October 1st


There was someone calling my name. It was a woman’s voice. I heard footsteps and they spoke again.

“Hello, I am your nurse. I was instructed to find someone from your class who was willing to come by every day and bring messages and encouragement from your classmates who are unable to visit you.”

“I don’t mind people not visiting me. I only have one friend who really cares about me anyway” I thought. This was an unfair thought to be thinking, but sadly it was true. I could only remember one person from my school who wanted to talk to me and be my friend. That was Jongdae.

“Luckily this boy volunteered straight away. You might know him”

I was hoping it was Jongdae, since he was the only person that I wanted to see (well hear).

“I’ll leave you to talk to him now” The nurse said talking to the unknown person. I heard her footsteps leave my bedside, the door opened and then closed.

I expected to hear more footsteps coming closer as my visitor would stand next to me. But I heard nothing.

I felt someone sit down next to me on my bed. They cleared their throat and began speaking.

“Hey, Minseok” I didn’t recognise their voice, so it couldn’t be Jongdae. My heart sank in disappointment.

“It’s me Luhan. I’m probably the last person you would expect, right? You know after what happened.” He said. I had no idea what he was talking about. I didn’t recognise the name, the voice or anything he was saying.

“I just want you to know that from my perspective nothing has changed between us. I only wish that you weren’t here, lying on this bed” I heard him choke on the last sentence and he sounded like he had been crying.

His voice was soft and friendly. I wanted to listen to it for the rest of my life.

He pronounced every word so perfectly, even though he had a slight Chinese accent. This was my only clue to what he looked like and who he was.

“I was asked to come here to encourage you. So here goes” He cleared his throat again.

“It is October the 1st, and it’s your 5th day here. Right now your class is making cards and presents for you. So you just get better so you can see them, and read them yourself.”

He finished with a serious tone; I guess he was trying to sound professional or something. But he only sounded like a toddler having a tantrum.

I felt his hand ruffle my hair.

“Minseok, your hair is getting longer. When you wake up I’ll take you to a hairdresser. Your hair is probably the reason why you didn’t see….” He trailed off. I heard him swallow; he slowly got up from beside me.

I only just heard him whisper something to himself. It sounded like he said “no, you know it wasn’t” but I could have been wrong.

“I should go now” He said, his voice no longer sounding soft and friendly. I heard his voice break as he finished.

I tried to yell out to him not to go, but nothing came. I lay there motionless, just as before.

I didn’t hear any footsteps, but I knew when his presence had gone. The vibe of the room suddenly seemed darker.

I didn’t know who he was, but I wished he was back, sitting next to me and talking to me. His very voice reassured me. He made me feel like I could do anything.


But now he had left me, and I was alone again, until the next time he would visit.



So... are you happy I introduced Luhan?

Sorry I was a bit late on updating, but my computer decided to have a tantrum, and delelted all of what I had written. So I had to rewrite it.

I will try and write the next chaper asap.


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Awwwwwwwww that was soooooo cuuuutttteeee <3!!!!! I'm so happy xuilu got back together!!!!!
Chapter 11: Speechless
BlackBrownPearl #3
Chapter 11: \( ; A ; \) im crying really hard T^T so pretty and lovely :( thank u for writing this awesome story ><
Vivihyung #4
Chapter 11: So cute... :'DDD Xiuhan forever <3 This ended too soon... but I didn't want Xiumin to keep suffering either xD Maybe a sequel...? Or another Xiuhan fic? :D I love your writing <3
Anyways, thank you for your hard work on this story! <3
Chapter 11: Awwwww cute ending cx ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 11: Omg a happy ending!
Thank youu!
Xiuhan are so perfect together ;;
Chapter 11: it's a happy ending~! *dances happily*
frostedbaozi #8
Chapter 11: My XiuHan feels~ :)
taemluvva #9
Chapter 11: yeaahh
i love XiuHan!