

 Yunho's POV


“So how did it go?” Tiffany asked me when I met her at the library later that night.


“It was a success.” I smiled at her anxious face.


“Tell me everything and do not leave out a single detail.” Grabbing my arm worriedly.


“Alright then but I have to feed you first as I promised him I would take care of you or else he’ll kill me.” I brushed a strand of hair out of her beautiful face.


She just smiled and nodded her pretty little head back up at me. We crossed the length of the now almost deserted library and walked her out of the building to a nearest restaurant for a late night dinner.


When we finally settled in, she continued her line of questioning and I decided to give her my account to suffice her curiosity.  . . . . .. . . . ..




“Are you kidding me?” Key blurted out in surprise.


“Listen to me Key-shi, I know this is hard for you to accept as I haven’t been the best of man possible to take Tiffany as my wife.  . .” I was cut off when he slammed his fist on the table earning us some curious glance around.


“The hell would I give you my permission!” Key was evidently agitated so I tried calming him down. I know I won’t be able to do this the easy way. Not a chance since I know that Key’s trust on me is like a zero to one percentage wise.


“Key-shi please calm down. I know my mistakes in the past would haunt me and I promise you with my life on line, I wouldn’t do that thing to make Tiffany ever feel left out again and as a man to another man, you can take my word for it.” I assured him and for a moment he seemed to think about what I’ve said.


“Yunho hyeong, you have no idea what ordeal she had to go through all this years that you left her. How in the world would you think that I would give her up to you and spend the rest of her living life in your company?” He was clearly mad right now but I remained still.


I deserve everything that he’s giving me right now but I can’t just give up now. I love Tiffany with all my heart and if Key wishes me to kneel down before him just so he could forgive me with the sins that I’ve committed, I would.


And I did just that.


“Yunho hyeong, what are you doing?” I heard him say as I remained down on my knees, truthful of my remorse.


“Forgive me Key-shi. Please forgive me for what I did and I will prove to you just how much I love your noona and if that takes forever then I won’t hesitate to do my vow of penance.” I remained on my knees with my eyes down cast on the floor.


“Hyeong stand up please, people are already looking, giving us weird stares. Hyeong!” He nudged me but I remained unwavering.


“Not until I earn your forgiveness Key.” I said and silently uttered my silent prayer for clemency.


Silence filled the space between us and not even the sound of silvers on platters could be heard around.


“Alright hyeong, please get up now. I … . . . I  … . forgive you.” Key said finally.


“Really Key-shi?”  I looked up at him in anticipation.


“Yes hyeong. I really have no choice on the matter since it’s you that can make my noona smile again. I would not want her to be sad because of me.” He timidly replied.


“Thank you so much Key-gun. Thank you.” My eyes are suddenly filled to the brim.


“Hyeong, stand up now, everybody’s looking at us and it’s really uncomfortable.” He gave me his hand and I took it, hugging him, grateful for what he said.


“Key-gun, I’ll do my best to keep your noona happy.” I assured him.


“You’d better or else I swear you won’t be able to walk straight again after me beating the hell out of you if you'll break that promise.” He chided but I felt the truth behind those words so I just nodded and gave him an appreciative smile.


“So, are you giving me your permission  to marry Tiffany then?” I asked him again.


“Yes hyeong on one condition.” . . . . . . . … . . . .. .


Flashback ended~~


“So what’s the condition he gave you?” Tiffany curiously asked me.


“Let’s just leave it as between two men who loves you so much. Can you give us that benefit, love?” I flicked her nose playfully.


“Alright then. I’ll leave it all to you.” She said, giving up with a long sigh.


“I love you Tiffany.” And kissed her under the shade of the moonlight.


“I love you too Yunho and thank you for accepting Key into your life.” She smiled that tender smile that just melted my heart to a pool beneath me.


Thank you Key-gun. I added inside my mind.








*Kolmilyo's Ramlbing

End is near so keep the comments coming.

Thank you dear readers!

yes heart kiss




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congrats :)
congrats :D
congrats :)
Congrats!! :)
ilabya21 #5
ilabya20 #6
ilabya19 #7
bubbystar1 #8
Chapter 25: I read the whole fanfic for this!!!!!!!!!!!
The bright colors hurt my eyes.
please just give tiffany to yunho and make jiyeon and key together!!!!!! i cant wait for the next update!!!!