Why Was He There? Part 2

One Second... Is All It Takes

It was him. Jonghyungs dad. OH NO PANIC MODE! I was running in my mind. I felt like bumping into 500 walls all at once. And his dad comes on the day I cried the most.

"Hey Jonghyung," Mr. Kim waved at his son.

"What do you want and why are you here?" Jonghyung managed to say.

"Oh" I hear my mom say while looking somewhere.

"You two are holding hands, I see," His dad says, it seems like he was kind of teasing us. I pulled my hand away but it was stuck. He wouldn't let me let go of it. 

"I asked why you were here!" Jonghyung yelled. 

"I knew you would come here at sometime. I came here yesterday but you weren't here so I came again," his dad explained, "Your new mo-"

"My new mom huh?" Jonghyung chuckled to himself. "Mom number hmm 127?" 

"I know it's hard for you but-" Again Jonghyung cut his dad off. What's up with him and cutting people off?

"But what? You think it's hard for me? Hell ya! Having a mom who loved  you and you (referring to his dad). And she died! And your dad date younger women who is my age. No! Not hard at all! But Mom, oh, she had a hard time.  She LOVED you," he emphazized(idk how to spell) on the word loved.  By the end of that, I began to tear up. Poor Jonghyung. Poor Jonghyungs uma!

"Look you made her cry," his dad pointed to me. I mean Jonghyung did make me cry but he didn't beat me up and made me cry. His dad made it sound as if it was the second one.

"I don't care!" He yelled. I was hurt but he was angry I had no reason to get mad at him. Then he turned his head towards me. "I didn't mean that,"

"No! I know you were angry. It was my fault, I-I'm sorry,"I teared up.

"You did nothing wrong," he said then he pulled me as he was walking. My eyes were to fogged up.But my eyes became drier. He took me to the park ( a different one). He sat me down on the park bench.

"Listen. I didn't mean what I said,"

"Yeah I know, you were just really angry."

"Yeah," he looked away.

"Let me call my mom to see if he's gone," I grabbed my phone and dialed my moms number.

"Hello?" she said.

"Mom, is he there still?"

"No, you can come over now." There I pressed end.

"We can go back."I told Jonghyun. We walkedd back and it became night time quickly. I slept on the floor while Jonghyung took my bed. Then I woke up to a light. Oh my gosh! ITS A PEDO! OR A BURGLER! OR ORRR... I got a broom from my room and slowly and quitley went outside not to wake Jonghyung up. I saw the light turn off. Oh no he's not! HE CAN'T JUST STEAL SOMETHING AND LEAVEE! I ran outside the house and I ran to him and he turned around. Oh. 



Sorry girls (And maybe guys) that I couldn't update so soon. The trip took longer than expected. So Im really sorry :(

And I'm also wondering if anyone can the main picture cuz I can't! WHAT's up with that!

And this chappie cuz I ran out of ideas. So give me give me more give me more, U don't know that song :O It's Brittany! no but seriously I nead ideas! :) They would be greatly appricieted (I at spelling). And I will give credit to you. And slient reader please comment(:

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UPDATE SOOONNN!! lol ur doing great
:) you updated!And never even think about deleting it! You silly goose! Keep up the great work! <3
i love it!update soon!^^
Hanniex #4
happy birthday then! and i like the story<br />
update soon~
minnesota #5
Long chapters long chapters ~~~<br />
Update so.Onn, this is a nice story!
I love your story^^<br />
<br />
update soon ! :D