Miss Assassin I

Agent 143

The screen showed a picture of a young woman, as Jaesuk continued with his announcement.

“Agents, this is Lee Yeonhee. A teacher, teaching in high school. Witness brought us a report that she is part of a clan, she is an assassin. I would like you to track her whereabouts, the clan, her victims and capture this suspect as soon as possible.”

The four of them huddled around the table and wrote down the basic information as Yoona jotted down the plan. “So here’s the plan. Sooyoung, you’ll be diguised as a student and attend the target’s classes. Chansung, you’ll help out Sooyoung with the gadgets you’ve got. I want them to be in her classroom, office, aparment and so on. Once information is gathered, bring them to me and we’ll move on from there. And as for you Taecyeon,” Yoona glanced at him wearily. “You can help Sooyoung out by disguising as well.”

“You mean I’ll be a student?” he asked in disbelief.

Yoona smiled. “Precisely.”

Sooyoung gave some sort of hand signal to Chansung. “Yoona, I think it’ll be best if all of us are in disguise. Right guys?”

Chansung nodded. “It’s been a while since we’ve been together so…why not?”

Yoona shook her head. “No guys I can’t do high school this time.”

“And why not?” Taecyeon demanded with curiosity in his voice.

“Because no one likes high school ever.”

Taecyeon chuckled. “That’s true.”

Sooyoung stood up and picked her purse up from her desk. “Chansung and I will head to the school to pick up the uniforms. We’ll be right back.” Chansung followed Sooyoung shortly as they left Taecyeon and Yoona in the room alone. Taecyeon sighed, folding his arms as he stared at Yoona.

“So is this mission any different compared to the previous one?”

Yoona kept ker eyes on the paper she was writing on. “Yes this is different because we are dealing with an assassin. Assassins are trained, skilfull and vigilant. They’re like us, only that they’re the bad ones.”

He nodded with interest. “So do I have to be extra careful?”

Yoona stopped writing and looked up. “Extra extra careful, got it?”

“Okay,” he shrugged.


Chansung and Sooyoung were out on the road, on their way to the school. In contrary, they discussed about the other two again.

“This is our chance Channie. We can bring Taec and Yoona closer with this mission, thankfully it included high school. Oh the moments I could think of,” she said with her hands clasped, her smile widening.

“Let’s keep it real though, not just pushing them to be together.”

Sooyoung snapped a finger. “We have to get chances where we can leave them alone so, try to isolate them as much as possible.”

“Sounds like a plan Soo,” Chansung said, both giving themselves a high-five.


They returned to the headquarters, Sooyoung rushed to their zone and held out the uniform to Yoona. “What do you think? Seoul High School isn’t that bad after all,” she said, examining the yellow tailored uniform.

“Why did you bring four?” Yoona’s fingers ran through the fabric of the uniform.

“It’s for all of us to wear, so you can’t back out Yoong!” Sooyoung pushed the uniform into Yoona’s hands.

Yoona sighed as she placed the uniform on the table, “Guys I can’t do this.”

"Yoona, you have to be part of the act! It’s gonna be fun come on," Sooyoung urged her.

"Don't be such a party pooper Yoong, let's rejoice the high school moments where there were all those dramas and ," Taecyeon teased as he rolled his eyes.

Chansung held out the uniform in front of Yoona. "Give us a chance Yoona. Please?" Yoona glanced at the six pairs of eyes that were begging for her to agree. She groaned when they cheered in success as she clutched onto the blouse and skirt that Chansung held on.

"Gosh of all types of teachers,  it must be the one teaching in high school!" she grumbled.

Sooyoung distributed the name tags to each one of them. “Yoona, yours is Jung Hana. Taecyeon you’ll be Cha Gunwoo. Chansung will be Gong Doha and I’ll be Gong Minyoung!”

“What’s with the names?” Taecyeon cocked up an eyebrow.

“It’s to protect our identities Taec, so dress up! We won’t want to miss out the rest of the classes.”

All of them changed to the uniforms that they retrieved. Entering the mini van, they drove to the school’s boundary. Taecyeon and Chansung hung their bags on the shoulders as they inserted their hands in their pockets. Yoona and Sooyoung had their hair tied up to a ponytail, putting on their small school bags around their shoulders. Before they could enter the school, Sooyoung took out her phone stretching out her arm. “Guys come on a quick selca is needed on the first day of school!” Sooyoung forced the three to huddle around her as they laughed. They posed with the usual ‘v’ signs and smiles.

Their footsteps echoed throughtout the hallways as they were searching for their classes. Yoona stopped to give instructions. “Taecyeon you will tag along with Sooyoung in the target’s class. Chansung and I will be in the library.”

Taecyeon groaned in frustration. “Gosh I hate to be the one with the schedule.”

Sooyoung and Taecyeon walked up the stairs, heading to the third floor where the target’s class was at. Strolling down the hallway, Sooyoung wore a smile and turned the doorknob. Taecyeon’s eyes gazed towards the teacher his mouth parting. He didn’t expect the target could be awfully pretty. His male hormones were raging once again as he stared at the teacher who gladly welcomed them.

“Class, we have new students today and I would like you all to welcome them,” Lee Yeonhee wore glasses, dressed in a simple light blue blouse and a black pencil skirt. “Please introduce yourselves.”

Sooyoung bowed saying, “Hello everyone! I’m Gong Minyoung please take good care of me.”

Taecyeon sighed as he stood in front of the class next. He noticed some female students whispering to each other, smiling at him. “Hello I’m Cha Gunwoo, nice to meet all of you.”

Yeonhee directed them to their seats which were at the very back of the class. Taecyeon sat behind Sooyoung, yawning. He recognized they were in a Math class. Just great, he thought. Not wanting to be picked on he pretended to scribble formulas into his notebooks. Sooyoung turned around to pass a note to him. He picked it up and read the message. ‘Attach the camera on the shelf’ he noticed a small camera on his desk. Picking it up, he slyly put the camera on the shelf when the teacher was facing the whiteboard.

“Gunwoo! Do we multiply or divide by thirty four to isolate the radius?” Yeonhee questioned.

Taecyeon squirmed in his seat oblivious to what she was talking about. Sooyoung stuck out her hands and formed a cross sign. “We multiply,” he answered. Yeonhee nodded as he let out a sigh of relief when she picked on another student. Taecyeon leaned his head over the table and whispered a ‘thank you’ to Sooyoung.

The bell rung, Yeonhee assigned homework before she dismissed the class. Taecyeon shoved his notebook in his bag and followed behind Sooyoung. When Yeonhee left the classroom, Taecyeon bumped into her on purpose in order for Sooyoung to attach a mini microphone in Yeonhee’s bag.

“I’m terribly sorry Ms Lee,” Taecyeon said while he picked a few folders that dropped on the floor.

Yeonhee shook her head. “It’s fine Gunwoo, thank you for helping,” she said before walking away. Taecyeon dipped his hands into his pockets as he stared at Yeonhee with a smile on his face.

Sooyoung nudged his arm. “Why are you looking at the target like that?”

“What?” Taecyeon smirked, “She’s pretty for a teacher.”

“Uh huh,” she rolled her eyes. “Come on let’s head to the cafeteria. Yoona texted me a while ago.”

“Wait Yoona texted you?”

“Yeah why?”

He grinned handing out his phone to her, “Give me her number.”

Sooyoung chuckled a little. “Okay Taec.” She punched in Yoona’s number quickly, walked to the cafeteria afterwards. Chansung waved his arm in the air, motioning Sooyoung and taecyeon to come to their table.

“How’d it go?” he asked.

“Math should be an illegal subject as usual,” Taecyeon rubbed his eyes wearily.

Sooyoung giggled. “I saved him during a question. Pay attention Gunwoo!”

“Since you two are free for the day, I’ll accompany Taecyeon and Chansung you can help Sooyoung out later,” Yoona said in a soft, low voice.

“Great!” Sooyoung cheered, eyeing on Chansung. “Channie and I will go get some food then. You two can stay here.”

Once they left the Taecyeon and Yoona again, Taecyeon playfully dialed Yoona’s number. Yoona unlocked her phone’s screen, answering the call.


“Thanks for your number! Save mine okay?” Taecyeon grinned. Yoona nonchalantly gazed at him, hanging up the call. “Did Sooyoung give you my number?”

“Doesn’t matter now.”

Clenching her fists she closed her eyes. “Just please don’t annoy me.”

He appeared as if he didn’t hear her. “Don’t know about that,” he whistled. Yoona threatened him by snatching his phone away from his hand. Taecyeon groaned, “Okay, okay I won’t.”

“Good,” she said, handing him back his phone and sat back down in her spot.


After lunch, Chansung and Sooyoung sneaked into the staff room with the help of a teacher to find the target’s personal desk. Taecyeon and Yoona were loitering around the hallway, waiting for the two to be back. They were walking past rows of lockers until they heard someone raising his voice to students who seemed to be late for class.

“Oh shoot it’s the principal!” Taecyeon reminded her. “We gotta hide or we’ll get into trouble.”

“Follow me,” Yoona dragged Taecyeon with her and hid themselves in a janitor’s closet. The room was too small, they leaned against the wall, facing each other oppositely. Taecyeon found himself burning up when Yoona’s body was dangerously close to his. His apple rose and fell when he noticed her loosening the tie from the collar.

“You know,” he started off. “It’s not really a good idea to hide in a janitor’s closet.”

“There’s no place else we could hide,” she replied. “Gosh it’s hot in here.”

Taecyeon cleared his throat, watching her fan herself. “Yoona…stop being provocative,” he said.

Yoona stared at him with confusion then realizing they were close to each other. She smirked at the idea when he was nervous or scared about her. She made a daring move by positioning her hands on the wall, trapping him. Taecyeon stood frozen in his position, thinking what in the world was Yoona doing to him.

“What’s the matter Taec?” she whispered, her breath tickling his cheeks. Taecyeon blushed furiously, holding his breath in. He took a moment to sink into her gaze, her doe eyes were focusing intently into his.

Someone swung the door open, forcing Yoona back away from him. He sighed in relief when the janitor opened the door. The janitor gave them a dirty look and mocked, “You two didn’t have in my closet did you?”

Taecyeon turned to Yoona who hid her face from embarrassment. “No sir we just hid from the principal,” Taecyeon replied for her.

The janitor sighed, “Thank god, just please no in this closet. I don’t want my stuff to be all over the place. Get out you two, I don’t see the principal anywhere.”

They stepped out of the room awkwardly bowing to the janitor. Chansung and Sooyoung had goofy grins on their faces when they watched them come out from the closet.

“What did you guys do in there?” Sooyoung winked at Taecyeon. He laughed, shaking his head.

“Come on let’s go,” Yoona pursed her lips, heading towards the stairs. Chansung took this chance to tease Taecyeon. He scoffed in response telling him that nothing happened. The four of them were going back to the van until Sooyoung decided to buy something from a nearby convenience store.

“I’ll just buy some snacks, I’ll be right back!” she skipped towards the store, leaving the three of them, as they sat on a nearby bench.

“I need to buy something as well,” Chansung excused himself and joined Sooyoung in the store.

Taecyeon and Yoona sat in silence, waiting patiently for their team mates. Suddenly Taecyeon’s expression was bitter when he saw Jessica with a man, coming out from the convenience store. Yoona followed his gaze and landed upon a girl smiling with a man. She noticed Taecyeon, his mouth parted, his eyes stared at his hands, his head low.

“Hey, are you okay?” she sat closer to him. Taecyeon exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “No I just felt dumped.”

Yoona didn’t understand. “What?”

“The girl you saw just now was the one I asked out. As you can see, she is obviously with someone else so I felt dumped,” he chuckled a little.

“Oh,” was all she said. “You’re fine with it?”

Taecyeon shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. It’s not the first time I got into a situation like this,” he sighed.

“Me too,” Taecyeon gazed at her in disbelief. Yoona smiled lightly, “Yeah I had a life too Taecyeon.”

“Okay we have to go, they’re here.” Yoona stood up, not wanting to discuss further with him. He kept quiet until they drove back to the headquarters.


Back again to their spy dress code, they discussed the information gathered. Chansung set up the speakers and his computer to activate the cameras and microphones that were with the target.

“Target, Lee Yeonhee. A teacher, age 28, one older brother, a widowed father. Her crime is going undercover, an assassin also part of a clan. We have to find the clan and capture the target as well as other suspects included in this crime. It will take us some time to complete this mission because we’re dealing with trained killers once again. We will track her missions and unveil the clan’s hideout.”   


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Chapter 20: so yeah im crying my eyes out here idek why
Chapter 20: Ohmygod i love this
how ...
This is my ideal fic, with my 2PM boys and the one-and-only running man members! Not to mention girls' generation and a few other guys and girls i know!!!!!!!! Thank you for such an amazing fic!
Your fanfics are a-m-a-z-i-n-g ...
I'm guessing you are a taecyoon shipper. Of COURSE. Kekekekekeke
anyway congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 streak #3
Chapter 6: Oh...this also a good one...Taecyeon as a lover boy... this character just melts me... oh you are so clever to come up with names when they disguised in the school I recognize Jung Hana and Cha Gun Woo from their dramas...
Oh GOD! I'm patheticly both TAECYOON and CHANSOO SHIPPER. Well, actually my straight OTP is TAECSOO Lol but no one made any fanfic about them
Chapter 20: This story made me smile and laugh! :-) TaecYoon, I love that couple... TaecYoon fighting ~!
Chapter 21: I used to ship taecyoon before,but baaammm some reasons blew me up *IYKWIM lol* lucky I found this one and my ship sailing again :D this is such a great story! It took me about 4 hours to finish read this. And I love it! Taecyoon are cool and so does chansoo! Ah you added the running man members to it made this story more epic! I lost my words with some action, drama, and of course fluffy time. Damn taecyoon is the best! And so you are! Haha I'll look forward the epilogue it seems more interesting. Thanks you for bring the story deserved to read :)
I love this storyyy! It only took me 4-5 hours to read it. Please keep on updating TaecYoon's fanfic and keep on writing about them! Seriously loving all your fanfics. Keep up the good work!
escapingfromreality #8
Chapter 20: I finished :O ommgg... that was just. amazing. I really like the characters personalities especially Yoona and Taecs :DD you're an amazing writer ^~^ I will definitely read your other stories!!
taecyoon fighting~!
escapingfromreality #9
Chapter 13: this chapter is like divergent!
escapingfromreality #10
Chapter 6: waaahh~ such a good story! I love chansung and sooyoungs friendship<3 and of course taecyoon~!