October 31st


When I finally woke up again, I could feel other people in the room.

As usual I heard whispering again, but this time it seemed far more urgent. As if something bad was going to happen.

I then heard a gasp.

The doors opened and closed. People left, until there was only one other person standing next to me.

“Hyung” A tired sounding voice said

“They are doing everything they can, but you won’t wake up”

My heart dropped; somehow I knew this is how it was going to end.

The past few days I had spent unconscious, I had been spending even less time awake, or as awake as you can be in a coma.

I had been aware of the presence of other people, but only one person made the room brighter.

Inside my head I was crying, crying because I would never see him in person. I still had one thought or memory at the back of my mind, and it was fighting to be free.

But I guessed I would never get to remember, or to feel like my life had just changed. Because the last thing I would ever remember would be lying here, in utter darkness.

I knew, if I didn’t wake up soon, they would turn me off. How easy it was just for one life to be there, and then suddenly disappear at the flick of a switch. I wondered if the doctors ever felt a thing.

I suddenly heard small gasps, and sniffles coming from beside my bed. Luhan was crying. I felt something cool and wet hit my face, his tears.

I didn’t want him to cry, I wanted to open my eyes and wipe his cheek to tell him everything would be fine. But I couldn’t.

“I miss you hyung” He said finding his voice again.

I felt as if I was going to cry, but nothing happened.

“There is only one more thing to do now” He said, I felt him put his hand on the other side of my bed, as he lent over me.

His hot breath tickled my cheek as he moved closer. His hand pushed down further next to me, and I felt his hair brush past my nose.

“Baozi” He whispered into my ear, and moved silently and quickly towards my lips. Everything felt fuzzy as he pressed deeper onto my mouth, then as if fireworks had gone off, something in my head just… clicked


“Kim Miseok, why exactly did you bring me all the way over town?” Luhan looked at me and frowned, his straight brown hair covered his face as he looked down into my eyes.

My heart leapt, and I found myself breathing heavily

“Are you going to tell me?”

He began to get impatient, and sighed before looking around the park. It had already started to get dark, the green grass looked almost grey because of the dim light. Why had I asked him to come here? I thought to myself, and then I remembered. Although Luhan and I rarely talked, I felt something towards him. Today was the day I was going to tell him.

He sighed and went to sit down on a rusty red swing.

“Luhan” I began, and smiled at my own voice saying his name. Luhan looked up, and even in the dark, I could easily make out his beautiful doe eyes, and childlike face. God, why did he have to do this to me, his face was just so perfect. My eyes moved down to look at what he was wearing, a dark grey hoodie, a pair of simple jeans, and some converse. Everything about Luhan was just so… perfect

“What?” he said rolling his eyes and lazily swinging back and forth on the seat.

“I have something to tell you” I said, and I felt my face heat up

“I like you, a lot” It was better to day it quickly and get it over with. But somehow I also felt I had said it too soon.

“What?” he exclaimed looking surprised, then his expression turned angry.

“How….why…. why would you even say that to me .You think I feel the same way towards you?”

His answer hurt me more than he could ever know, I had been sure that he had feelings for me. He had even kissed me once, but it could have been a dare or something…. I mentally kicked myself for being so stupid. Yes, why would he feel that way?

“I’m sorry Luhan, I didn’t mean-“But he cut me off in mid-sentence

“You make me so confused Kim Minseok. I don’t like being around you because I feel so many different things. I don’t want to be with you right now, it was a mistake to come here”

I felt my heart almost collapse. Then I felt my eyes sting, and tears began falling down my cheeks.

“Just Leave” Luhan yelled, louder than he had expected, because he then covered his mouth with his hand.

I nodded, and sniffed. I burst into tears, and ran from him, I couldn’t see where I was going, I didn’t care.

I turned around once to look at Luhan, he had his hand out stretched towards me, but then brought it back to hit himself in the head.

I sniffed and carried running, until I came around the corner to a road.

I looked up into the sky as I slowed down, to a fast walk. It had begun to rain. I stepped out onto the road, it didn’t look like any cars were coming, but I couldn’t quite see because of the dark, the rain and the tears that were still running down from my eyes.


I continued walking.

“Kim Minseok!” the voice sounded more urgent this time. But I continued walking out onto the road.

“KIM MINSEOK!” the once calm voice shrieked. It was Luhan’s voice.

I turned around ready to face the person who spoke that name.

I could see a dark shadow, getting bigger quickly, as if it was running towards me.

But I turned around and continued walking, it was then I saw the bright light. There was a loud noise, and a sudden pain in my legs as they crumpled from underneath me.

“I remember” I thought to myself when I come back to reality again.


I felt Luhan’s tears fall down onto my face, he was crying as he continued to kiss me. I felt myself swallow for the first time in a month, and I began to open my eyes.

“Luhan….” I croaked, and then he was pulled away from me as it seemed hundreds of people ran into the room.

 I was finally awake.



Almost over :)

Are you happy that he woke up?

I tried to give this chapter more feeling than I had with the other ones.... I hope it turned out ok

Anyway, thanks for reading

The final chapter should be up very soon

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Awwwwwwwww that was soooooo cuuuutttteeee <3!!!!! I'm so happy xuilu got back together!!!!!
Chapter 11: Speechless
BlackBrownPearl #3
Chapter 11: \( ; A ; \) im crying really hard T^T so pretty and lovely :( thank u for writing this awesome story ><
Vivihyung #4
Chapter 11: So cute... :'DDD Xiuhan forever <3 This ended too soon... but I didn't want Xiumin to keep suffering either xD Maybe a sequel...? Or another Xiuhan fic? :D I love your writing <3
Anyways, thank you for your hard work on this story! <3
Chapter 11: Awwwww cute ending cx ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 11: Omg a happy ending!
Thank youu!
Xiuhan are so perfect together ;;
Chapter 11: it's a happy ending~! *dances happily*
frostedbaozi #8
Chapter 11: My XiuHan feels~ :)
taemluvva #9
Chapter 11: yeaahh
i love XiuHan!