King With No Crown - Chapter 13

King With No Crown

Sunggyu sat in the car parked several houses down from Woohyun's house.  Despite Woohyun telling him that he hated him, Sunggyu was worried and had followed the boy but he made sure to stay out of sight.  His three subordinates sat with him, with no one questioning what they were doing when the rest of the world was fast asleep.

Sungyeol sighed, seeing the disheartened look upon Sunggyu's face.  "Maybe you shouldn't have told him, boss," said Sungyeol.  "I mean, if someone told me that my father is a mass murderer who killed my mother and kidnapped me and isn't really my father, I'd probably call bull too."

The younger subordinate glared at Sungyeol.

Sungyeol shrugged.  "No need to glare at me, Sungjong.  You'd do the same too.  Right, Dongwoo?"

The subordinate in the front seat remained neutral.

Sunggyu ignored his subordinates bickering.  When he turned his attention back on the house ahead, his eyes widened in shock and he immediately got out of the car, surprising his subordinates.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Sunggyu ran ahead while taking off his jacket.  In a matter of seconds, he reached the boy staggering towards him.  As the boy collapsed, Sunggyu caught him in his arms.  Sunggyu's eyes narrowed in anger when he noticed the boy's state of undress and the bruised marks all over his body.  It did not take a genius to figure out what had happened.  It made his blood boil.  Sunggyu wrapped his jacket over the boy's body and held him close. 

"Woohyun," Sunggyu called ever so tenderly.

The boy looked up at the man holding him.  "Sunggyu," Woohyun cried.  "I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

Seeing the tears strolling down Woohyun's face caused Sunggyu such anguish.  "It's my fault.  I shouldn't have let you go.  I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him.  That you had to suffer...I-"

"Boss!  Watch out!"

His subordinate's voice alerted him and he looked up just as a blade was headed his way.  At that moment, all Sunggyu thought about was to protect Woohyun.  He wrapped the boy in his arms and used his own body to shield him from the blade.

There was a clash of steel as a second blade intercepted and blocked the blade aimed at Sunggyu.  Sunggyu glanced up and saw Sungjong engaging in battle with the attacker.

Though Sungjong was a skilled with the sword, he was no match for his opponent.  When his sword was knocked out of his hand, Dongwoo and Sungyeol drew out their swords and jumped in to intervene.

"All those in my way must die!" the man declared as he struck his three opponents.

Sunggyu watched as his three subordinates fought against the man.  He knew that even with the three of them, they were no match for the man feared as the devil.

After knocking down his three opponents, the man turned his attention at Sunggyu.  The man's eyes burned with hatred when he saw Sunggyu holding Woohyun in his arms.

"Get your hands off of him!" the man demanded angrily.

He rushed at Sunggyu, ready to strike him. 

"Sunggyu!" Woohyun called out, realising that Sunggyu was unarmed.

Dongwoo immediately threw his sword over to Sunggyu who caught it in time to block the otherwise lethal attack from the man.  It was then that the man got a closer look at Sunggyu's face and seemed to recognise him.

"You!" the man snarled.  "This time I'll make sure you die!"


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hinata1242 #1
Chapter 14: OMG
woohyun is myungsoo son
LittleNobody317 #2
Chapter 14: "That boy is actually your son" lol I really wanna know what Mr Nam said..
so basically Mr Nam doesn't want Woohyun back, right? I guessed the characters in this story easier compared to the others ><

the gunshot! Who killed who? It'll be great of you put up another chapter for this to clarify everything
@uthornim...great story as always,,,,,good job!!!...
chau_ins #4
Chapter 14: Oh my god the ending is killling me. What did he say? Awesome story though
Chapter 14: This story is greattttt <333
evangeline101 #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh O.O Myungsoo‘s actually Woohyun‘s father? Lol and that scene *sighs* I simply love Woogyu^^
Zmhahk #7
Chapter 14: OMG!!!! Wae Wae?!!!!!!
I need to know whose child woohyun is!!!!!! Dx
You sure have a way of killing us with your endings! That's why I like them! Hehehe!
Good work! Keep it up! 8D
Victoriaaa_Pinkaaay #8
Chapter 14: one does not simply leave a cliffhanger as an ending ;A; but you still did.....