King With No Crown - Chapter 1

King With No Crown

He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a brief moment before reaching over to switch the alarm off by the bedside table.  He quickly got up and walked out of the bedroom, noticing the quietness of the place.  

He walked to the room opposite his and knocked on the door twice before opening it.  "Dad?" he called out, only to frown when he found an empty room.

When he passed by the kitchen, he noticed the food laid out on the dining table.  His eyes caught sight of a handwritten note beside the dishes.
There's a meeting this morning so I'm heading out early.  Breakfast is ready.  Don't be late.

He met up with a group of friends as he walked along the street.  He joined them as the group made their way to school.

Passing by the park, his eyes caught sight of a man in a black suit crouching on the ground beside a bench.  He stopped in his steps, thinking that the man was in some kind of trouble.  He contemplated a moment, about to approach the man to see if he needed help when he noticed the small white kitten, barely days old, on the ground nuzzling against the man's hand.

He did not realise that he was smiling while watching the man play with the kitten.


He jolted when he heard one of his friends call out to him.  His eyes widened when he noticed the man glancing his way.  Their eyes met and they stared at each other until he turned his attention to his group of friends up ahead.

"What are you looking at?" one of his friends asked.  "We're going to be late if you don't hurry."

"Coming," he replied and rushed ahead to join them.

The man watched as the boy in the school uniform walked away with his group of friends.

The group of boys had just made it to class when the bell rang.  While they were settling down in their seats, a man in a shirt and tie entered the room.

"Good morning class," said the teacher.

"Good morning Mr Kim."

When the bell rang at the end of the day, the students gathered their belongings and rushed out the school gates.  Woohyun walked along with his group of friends.

"Hey, let's go grab something to eat," one of his friends suggested to which the group agreed.

Woohyun contemplated for a second when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.  He took it out and read the text message.

Sorry, there's another meeting this afternoon.  I'll be late.

"Woohyun, you coming?" his friend asked.

Woohyun placed the phone back in his pocket.  "Sure."

As the group passed the park, Woohyun caught sight of a figure sitting on a bench.  He recognised the figure as the same man in the black suit from the morning.  The man's eyes were closed and his head was tilted to one side as if he was sleeping.  Woohyun frowned a little, wondering why the man was sleeping in the park.  From the way the man was dressed, Woohyun figured that he was not homeless so why would he be sleeping in such a place?  

It was then Woohyun noticed that the man was cuddling something in his arms.  The small white kitten that the man had been playing with in the morning was now also asleep, like it's owner.

Woohyun thought for a moment but decided to mind his own business and headed off to the nearest fast food restaurant with his friends where they spent some time eating and chatting.

By the time they exited the restaurant, the wind had turned cold.  Grey clouds had rolled in and it looked like a storm was brewing.  The group parted ways with each making their way home.  Woohyun walked along the streets for a while until he stopped.  He glanced up at the gloomy sky and contemplated a moment.  Pushing back his fear, he turned around.

He hurried down the street and was about to rush across the road without looking until he heard the sound of an approaching car.  He came to an abrupt stop and waited for the car to pass before he quickly crossed the road to the park.  He wondered why he was so concerned for a stranger but he could not bring himself to ignore the man sleeping on the bench.  He was surprised though when he found the empty bench where the man had been sitting earlier.


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hinata1242 #1
Chapter 14: OMG
woohyun is myungsoo son
LittleNobody317 #2
Chapter 14: "That boy is actually your son" lol I really wanna know what Mr Nam said..
so basically Mr Nam doesn't want Woohyun back, right? I guessed the characters in this story easier compared to the others ><

the gunshot! Who killed who? It'll be great of you put up another chapter for this to clarify everything
@uthornim...great story as always,,,,,good job!!!...
chau_ins #4
Chapter 14: Oh my god the ending is killling me. What did he say? Awesome story though
Chapter 14: This story is greattttt <333
evangeline101 #6
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh O.O Myungsoo‘s actually Woohyun‘s father? Lol and that scene *sighs* I simply love Woogyu^^
Zmhahk #7
Chapter 14: OMG!!!! Wae Wae?!!!!!!
I need to know whose child woohyun is!!!!!! Dx
You sure have a way of killing us with your endings! That's why I like them! Hehehe!
Good work! Keep it up! 8D
Victoriaaa_Pinkaaay #8
Chapter 14: one does not simply leave a cliffhanger as an ending ;A; but you still did.....