Finally He Tells Me

One Second... Is All It Takes

I waited for a while, thinking of the possibilities then realized... Jonghyun was gone. Where are you Jjong! Aishh! Don't leave me like that!

I ran in the direction I thought he went. There were many people there, which made it hard to find that little shortie. Good thing he had unique hair! The brown one with blonde tips. I got on my tip toes and tried to spot that hair. I looked around. Ahhh, there you are. I laughed at his hair bouncing up and down. It was so cute. I ran to the bouncy and caught his arm.

"C'mon Jjong! Jebaaaaaaallll!" I begged.

"Fine. We just talked," he continued walking.

I scrunched my nose, mad at him, "I want to know more,"

We got outside and he stopped and turned around. Finally! "Sit here with me," he sat on a old picnik table we had outside our school. I did as told.

"Okay, well we talked--"

"I know that!" I inturrupted.

"Don't interrupt." he held a index finger in front of my face, "Well, we tried to get through that one problem. He was really glad I finally talked to me. Somehow he guessed it was your influence that made me go over there. He was right. But annnyyyways, we both apoligized for our actions and how we thought wrong about each other." he smiled.

"That's great!" I spread my arms in joy.

"I know," he turned around sliding on his . "Let's go to the park,"

"Right now?" I questioned.


"But what about sch--" I was about to say, what about school? School was still going on!

"Let's just ditch," he calmy said.

"How are you so calm about this?! You know both of our moms would kill us?!" I scolded him.

"Well I'm going to go," he stood up and walked about. I bit my lip, should I go or not? I at resisting urges.

"Jonghyun!" I yelled, cupping my hands around my mouth. He turned around and smiled. I ran up to him.

"Glad you joined," he said. "Now we just need to get passed the gaurds."

"How do we do that?"

"Run!" he grabbed my hand and pulled my hand. My head jerked forward with my body that Jjong was dragging to the big gate.

"You first," he gave me a lift up by cluching his hands together. I put my right foot on and grabbed ahold of the gate and starting climbing it. Jonghyun did the same.

"HEY YOU THERE!" the chubby gaurd said. Aww he's so cute! His chubbyness is going everywhere! "GET DOWN!"

"psst Yoonji."...."YOONJI!"

"What?" I was so busy staring at the cut chubby gaurd, I wasn't paying attention to where I was. 

"Jump!" he held out his arms. I did so and landed in his arms and he let me down and pulled me along with him by my hand. I looked back at the chubbing gaurd trying to catch up to us.

"I think we're safe," I said panting.

"Nope!" he kept running. How is he doing this? I'm already tired. Slow down at least.

"We're getting out of here, just the two of us," I saw a smirk on his face.


Happy? I updated, lol. I'm going to try to update a lot today, like 3-4 chappies? or try.): I'm bad at trying, but I'll do it! Just believe me!

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UPDATE SOOONNN!! lol ur doing great
:) you updated!And never even think about deleting it! You silly goose! Keep up the great work! <3
i love it!update soon!^^
Hanniex #4
happy birthday then! and i like the story<br />
update soon~
minnesota #5
Long chapters long chapters ~~~<br />
Update so.Onn, this is a nice story!
I love your story^^<br />
<br />
update soon ! :D