chaerin smiled back and stood up from her spot on the floor. She realized that she wasn't tied up, but she took note of the fact that Bom was. 


        "Unnie, who did this to you?" She asked, rushing to Bom's side. 


        Bom smiled sadly. "I don't think you would believe me if I told you." She said. 


        Before she could ask Bom what she meant, the door to the room opened and in stepped someone she was not expecting to see. 


        "Se... Seungri-ssi?" 


        "Hello Chaerin." Seungri smirked. 


        "What? How?" Chaerin looked at Bom. 


        "It's been him this whole time, Chaerin. Him and Seunghyun." Bom paused a bit at Seunghyun's name, tears forming in her eyes.  


        Chaerin looked at Seungri. "What the hell? Those innocent girls you killed..." Seungri cut her off. "I didn't kill them. I had Seunghyun hyung do that for me." 


        "It's still you doing it as well. You gave the order." She glared. "I can't believe this. This whole time I thought you were helping find out who was doing this, when it turns out to be you all along. Why did you kidnap Bom unnie? Why are you doing this?" 


        An angry expression came over Seungri's face and he grabbed Chaerin by the arms, yanking her away from Bom's side. 


         His grip was painful and Chaerin was sure there would be bruises where his fingers dug into the skin. She tried to pull away, but his grip on her arms just tightened. 


        "Struggle all you want. If you try to run from me, I'll just hurt your loved ones. Why do you think I kept you untied when Seunghyun hyung brought you to me? I knew how deliciously you would struggle against me. I want to feel that. I also want to me able to tell you what would happen to those you love. Do you want to hear?" 


        Chaerin glared up at him. "Whatever you have to say, I'm pretty sure it's all just a bluff to get me to cooperate." 


        Seungri chuckled. "Oh no. I'm not bluffing. I will hurt those you love. I can start with Bom noona if I want." He looked over at the older woman, who looked back at him fearfully. "You see there happens to be a little device inside of noona. I put it there myself when she was unconscious. I just have to press a little button on the remote for it and... BOOM! Bom noona will be gone and it will be all your fault." 


        Wide eyed, Chaerin stared at Seungri. Was he serious? Was there really such a device inside of Bom? 


        She quickly looked at Bom, who was silently crying. "Unnie, it's going to be okay." 


        Bom sadly smiled at her. 


        Chaerin looked back at Seungri. "Leave her alone." 


        Seungri smirked. "So you'll listen then, cause I would hate for anything to happen to the rest of your little friends." 


        "Aren't they your friends as well?" Chaerin asked. "You've known most of them longer than I have." 


        Seungri scoffed. "None of them are my friends. I merely pretended to friend them for a reason." 


        "That doesn't make sense. Why are you doing this?"  


        "Why am I doing this, Chaerin? It's funny that you are asking." He leaned down, to where his mouth was beside her ear and whispered. "Think back to your ninth birthday. Who did you meet?" 


        Chaerin frowned, racking her brain for the memory of her ninth. She remembered venturing out to the garden for a bit and there she met... 


        Chaerin walked around the garden, admiring the roses. It was so nice out here.  


        A sneeze sounded from behind her and she quickly turned around. "Who... who's there?" 


        A boy, a year older than her, peeked at her from around the rose bush he had been hiding behind. "Hi." He waved, fully stepping out. 


        Chaerin stared at him, with his dark hair and dark circles under his eyes. He looks like a panda. She giggled at the thought. 


        "What's so funny?" the boy asked, walking up to her. 


        Chaerin now recognized him as being one of the kids from her party. He must be a family friend's child. 


        She smiled at him. "Ah... it's just that you... well... the circles under your eyes make you look like a panda." 


        The boy stared at her. 


        For a second, Chaerin thought she had made him upset with her comment. She started to apologize, when he began to laugh. 


        She blinked. 


        "A panda? Hah! That's the first time I've heard that." the boy grinned and held out his hand. "I'm Lee Seunghyun. Friends call me Seungri, but for you I'll be Panda oppa." 


        Chaerin blushed and shook his hand. "I'm.." Seungri cut her off. "Lee Chaerin. I know." He smiled. 


        Chaerin smiled back. "Well then, Panda oppa. Want to go with me to see if there's any cake left?" 


        Seungri nodded. "Yeah." 


        The two new friends walked back into Chaerin's house, hand in hand. 


        Chaerin stared up at Seungri, eyes wide. "Oh my... you... you're... Panda oppa!" 


        Seungri glared at her. "That's right! I'm Panda oppa, Chaerin! Did you forget? I bet you did! You forgot all about me once you met that bastard Jiyong!" He shouted at her. 




        "You stopped playing with me once you met Jiyong!  You stopped coming over. If I did get to see you, all you talked about what Jiyong oppa this and Jiyong oppa that! It made me sick!" He yelled and harshly pushed her away. 


        Chaerin cried out, landing on the floor. She fearfully watched as Seungri angrily paced in front of her. 


        "You were mine before you met him! Why did you have to go to him, huh?! What was so great about him?! Wasn't I good enough for you?! Why did you have to forget all about me?!" 


        "Seungri-ssi." Chaerin said, voice soft. 


        Seungri sobbed, dropping to his knees in front of Chaerin. He pulled her into his arms. "Chaerin! You're mine! Mine!" He squeezed her tightly against him. 


        Chaerin struggled in his arms. "Se... Seungri-ssi! I... I can't... I can't breathe!" 


        Let go of her, Seungri." 


        Bom stopped crying, Chaerin stopped struggling and Seungri's hold on her loosened a bit. They all three looked at the newcomer in the room. 


        "Jiyong oppa!" Chaerin cried.  


        Boy, was she glad to see him. She didn't even care that she had slipped up and called him Jiyong oppa instead of Jiyong-ssi. 


        Jiyong stood in the doorway, a gun aimed at Seungri. "Let her go."  


        Seungri chuckled and stood up, pulling Chaerin up with him. He held her in front of him. "Were you going to shoot me, hyung?" He asked. "In order to do that, you would have to shoot Chaerin first." 


        Jiyong scowled. "I said let her go, Seungri. Also let Bom noona go as well. Neither Chaerin or her have done anything wrong." 


        Seungri threw his head back and laughed. "You... hahahaha... You really think that? Oh Chaerin had done so much wrong. How dare she go and forget about me? How dare she go and become friends with you?" 


        Jiyong shook his head. "That's not her fault. I befriend her. I always took her away because of... " He trailed off. 


        "Ah because of that obsession." Seungri smirked. He ran his hand done the side of Chaerin's face. "It's easy to become obsessed with her. She's so beautiful. The things I want to do to her." 


        "Don't touch me!" 


        "Don't touch her!" 


        Seungri snickered. "Ha! You two are funny! You are wrong though, Jiyong. She's also to blame for forgetting me. Both of you are. Now though, I have something else to be angry with her about. I can be angry at the fact that she's falling in love with you." 


        Jiyong's eyes widened as did Chaerin's. 


        Falling for Jiyong. What was Seungri talking about? 


        "Isn't that right, Chaerin?" Seungri asked. 


        Chaerin glared at him. "I have no idea what you are talking about." 


        Seungri grinned at her. "Really? So you don't love him then?" He asked. 


        Chaerin remained silent and Seungri's grinned widened. "Good." He pushed her forward. "Here! Catch, hyung!" He laughed, reaching into the pocked of his coat and pulling out a gun. 


        Surprised, Jiyong moved forward to catch Chaerin in his arms.  


        The gun shot came out of no where. 


        Jiyong cried out in pain and Seungri laughed gleefully as he struck Jiyong in the chest.  


        "!" He groaned, falling to his knees. Youngbae's gun was still in his hand. 


        Chaerin, who had caught her footing in time before she had fallen, quickly rushed to Jiyong's side. 




        Jiyong painfully smiled at her. "I came to save you Chaerin and it looks like I can't even do that." He pressed his hand to where he was bleeding and grunted in pain. "Damn." 


        "Shu... shut up! Don't say that!" Chaerin cried. 


        Seungri laughed. "Aw, how touching. The last thing he will see while he bleeds out is your face." 


        Chaerin lowered her head. "You bastard." She spoke lowly. 


        Seungri blinked. "Huh? What was that?" 


        Grabbing Youngbae's gun from Jiyong's hand, Chaerin stood up. "I said... YOU BASTARD!" She turned around and shot. 


        Seungri's body hit the ground and Chaerin dropped the gun, eyes wide at what she had done.  


        "Chaerin. It's okay." She could hear Jiyong telling her. "Untie Bom." 


        Chaerin nodded and ran back over to where Bom was tied up. She got the rope on her leg undone and then paused at the handcuffs keeping her wrists together. 


        "He keeps in the key in that drawer over there." Bom said, nodding towards a desk across from the bed. 


        Chaerin quickly ran over to it and got the key out. She ran back to Bom and undid the cuffs. 


        Once Bom's arms were free, she pulled Chaerin into a hug. "Thank you." She smiled. 


        Chaerin smiled back. 


        They both turned to Jiyong and ran over to him.  


        "Oppa, can you stand?" Chaerin asked. 


        Jiyong grunted. "I think." He slowly tried to stand up. 


        Bom and Chaerin helped him stand up the rest of the way. 


        "We need to get you to a hospital." Bom said, seeing how much blood Jiyong was losing. 


        "Young... Youngbae's car is out front." Jiyong managed to get out between his clenched teeth as he tried to fight through the pain. 


        "I'll drive." Bom said. "Chaerin you can sit in the back with Jiyong to keep an eye on him." 


        Chaerin nodded and the three made their way outside to the car. Jiyong had left the car running, so Bom slid into the driver's seat after Chaerin and her got Jiyong into the backseat. Chaerin sat in the back with him, running a hand through his hair. 


        "Thank you so much for coming for me, oppa." She was saying. 


        Bom smiled and sped off towards the hospital. 



And I present to you Chapter Fifteen! Next chapter is the last one. It's the epilogue. 

I'm not good at the whole showdown/fight scenes. I did my best with what came to me lol. I still hope you liked it.

Once again a huge thank you to my 236 Subscribers and my 36 upvoters. I really appreciate it! I love you all so much!

Until next time! BYE!


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Chapter 16: Chapter 16: THIS IS SO GOOD TAT
Chapter 16: One of the best skydragon I've ever read. Thank you for wriing such a nice fic, Author-nim. The eay you wrote things are so clan and simple, yet refreshing and interesting.
I love the plot twist, by the way. Kkk.
skylilly #3
Chapter 16: I am going to be honest i teared up a little. bit at the end how sweet.
allthingsasian #4
just the trailer has made the feels real. omg
babyda #5
Chapter 16: Such a happy ending. Tear almost coming out ^^
Chapter 16: It's end. Finally you did it!! Wohooooo
Congrats for you unnie ^^ I'm happy too that this story has a happy ending :D
Loves youuuuu :*
addy88 #7
Chapter 16: i read this for two days straight.. the plot twist.. interestingggggg!!! love ittt..
Chapter 16: this is so beautiful and such a great job with the plot twist.
hopelicious #9
Chapter 16: what a beautiful story wrote :) thank u so much for this. I enjoyed reading every chapter of it. I hope I can read more stories from u ><
syeda_fz #10
Chapter 15: What????? That's it? ??????????????????? Arghhhhh Noooooooo! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!