October 16th


It felt like an eternity before Luhan finally showed up again. Every day I would calm myself down and imagine I was on my boat again, because that was where I could clearly hear his voice in my head. He would talk, and I could yell as load as I could back, but in reality I still lay in the hospital bed, without him.

Some days I would even force myself to fall asleep so that the day he would return would come quicker.

Of course I had other visitors; lately Jongdae had come almost every day. My mother would also visit more often than she used to. She had seemed to gotten better, I guess her doctor was really helping her.

But today I only wanted Luhan.

As usual the sound of the door opening woke me from my dream on the boat, and made me listen carefully, waiting for a voice. This time a voice that if I had not been in a coma, would have paralyzed me.

“It’s October 16th, your 21st day here”

My heart almost burst as inside my head I was screaming. He had finally returned to me.

“Hyung, I’m back” he said with a sing-song voice.

I waited for him to come and sit on or by my bed as he usually did, but this time he did something that made my heart hurt even more.

He moved closer to my bed and whispered into my ear. “Did you miss me?”

His hot breath tickled my cheek, and I longed to wake up and look into the eyes of the man tormenting me.

“I missed you” He said teasing me even more. But soon the breath moved away.

I heard a noise next to my bed, as if someone had sat down in the chair. Of course, other than on my bed, the chair was his favourite place to sit.

“Hyung, why haven’t you woken up yet? I was gone for a week and you didn’t even have the decency to do anything at all why I was gone. I asked the nurse and she said nothing had changed” He laughed.

I knew he was joking, but even so, those words coming from his mouth hurt me. But the pain from my heart hurt even more. Why was he doing this to me?

Could it be that I had fallen for him?

I pushed those thoughts away as he began talking again.

“You know, the man who hit you was interviewed this week”

I would have rolled my eyes if I could open them.

“Do you want me to read out the article they wrote about you and him?” He asked.

In my head I was shouting “NO!!!” but I knew he couldn’t hear me. It was inevitable he would read it regardless of what I thought.

“School student Kim Minseok was hit by a car on the 27th of last month. The driver was Mr Lee… ” Luhan began, he said a first name, but I couldn’t hear what he said properly.

“When interviewed Mr Lee said that he had not been speeding, but because of the rain he hadn’t been able to see the road properly. He also explained that Kim Minseok had just walked out into the road in front of him without any warning”

I couldn’t remember much, but I knew that I had done exactly that. I had done it as if I didn’t care if I got hit by a car, or worse. But I had no idea why I would do something like that.

“Other witnesses had said the same thing about Minseok’s odd behaviour.”

Of course, it was odd. Why should I have just walked out like that?

“One young man blames himself however. He explained that he had tried his best to call out to him, but failed. He told us that he felt that if he had done more he could have saved Minseok from ending up in this position”

Luhan stopped. Somehow I felt the room get colder and sadder. It was as if Luhan himself was sad.

I suddenly remembered that day, and that someone had yelled my name. Who had done that, and why were they blaming themselves as they had tried their hardest.

Luhan sniffed, and got up from the chair. I wished he would tell me how he felt.  One minute he was happy and laughing, and the next he was quiet and the room seemed more depressing. But as usual he would go back to being happy after a while; it was as if he was trying to cover up his real feelings.

I heard a weak laugh beside my bed, and then I felt him sit down next to me.

“I won’t read anymore. You should rest now; my visit with the newspaper might have been too much for you. I’m sorry” He sounded calm, but his voice had a hint of sadness. As usual he was trying to hide something from me.

“I need some rest too. I had to wait for the nurse to let me visit for two hours. These rules in this place are very strict” He laughed and ruffled my hair.

“But I don’t think they will mind if I stay here for a while, to keep you company” He said and I felt the bed move a he moved to lie down. Again I felt his breath near my ear, but it stayed there for some time.

Soon we had both fallen asleep.

I must have been out for some time, because when I woke up he had gone. I would wait for his next visit.



Ahhh, I'm so sorry for not updating. The new school term just started and I have been so busy with work that I haven't had time. I'm really sorry

I know this chapter is short, and I missed out so much detail, but I wrote this at 3am, so I didn't have time to think about it that well.

I hope you like it, and can forgive me for not updating in a AGES

As always, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.

I promise I will try to update more often

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Awwwwwwwww that was soooooo cuuuutttteeee <3!!!!! I'm so happy xuilu got back together!!!!!
Chapter 11: Speechless
BlackBrownPearl #3
Chapter 11: \( ; A ; \) im crying really hard T^T so pretty and lovely :( thank u for writing this awesome story ><
Vivihyung #4
Chapter 11: So cute... :'DDD Xiuhan forever <3 This ended too soon... but I didn't want Xiumin to keep suffering either xD Maybe a sequel...? Or another Xiuhan fic? :D I love your writing <3
Anyways, thank you for your hard work on this story! <3
Chapter 11: Awwwww cute ending cx ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 11: Omg a happy ending!
Thank youu!
Xiuhan are so perfect together ;;
Chapter 11: it's a happy ending~! *dances happily*
frostedbaozi #8
Chapter 11: My XiuHan feels~ :)
taemluvva #9
Chapter 11: yeaahh
i love XiuHan!