Of Snacks and Dinner


Key's POV


“Key oppa!“  I heard my name being called and I smiled upon hearing her voice. Slowing down, I allowed her to catch up with me.


“Jiyeon-shi, why are you always running? Look at your hair! It’s all sprouting from different directions....you look like a bird has just made a home on top of your head!” I reprimanded her, catching her on the way as she almost tripped in her haste.


“I do? But if I won’t run then I won’t be able to walk home together with you.”  She pouted like a little duck. I mean who in the world could ever resist such pout? I have no idea.


“Alright then, since you’re so persistent on walking with me after school, then how about starting tomorrow I’ll be waiting for you at the school’s front gate so you won’t have to be constantly running after me.” I offered with a smile.


Already I’m starting to get so worried about her always running around. What if one day I won’t be there to catch and save her from hurting herself. This girl is like the female version of Onew hyeong!


“We can walk home together every day then?” She asked, her eyes shining brightly with excitement.


“Of course! With your luck you’ll become one big scar if I’m not going to be there to prevent you from all the falls you’ve been getting."


“Oppa!” She called, almost teary-eyed.


“Jiyeon-shi? Why are you crying? Did you hurt yourself? Was I not able to catch you properly?”  I worriedly looked her over for scratches that I might have not noticed she acquired.


“Oppa!” She jumped up to me, hugging me like there’s no tomorrow.


“Jiyeon, come on, let me look at you. Tell me where it hurts. Let go now.” I held her, still returning her hug.


 My heart started beating double time.


“Oppa, I’m so happy. And no, I’m not hurt. Gomawo Key oppa.” She said sniffling.


“Aish this girl! What will I do with you? You’re so clumsy and a 100% cry baby.” I patted her head before ruffling her hair.


“Oppa, let’s eat tteokbokki. I’m hungry.” She suggested.


“Alright then. If that would make you stop crying then it’ll be my treat.” I smiled down at her.


“Yay!” She whooped and latched her fingers to my arms. We walked close together like that to the rice cake stand nearby.


After our snacks we walked on towards home and since my house is nearer than hers so I insisted that I’d walk the few blocks to her home instead and just return back on my own. It’s much safer that way. To see her safely inside her home before I proceed to mine.


“Oppa, jeongmal gomawo.” She said as we reached her house gate.


“Better for you to be safe walking with me than letting you go alone. We’ll never know what misadventures you might encounter when I'm not with you.”  I told her.


She then tiptoed and kissed me on my cheek to my surprise. Then just like that she skipped happily inside her house. I stood there for a moment trying to absorb what just happened. After a while though, I came to my senses and my feet seemed to be lighter as I finally retraced my footstep back to where my house is.


Boy, I’m hungry. I hope Tiffany noona cooked something really delicious today.


“Key-shi, wait up!”  I’m almost a block away from my house when my attention was called upon. I looked back and saw Yunho hyeong rushing to me.


Out of curiosity, I stood by and waited for him to reach me. He looks really determined and it seems like there’s something in his stride. He looked too serious.


“Hyeong, you coming over again? Aren’t you bored from coming to our house everyday? Seeing Tiffany noona almost every minute even during her waking hours.” I asked him, trying to really understand why is he always following Tiffany noona like a puppy.


“Key-shi, have you been in love before?”  He asked me.


“No.” I quickly answered. To quick I think.


“Then let me tell you about it. When you're in love all that matters is that you'll be with that person always as your heart would be wary when you're not. It doesn't matter about how stupid you'll look or how drab everyone is, in your minds eye that person's happiness is all that is going to be important to you. Anyway Key-shi, can I talk to you privately? I have to ask you something.”


I thought of what he said for a while. Boy, Yunho hyeong is a deep one.


“Sure hyeong,” I asked wondering what would that be.


“Let’s go somewhere where we can talk privately then. How about I treat you to dinner out with me to Ashyoka. I’m craving for some pasta right now.”  He said and I couldn’t say no since it's one of my favourite Italian restaurant but I’m not that easy.


“But Tiffany noona is waiting for me and she may have cooked dinner already.” Was my weak rebuttal.


Just then, my cellphone rang and I took it out to answer.


“Oh noona, I was just thinking of you.”


“Key baby, I haven’t cooked anything yet as I’m still at school. I have to finish something up for my defense in one of my classes and I think I’ll be coming home really late.”


“Oh is that so noona.” I answered, disappointed.


“Don’t worry about the rest of the guys as I have already called and they’re going out somewhere to eat so it’s just you my baby. Can you manage?” She asked me.


“I think I can noona. Don’t worry about me, I’m a man now.” I told her, omitting the part that Yunho hyeong just about invited me out for dinner tonight.


“Okay, I’ll see you tonight and take care. I love you.” Was her parting words then the line went dead.


I looked over to where Yunho hyeong was standing waiting for me to finish my phone conversation with Tiffany noona. One reason why I didn’t tell Tiffany noona about the invitation was yeah, I don’t want him to look good in front of my noona more than he already is. Call it selfishness, I don’t care.


“Ah .. . .uh. . . . hyeong, I think I’ll call that dinner you’re talking about if you really want to talk to me. I’m quite open for tonight.” I tried playing it cool and a bit not too needy.


“That’s good then. Shall we proceed?” He asked me and I just nodded my head and let him lead me to back to his car which is conveniently parked a few meters away from where we were standing.


When we reached the restaurant, I ordered the most expensive of all pastas I could order and the most delicious by the way and ordered a complete meal course.


I was looking curiously at the bottle of Dom Perignon when to my surprise Yunho hyeong flicked his hand and my glass was suddenly filled with the golden sparkly liquid.


“Don’t worry, just for tonight, your noona won’t be complaining about this. I got you covered.”  He said reassuringly. Yunho hyeong is way cool.


“So hyeong, what is it that you wanted to tell me?” I finally got to the real reason of this awesome dinner.


“Oh, that. Well . .. “ He cleared his throat and change into a more serious tone.


I gave him my undivided attention. This guy, I’m giving him another chance on life.


“I’m listening hyeong.” I urged him.


“Well first of all I would like to ask your forgiveness for leaving Tiffany before, without explanation and breaking her heart eventually.”


“Nice to know that you realise how much of an you’ve been.” I commented dryly.


“I know and you don’t know how sorry I am for what I did and will forever be haunted with that thought.”


“Touche to that.” Lifted my glass just for drama.


“I would like to thank you from deep in my heart for taking care of her, Key. I’ll be in your debt and anytime, and I mean anytime at all that you feel the need for big brother, I’ll just be here for you.”


“I’ll keep that in mind hyeong.”


“Now you know that your Tiffany noona cares for you so much that she often takes your opinion to her heart and I, in any way, would not want that to change between the two of you.”


Of course noona would always take my feelings and wellbeing first before anyone else’s. She loves me and I love her. No one can take us apart. Even if it is this Yunho hyeong. I’m glad that he’s aware of that.


“You are like her first born and she’d feel really sad and upset if any harm or heartache would come to you and with that on mind I decided to do this for her.” He continued.


Why am I feeling a sudden impending doom?


“As the man in charge of Hwang Tiffany, I would like to ask your permission to ask her hand in marriage Key-shi.”


The drink I was supposed to be swallowing suddenly burst out of my mouth in a spray of spit, soaking the table in front of me and causing some of the nearest costumers nearby a sudden spray of an expensive wine like a rain on a summer’s eve.


“Are you kidding me?!”







*Kolmilyo's Rambling

Some cliff hanger there.

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*snow_husky's secret corner:

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congrats :)
congrats :D
congrats :)
Congrats!! :)
ilabya21 #5
ilabya20 #6
ilabya19 #7
bubbystar1 #8
Chapter 25: I read the whole fanfic for this!!!!!!!!!!!
The bright colors hurt my eyes.
please just give tiffany to yunho and make jiyeon and key together!!!!!! i cant wait for the next update!!!!