Omo! Jae is coming!! We are dating now?! Omo!~

Loving A Geek Like Me

(Key’s P.O.V)


I took a deep breath. Oh GOD! Please let her be safe!... PLEASE!... I buried my face on the palms of my hands.

“Oh don’t be too stressed Key.” Onew tapped my shoulder comfortingly. “I know that Minnie will be fine, she’s a strong girl even if she doesn’t look like it.”

I quickly stood up when the doctor came out of Miinah’s room.

“Ms. Cho is fine now, she just had 1 broken rib, a burst lip, some scratches on her arms & a few bruised in her face. But all in all, she’s good.”

We all bowed to the doctor as a sign of respect. “You can visit her now in the room.” After saying that the doctor left us.

After a while, we are all inside the room. Miinah’s parents can come to the hospital because they are both in the states but her mom said that her brother will be there.

I sighed again when I saw her condition. She was pale, and a few bruises can be found on her face. Both of her arms have bandages . Anger rose inside of me, I don’t like seeing her like this. I’ll make sure that the three will be EXPELLED from the school.

A hand patted my back. “Just like what I’ve told you, she’ll be fine.” Onew passed by me and sat at the sofa inside the hospital room.

I sat at the chair beside the hospital bed, as I watched her sleep like an angel. I sighed, she was the most interesting & gorgeous girl that I’ve ever met.

“We’ll just get food for all of us.” Yuri & Seohyun bid goodbye and went out of the room with Taemin & Jonghyun.

I just stare at her, as only the sound of the machine echoed inside the room.


“I’ll just go out to call the principal.” Minho said with a cold voice. “Those three have to PAY..

my jaw dropped as I watched Minho got out of the room. This is the first time we saw Choi Minho speak & act so cold. He was always the calm & happy one, he also never loses his patience. When I looked at Onew, I saw him sleeping soundly at the couch. He’s also stressed…  Again I decided to just watch Miinah for now.

I sighed. I‘m so useless.. I cant even protect her…


My eyes widened when I saw that Miinah was now awake. “Omo! are you just feeling okay? Do you want anything? Tell me I’ll get it for you.. or if you want something to eat I can call our cook.. or if you want t-”

I paused when her once warm hand, now cold touched my left cheek. “D-don’t worry y-yourself so much oppa.. B-by the w-way.. T-thank y-you f-for me.”

She gave me a little smile. I got surprised when Miinah’s phone rang. She motioned for me to answer the call for her. I was closer to the phone so I picked it up.

Key: Yoboseyo?

????: Yoboseyo. Can I speak with Cho Miinah?

Key: *WHY would a guy call Miinah?* Sorry, but Miinah is confined right now in a hospital so she is resting for the moment.

????: BWOH??!! Miinah is in the hospital?! Why?!

Key: Apparently some girls in our school bullied her… she suffered minor injuries but she’s okay now. By the way, may I know who is this?

????: *the guy paused.* Tell her that her that Kim Jaejoong called. Anyway, tell me the room number & the hospital name you’re in.

Kim Jaejoong? The guy whom Junsu said that missed Miinah so much??

Key: *I told the guy the details he needed.*

Jaejoong:  Araso. Kamsahae. * turned off the phone”.

“Who was that oppa?” Miinah asked me with a weak voice.

I placed the phone back to the bedside table. Then I smiled at her. “I’ll tell you later..” I kissed the top of her forehead ‘cause I cant hold myself. “Just rest now to help you recuperate your health.”

She nodded her head obediently & closed her eyes.

“I think I’ve FALLEN DEEPLY IN LOVE with you… Miinah..”



(Miinah ‘s P.O.V)


I groaned when I felt my arms burn. I slowly opened my eyes, I saw the couch where Onew was sleeping before, but I didn’t found him there.. Maybe he went out to eat..I look at Key who was holding my hand as he sleep in the chair beside the bed.

I stared at him. My heart started to pound, I reached his cheek and caressed it. It’s the first time someone save me from being bullied. I’m happy that I have found friends that cares for me.

His eyes slowly fluttered open as I hold his hand with my other hand. He blinked for a few times then smiled at me. “Miinah, how do you feel now?”

I smiled back at him weakly. “I’m fine oppa, you don’t really have to worry about me.”

His hand caressed my cheek as he stared lovingly at me. “Oppa.. may I ask you something?”


I squeezed his hand that I’m holding gently. “May I ask what did you like in someone like me?”

He held both of my hand and also squeezed it gently. “Honestly, I fell for you at first sight… You are smart, kind, pretty… and mostly because you made my HEART BEAT like crazy whenever I see you, with or without guys hanging around you.” He pouted.

I chuckled. “You’re jealous whenever I’m with you friends oppa??”

He smiled. “You could say that. And I don’t want the feeling of being jealous.”

I  smiled back at him. “Thank you for loving me oppa.”

His eyes widened. “NEH?! Did you heard what I said last night??!” I chuckled at his expression.

“Yeh.” I saw him blush really hard. “I clearly that you have fallen deeply in love with me..” I felt my cheek became slightly warm.

He bit his lower lip & stared nervously at me. “So?... w-would y-you give me a chance?”

I sighed. “Yeh oppa.. I’ll give you chance.”

His nervous look was replaced by a big bright grin. “Gomawo for giving me a chance to show you how a ‘Kim Kibum’ take care of someone he loves.”

I laughed as he kissed my forehead.

 I WISH I can always be happy like this..



(Minho’s P.O.V)


“Gomawo for giving me a chance to show you how a ‘Kim Kibum’ take care of someone he loves.”

My HEART seemed to have shattered inside of me.

“So.. Miinah and Key are.. DATING…” I whispered to myself with full of bitterness.

If Key makes her happy.. I’ll respect their relationship… anything just to Miinah happy…







@xxeveryheartxx, thanks for loving the chapters~~ and yeah MINHO likes her too~


@water_lilly, Gyuri’s role is so bad here.. ^^ nah, the results of the exams will be given next week ..>.<


@lolisho, yeah~~ I also smell a love triangle!~ ^^


@HyunRie, thank you for reading, new reader!~ hope you enjoy more ^^


@misshotpig, well, you’ll know more things that will make you hate JAE more ^^


@maileekou, here’s the update ^^ sorry if this chapter is LAME-O.. >.<


@WonderShobe, thanks!~ here’s another update ^^


@TeenageDream, Thank you!~ and here’s the update.. hope you’ll like it.


@butterfly555, yeah, Taemin transformed from being nice to being scary!~ (my baby Taemin matured!!~~)

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Chapter 22: keep safe in your pratices unnie!
and hope you can update soon..
really hwaiting for this update :)
zeasbabybana #3
Chapter 22: This story is great.I like it.Hope you'll update soon. :)
Updat soon
Wahhh, This Is An Awesome Fanfic!! I Just Got To Chapter 6 But Its Awesome, Keep Writing! FIGHTING :D
OMG, its been so long. -.- You're not updating. T^T I love this fiction you know. ): I cried once when reading it. I am too sensitive i guess. xD LOL, UPDATE PUH-LEASE? :D
Hey , it's been so long already . How's practice ? xD <br />
Anyway , please update soon ~ ! <3
Nooooo ! Lol jk. Don't worry about us readers, we can wait...or not xD Focus on your dance/ gymnastics and do your best. We'll be waiting for the next chappie :)
Poor Minho... he always falls for someone but some other member always confesses first </3 I wish she would like Minho... :( so sad :(<br />
cool story tho :) and don't over stress yourself :D we can wait <3
And chap 14 is Minho's date in SHINee's yunhanam >.<<br />
SO funny you used them :))