Can I talk to you?

One Second... Is All It Takes

"Uhh hi guys," I said to his friends and smiled. They all looked at me.
"Hi Yoonji," Minho said throwing his football up in the air.
"Hi Minho," I waved. "Umm can I borrow Jonghyun for a second?" I asked.
"Thank you,"
Jonghyung got up out of his seat and walked to me, "where to?"
"Just to the garden," we headed for the garden with no other words.
"Listen, Jonghyung, I'm really sorry," I said. He just sat there. Right when I was about to start again, he started talking.
"No, you shouldn't be sorry, it should be me," he looked down. "I overreacted, I was being stupid, I ignored you too!" he looked up.
"No, wait, why are you so sorry? It was all my fault," I took the blame.
"No, I already said it was mine," we argued. Then we laughed. This is how out apologies always went. In the end it was both of faults. We ended up lying in the grass. He looked at me, and I looked at him.

"But this one," I started. "Was really my fault. It wasn't my right to talk to your dad. I don't even know why, I should of asked. But I really do think," I stopeed. "Sorry, I won't talk about this anymore,"

"No it's okay, can you umm, tell me what happened?" he asked. I gave him the explaination.
"Hmm, so he did cry." he nodded.
"Just him, never thought he was the type to cry,"
"Hmm I know," we both laughed. "Jonghyun,"
"I'm really glad you're my best friend,"
"Me too," he smiled."Listen Yoonji,"
"Yeah Jonghyun?"
"What if I was to talk to my dad?" he looked at the sky.
"Well that would be good! Everything would be fine... I just hope nothing bad happens,"

The next day I tried to look for Jonghyun because I saw something really cool on the internet that he might like. But Jonghyun wasn't easy to find. I spotted Minho seeing how tall he was and then the whole SHINee gang... except some brown blonde guy. 
"Hey Onew,"
"Mmm?" he looked at me, with chicken hanging from his mouth.
"Oh wow," I stopped, "Do you know where Jonghyun is?"
"Uhh no, but he said something about apologizing and his dad," he explained.

Apologizing? And his dad? Wait, was he going to apologize to his dad? "Hey listen Yoonji, What if I was to talk to my dad?" Those words came back to me. YES HE WAS! I don't know weather this was bad or good. Things that were good could be happening but also bad things could be happening. The only thing was, I had to stay at school): During lunch I spotted Jonghyun.

"JONGHYUN!" I ran up to him.
"WHAT?" he yelled back at me. 
"Ow," I scratched my ear. He laughed. "What happened?"

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UPDATE SOOONNN!! lol ur doing great
:) you updated!And never even think about deleting it! You silly goose! Keep up the great work! <3
i love it!update soon!^^
Hanniex #4
happy birthday then! and i like the story<br />
update soon~
minnesota #5
Long chapters long chapters ~~~<br />
Update so.Onn, this is a nice story!
I love your story^^<br />
<br />
update soon ! :D