I'm Going Out With Who?

One Second... Is All It Takes

Your POV

Just Another day in class. Me day dreaming about Key, teacher yelling at me, everyone laghing at me, even him. That just makes me happy because I can see him smile. His smile is so bright it could replace the sun.

"Ms. Kim, are you paying attention?" My head was on my palm but it slipped off.

"Y-Yeah," I said. I love my last name. It's the same as Keys. It feels like I'm married to him almost.  Even if I doze off in class, I get great grades. A+'s ALL the time. The lowest I've ever gotten is a A-.

"A+, good job, Ms.Kim." I smile as she puts the test paper in front of me on my desk with the letter A and the minus sign right next to it plastered on the top right corner in a red pen lays in front of me. She goes to the next kid and leaves me behind while I still have a huge smile that streaches across my face.

"Dongho, D," I laugh but my laughter is soon ended with a night mare as the teacher starts speaking.

"YOU can you please help Dongho? He needs to ace the next test to pass this grade level." The teacher is asking me to help him? I laugh in my head. Stay calm. IS HE SERIOUS? I see his face, I guess he is. Dongho? THE Dongho? Dongho the popular.. ummm guy?. Dunno how to say it. He's popular but he acts like a girl ALL THE TIMEE! But annyywayyyss.... Dongho, The worlds most erted guyy?!! The guy who gets any girl and them? (Well.. not too sure about the last part, but when i see girls that are with him, seems like they got !). Dongho the guy who had a girl for each day of the year?!

"But I don't want to be part of his calenderr!" I say not realizing that i said it out loud. I cover my mouth with my hand. OHHHHH SNAPPPPP! DID I JUST SAY THAT?!!

"What?" The teacher looks confuzed while his back is facing Dongho who is giving a (erted) smirk.

"I-I Said sure!" I fake smile. I look at Dongho. Then I see his eyes going up and down. I didn't really care at first but then i realized something. IS HE SERIOUS! IS HE CHECKING ME OUT?! ARE YOU F------

Dongho POV

A tutor? She better be hot! I look around the room, oh thereee she is! How did I never see her before? Mmmm. She looks yummyyy. O check her out and she seems shocked. I bet she'll be more shocked at the things I can do in the bed.


Jonghyung!!! II NEED YOUR HELPP!!!

Then the stupid bell interupts my thoughts. WAIT! THE BELL! IT MEANS LUNCHH TIME! NOW I CAN TALK TO JONGHYUNG!! 

I run to the lunch leaving behind my notebook. It has poems about guess whoo? KEYYY!!! And I have KEY PLUSS MEEEE! (I like to rhyme).  All of us, the SHINee Kingkas and Minhos girlfriend Eunji and Ones chicken fill up the table. Well there was a seat empty until Onew suggested that the chicken should have a seat since its important to him like a mom. All of us best friends...Well not too sure about the chicken but the rest of us, yeah we are best friends, and anyways Onews eating his best friend. I sit next to Jonghyung like i always do, I explain to him what happened in class.

"What about it?" He sounds MEANNN!!!

I gave him a deathglare. "Just help me think of a plan pleasseee helppp!!"                                                                         I do my puppy dog eyes, I KNOW he can't resist. I cam tell he's trying not to give up.

Jonghyung POV


"Ugh! FINE!" I admit defeat. Stupid puppy dog faces, who ever invented that is STUPIDD!

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" She chanted 100 times.


"Is this yours?" A voice that seems familiar asks. THAT QUESTION INTERUPTED MY CHANTTT!!!

I turn around and see my nightmare. Dongho holding my Key notebook. 




NOOO!!!! I get out of my seat trying to jump for it but his arms are too high. STUPID SHORT GENES!

"Hmmm let me see," He says as he flips the pages.

Oh. NO. You. DIDN'T!!!

I jump higher and catch it but I fall on top of him EWWWWWWW! The notebook fell out of his hands. When i got up off him and realized. Everyone was staring at us. OHH NOOO! I ignore and look for my notebook. WHERE ON EARTH IS MY FRIGGIN NOTEBOOK!! DONGHO!! I turn around looking like the grudge.

"Sorry?" He says.

I kick him in the shin and he wraps his arms around it. And fell to the floor. HAHAHA! BUT WHERE IS MY NOTEBOOK!

Jonghyung POV

She fell on top of him! She must be disgusted! Haha! I saaw the notebook in Donghos hands fly towards my direction as I watch what just happened. I pick up the note book and realize it WAS HERSSS! DOUBLE REVENGEEE! _____ got up ad started looks for her notebook!! REVENGE IS FINALLY MINE! You dragging me into this mess.

"So what about the date?" Dongho looked pleased.

"WHo said it was a date?!" She spat at him.

"The y guy right in front of you," He said trying to check himself out. WHO DOES THAT?!

"Immmm ummmmmmmmmmm TAKIN!! IM GOING OUT WITH JONGHYUNG!" She yelled. 
Did.She.Really.Just.Say.That? I gave her a deathglare. Everyone heard. HEY! U GOT A REOUTATION TO KEEP! I smiled.

"Ohhhhhh yeahhhh the BESTT GIRLFRIEND EVER~~~~~~~~" I squezed her cheeks.  I put my mouth close to her ear for her to hear. "You're so dead," I heard her gulp. " I know," She whispered back to me.

"She'll be mine though," With that Dongho left.

"WTH! When are we--" She covered my mouth and led to the garden.

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" she begged. "You know how much I like Key!"


"We can use this two ways. To get rid of the erted Dongho," Her face looked disgusted but then turned all happy when she said "Ad make Key jeolous. 


It's a Saturdayy! I woke up to a text. It's an unknown number. (UK-Unknown)

UK: Heyy yy!                                                                                                                                                                                    

You: WTHEL IS THISS!                        

UK: Your y handsome Dongho!



YOU: You're so gross. Can you just leave me alone!!

DH: You our study DATE is today.

But todayy!??? WHYY! Im spending time with Key.....and others. But mostly KEY!

YOU: whyy?

DH: Cause Mr. Lee said you HAVE to do it!

He was right.

YOU: Fine. When and where.

DH: Cafe, at 10.

I got ready to go. I wore a white T-shirt and skinny jeans. I taught him some things but I don't think it went through his, umm his head cause I don't think he has a brain. Then I see Key enter. OMGOMG!!

"Ummm, I have to go to the bathroom,"I tel Dongho.

I ran to the little girls room. I keep watshing my hands. What is he doing here? Wait! What am I doing here? I LEFT DONGHO ALONE! (not like I care but) Hes going to tell Key something I BETT! But what?! I run and see Key get his coffee and turns to me and says.

":Cheating! Naughty Naughty!" Key leaves.




K well, this chapter REALLY . But i still hope you will stay with this story! I really hope you'll enjoy it!(:

Thanks for reading!

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UPDATE SOOONNN!! lol ur doing great
:) you updated!And never even think about deleting it! You silly goose! Keep up the great work! <3
i love it!update soon!^^
Hanniex #4
happy birthday then! and i like the story<br />
update soon~
minnesota #5
Long chapters long chapters ~~~<br />
Update so.Onn, this is a nice story!
I love your story^^<br />
<br />
update soon ! :D