Where am I?


I awoke with a heavy weight on my arm, and strange noises all around me.  I tried to open my eyes and pull my arm away, but nothing happened. My eyes stayed tightly shut, and my arm was still trapped underneath something or someone.

“Mrs Kim, you could be hurting him.” There came a voice, quiet but still very clear.

I heard a sniff and the heavy thing moved. I assumed it was someone holding onto my arm, and crying?

“I’m sorry Jongdae; I will leave my son’s bedside now shall I?” A voice I did not recognise said. She had said son with such malice that I wondered who she was really angry at.

“No Mrs Kim, I was only worried about your son. They say that coma patients can still hear and feel everything that goes on around them” Jongdae said slightly sniffing as he said it. Was he crying? Why was he worried about her son?

There were so many unanswered questions in my head, I felt as if an important part of me had slipped away, and I was left with nothing. Nothing except a name, “Baozi”

He had a point; I could hear and feel everything going on. It took a while for it to hit me. Coma? I wasn’t in a coma; I was just sleeping, wasn’t I?

I tried to yell out and say “I’m right here, I’m awake” but no noise came. I lay as motionless as before. 

I was lying on a soft bed, with crisp white sheets and a blanket covering my tiny body.  I had no clue where I was, what I was doing there or why. The only memories I had were walking down a concrete road and something crashing into me, pulling me down, and connecting my body with hard ground.

I heard a bang and the sound of a door opening. There were whispers and then a gasp. I longed to hear what they were saying, most likely about me.

Plod, plod, plod. There were footsteps coming towards me. I felt someone pick up my hand and kiss it.

“Honey, I’m going to have to go now, but I will be back to see you later” The woman’s voice said, and then she let go of my hand. I heard the footsteps walking away, but they became confused as another set came up to me.

“Look, Minseok, you have to wake up. But if you don’t I will still visit every day, I have to go now, but I’ll be back tomorrow” The man named Jongdae said. He didn’t touch my hand or start crying, he just walked away, but the sound of the way he was walking showed so much emotion.

The footsteps eventually disappeared and I was left alone.

Everything went quiet.



Wow, my first official chapter.

It's pretty short, so I will try and give my future chapters more detail :)

Anyway thanks for reading. If you leave comments and feedback that would really help me out, and I would be very grateful :)

Until next time~

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Awwwwwwwww that was soooooo cuuuutttteeee <3!!!!! I'm so happy xuilu got back together!!!!!
Chapter 11: Speechless
BlackBrownPearl #3
Chapter 11: \( ; A ; \) im crying really hard T^T so pretty and lovely :( thank u for writing this awesome story ><
Vivihyung #4
Chapter 11: So cute... :'DDD Xiuhan forever <3 This ended too soon... but I didn't want Xiumin to keep suffering either xD Maybe a sequel...? Or another Xiuhan fic? :D I love your writing <3
Anyways, thank you for your hard work on this story! <3
Chapter 11: Awwwww cute ending cx ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 11: Omg a happy ending!
Thank youu!
Xiuhan are so perfect together ;;
Chapter 11: it's a happy ending~! *dances happily*
frostedbaozi #8
Chapter 11: My XiuHan feels~ :)
taemluvva #9
Chapter 11: yeaahh
i love XiuHan!