Chapter 20 - Reality Show

The Revival of Time

The door of CG’s dorm clicked open as a man walked in on stealth toes, beckoning the camera man to follow him.
“Is this place for just 2 people? Isn’t it a bit too big?” The man said as the camera scanned the living room.
“Now, we are in CG’s dorm and we are in front of the first room door.” The man said as he proceeded to open the door to reveal Cosy’s room.
“Woah... The exquisite room of an idol with many well written songs.” The man said as he crept up the platform towards the bed. As the camera scanned Cosy’s face, it was no different from what the public normally see on screen as Cosy had a flawless face and permanent fake eyelashes on. Okay, well, maybe besides the dark eyerings under her eyes.

The man placed his phone right beside Cosy’s ear and pushed a button, which started playing ‘My Ear Candy’. Cosy squinted her eyes open at the sudden disturbance of peace and peeked through one open eyelid before she shot up straight in her bed as the man passed her a card.

Dance to the music for 1 minute.

“Aish.” Cosy let out a sigh of frustration as she kicked off her blanket and lazily let both of her feet touch the cold marble floor. As the music played, Cosy just swayed lazily with the music as her brain was still trying to register whatever was happening. Finally after 1 minute, did the music died down as Cosy slumped onto the floor and grabbed the nearest cushion, stuffing her face into it and only showing her eyes to the camera.

The cameramen and PD nim just stood rooted to the ground and filmed a few seconds more of Cosy’s half-open eyes before proceeding onto the next room, Gyuri’s room. Unfortunately, they had left 1 cameraman in the room with Cosy and of course, the camera was filming her every single action.
Even in Cosy’s sleepy state, she already knew what words were going to be placed as a caption when this show aired. Oh Korean variety shows and their sense of humor.. She would totally run out of the room and save Gyuri the horror of being filmed waking up, but she couldn’t even keep her eyes open. Before she could even react, another cameraman came into the room and started filming her. She simply let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes, staying in her statue form for a few more seconds before she decided to push her off the floor and staggered into Gyuri’s room.

She wasn’t surprised by what she saw. The PD nim and cameraman filming the poor girl and the other man, probably the MC, doing the exact same thing he did to her, except that the song playing was TTL by CG. Gyuri’s entire body was covered up by her duvet, you could distinctly make out the shape of her hands gripping onto it tightly, refusing to be awoken.

“Aish, this stubborn girl.” The MC muttered. It was like as if a light bulb turned right on when those words left the MC’s mouth. The two girls could recognise that voice anywhere they went. They’d heard and listened to that voice so many times in the ‘past’, it was hard to forget his voice.
Cosy’s eyes immediately flew wide open from it’s formerly tired state and Gyuri threw the duvet off of her body, covering half of Boom’s body in the process.
Yes, the MC was Boom. THE Boom of Boom Academy. The one who co-hosted 2PM’s Idol Army in the ‘past’. It was hard for the two girls to contain their happiness, they knew that it was going to be one heck of a show with Boom as MC.

“BOOM OPPA!!!” Cosy shrieked like how a fan would, scaring Boom as he jumped into a wall hilariously. The duvet was still covering his head, so that just added onto the hilarity.
“The both of you know who I am?” Boom asked as he pointed to himself and both girls nodded fervently.
“HON-TO-NI?!” Boom asked as he stressed on the ‘Ni’ and went high pitched with it, causing the girls to burst into laughter.
“Uh, Ne! Our manager oppa informed us about this show beforehand, well, just briefly and told us that the MC was called Boom.. so, we’re guessing that is.. you?” Gyuri lied her way through, her acting skills immediately coming into action.
“I see...” Boom replied, not having a single doubt of the words of the 2006 best rookie award winner.
“Uhm, if you don’t mind, I’m going to wash up and touch up first before you get to see any more of my horrendous bare face.” Gyuri zoomed past the MC and PDnims, into the toilet, leaving Cosy alone with them.
“YAHH!” Cosy shouted as she ran out of the room and into the other toilet in the dorm.

Once the girls were done with dressing up and applying some makeup, they headed out and were led by Boom into a black van, which brought them to a western restaurant for breakfast. During the ride there, the PDnim launched into a full explanation of what the new show was about. And well, the show was about them, CG, it was about getting to know CG better behind all the fancy stuff on stage and behind the cameras, with the help of MC Boom.

“So, what are we going to do when we reach the restaurant?” Cosy asked, already seemingly interested, since it was going to be a show centered around her and her best friend.
“Aah, well, that will be for us”, the PDnim gestured towards himself and Boom, “to know and for you to find out.” He finished with a cheeky smile.
“Hmph!” Cosy pouted just as the van came to a stop.
Boom alighted first and he then held the doors open for the girls to alight.

As soon as the girls stepped into the restaurant, they were introduced to the owner of the restaurant as he led them to their table, presented them with a menu and it was all done in English. Cosy looked at the menu as she gave a knowing look to Gyuri who totally knew what was the point of the whole filming today. Gyuri turned to Boom and asked if he wanted to order first and Boom started to brag about his knowledge of English in Korean, ironically before he was cut off by an irritated boss who wanted to know what he wanted to order. A flustered Boom tried his best to pronounced ‘beef lasagna’ as Cosy bit on her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing out loud. She almost wanted to bang her head against the wall of the restauarant as the word came out as ‘bee-peu-la-sa-na’ instead of ‘beef le-saz-nia’. Then Boom added an Ice Mocha to his order.

Cosy rolled her eyes and wondered if Boom really knew what he was ordering, who eats lasagna early in the morning? It wasn’t even close to 10am yet and Ice Mocha in the morning? Seriously? Cosy shook her head as the owner eyed her and she knew that he wanted her order. Cosy picked up the menu and only started flipping through it now and realised that everything was just pure English, even the description of each dish, now it is no wonder why Boom ordered lasagna and ice mocha.

“I would like an American Breakfast, I would want the egg to be scrambled eggs and it would be good if my hashbrown is fried to be a crispy golden brown. And can I have Caramel Macchiato, more foam and caramel syrup.” Cosy closed the menu and placed it back down on  the table as she looked at the production crew to see that worry was written over their faces. Apparently, she and Gyuri had guessed correctly that they wanted to test their English skills and that’s why breakfast was at a western restaurant. If CG was to have fabulous English, there would be no point in the whole show anymore, unless...Cosy shot a look at Gyuri and in that few seconds, Gyuri had a smile on her face as she got exactly what Cosy meant. They were going to end it by playing secret camera on the production crew. Just as Gyuri was about to order, she stood up almost immediately, frustrated that water droplets was dripping from the ceiling. It was all an act of course, put up by the Daesang Award winner but it certainly did get the main PD attraction as he walked over and brought Gyuri over to another corner, wanting to calm her down. As soon as they approach the corner, Gyuri told him of Cosy and her plan which earned a satisfying nod from the PD as they both walked back to the table.

It feels like a thousand years since I was here>< I am sorry for not updating for such a looonnnnnggg period of time): Reason was being, me and Jade are so so busy): But we will try our best alright! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!(:

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party-party #1
please update!! :DD
gotler #2
Y no update haha.
update this soon
orelse I shall spam both of your walls
Seungri's panda eyes are adorable kay? ;~; <br />
Jay is so funnay xD LOL <br />
I'm still confused on weither I want JayRi or TaeRi :|
Cosyheartx #5
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung I am so sad over it okay! OMG!! Then what will happen when Jayri do ever comes back?? D: D: HAHAH! Yes and we will take loads of pictures! MUAHAHHA!
The Cheesy couple~ <3 <br />
yeah I know the feeling, when you just want to scream "GO A GOAT" But then you might get arrested ._. <br />
....Anyways~<br />
Mr.Bread likes taeri now -_- Confused loaf of bread.
Cosyheartx #7
@dannyskye thank you!! Do continue reading and commeneting and promote(:<br />
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@fireworkrainbow oooh! Finally a taeri shipper!<br />
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@Julia2345 yeappp! We are back! :D
Cosyheartx #8
@KyuMinnieParkJiSung if it's taeyang, I don't mind! :D haha! I'm still for jayri though! And me and jade are finally meeting each other for 2pm concert!!! :D