October 20th


Luhan had been so kind and gentle. He had talked to me as if I was his best friend in the whole world. His very presence made me happy, and he seemed to make the room brighter as soon as he walked in.

But I still didn’t know him. I felt as if there was something at the back of my mind screaming the obvious at me, but I couldn’t quite reach back to it.

He had been so kind, but I had forgotten him.

Every day he would come and visit, but I didn’t know why.

The nurse had told me that it was unusual, because usually only relatives or lovers would be that dedicated.

I knew he wasn’t my relative, but how when I thought about Luhan being my lover, it somehow made me feel uneasy. Again, it was a thought at the back of my mind that made me feel that way.

After almost 25 days of knowing him, I longed to see his face, and thank him. My feelings had changed since the last time he visited.

He used to just make the room brighter, with a friendly buzz. But now, it was different to just friendly, I couldn’t quite place the exact feeling, but it made my heart skip a beat.

How could such a feeling appear so quickly, it was as if a single word had summoned it.

But, of course, it had.



“Hyung” A load voice yelled out, it was the loudest I had ever heard Luhan talk.

“Hyung” he said again in a sulky tone

He sounded so cute when he was trying to sound angry.

“It’s October 20th, your 26th day here”

I had been in here for almost a month already, but it didn’t feel like that.

“I’m bored hyung” he said and for the first time I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. It sounded like he was upset, or just as he said, bored.

I felt his sit down on the bed next to me.

“I don’t even know if you can hear me” He said sighing, and leaned closer to me.

“But I still come here every day to visit you”

I suddenly felt bad, because he could have come every day, for no reason because I would not wake up. But I could hear him, perfectly well in fact, and I tried to wake up, I really did.

I couldn’t quite say it was my fault, but I still felt that if I tried harder, I could eventually wake up.


“I deserve something in return” he said leaning even closer to me.

I knew what he was going to do; he was going to act angry and tell me to wake up.

Because that is what everyone did, they just told me to hurry up, even though I was trying my hardest.

I heard Luhan let out a nervous laugh

He leaned closer, and I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

“baozi, how could you do this to me” he said

My heart started burning as if I had remembered something.

Everything stopped however, when Luhan did something unexpected.

He leaned in, and pressed his lips against mine, trying to avoid the various tubes that kept me alive.

I couldn’t think anymore, but Luhan stayed there, his lips against mine.

My heart ached, and a single thought in the back of my mind came so very close for a second, but then it was gone.

Luhan pulled away suddenly when he heard the door open.

“D-doctor” he stuttered, and moved off my bed quickly.

I heard a sigh come from the area near where I guessed the door was.

“I need to talk to you and the closet family mister Kim has” he said, he sounded strict.

Those words made my heart drop.

I heard Luhan make a noise as if to say “yes”, and then the door opened and closed again.

Somehow the happy vibe of the room had left, and all I was left with was the phantom feeling of Luhan’s lips on mine.




hmmm, well now we have some Xiuhan moment as the fic is starting to end

There are only going to be about 4 more chapters, and it shoudl be finished by the end of the week (I can't promise anything though... sorry)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it wasn't very well written and it's kinda short -_-

but as usual, thank you so much for reading

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Awwwwwwwww that was soooooo cuuuutttteeee <3!!!!! I'm so happy xuilu got back together!!!!!
Chapter 11: Speechless
BlackBrownPearl #3
Chapter 11: \( ; A ; \) im crying really hard T^T so pretty and lovely :( thank u for writing this awesome story ><
Vivihyung #4
Chapter 11: So cute... :'DDD Xiuhan forever <3 This ended too soon... but I didn't want Xiumin to keep suffering either xD Maybe a sequel...? Or another Xiuhan fic? :D I love your writing <3
Anyways, thank you for your hard work on this story! <3
Chapter 11: Awwwww cute ending cx ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 11: Omg a happy ending!
Thank youu!
Xiuhan are so perfect together ;;
Chapter 11: it's a happy ending~! *dances happily*
frostedbaozi #8
Chapter 11: My XiuHan feels~ :)
taemluvva #9
Chapter 11: yeaahh
i love XiuHan!