Morning of Truth

Breaking Through

Grab your popcorn, this is a long one :)

No One Pov

It is morning. Daesung, CL, Taeyang, and Dara have all arrived at the headquarters. Jiyoung, YG and Eun Ae have woken up. The meeting room is filled with everyone who has something to say regarding the events of last night. Top is sitting next to a nervous Bom, and a stone faced Cap. Dara, Taeyang, CL, and Daesung are huddled together, whispering something to one another. Seungri and Minzy are setting up the video recording of Minho, and the meeting. Winner and Red Velvet are still in their assigned rooms, this meeting is only for those who are at the top level of the rebellion.


Only two people are missing from the room. Sora and Taemin. Jiyoung looks around and says. “Sora is probably in the the medic quarters with Taemin still. I’ll go get them.” He takes off like a shot and is in the opposite end of the HQ in a flash, he opens the door to the room Taemin is in, and his jaw drops open in shock.



Taemin is laying on the bed, holding tightly on to Sora, who is right next to him. Her head is resting on his shoulder, and they are both fast asleep. Jiyoung has a surge of anger and jealousy as he blurts out. “What the hell?”

Sora and Taemin both jerk up from their slumber and meet Jiyoung’s glaring eyes.


Sora POV

“Oh hey Jiyoung hyung!” Taemin says brightly, not noticing the tension in the room. I look up and see Jiyoung standing there, obviously pissed off, and hurt. I distance myself away from Taemin and try to speak. “I can explain, it’s not what you think-”


Jiyoung cuts me off in a curt manner, “There is an important meeting in the control room, if you’re not too busy, it would be nice of you to show up.” he says sarcastically, spinning on his heel and taking off.


I catch of glimpse of his thoughts, and can’t even think of what to say…. the mere fragments of his thoughts are in chaos.


     How could she do this….

    I thought she said she loved me a few hours ago…

    Why the hell does that Taemin idiot think he is doing...

    How many other guys does she spend the night with….

    Dammit….. I am so done with everything….


Then as soon as he leaves, I lose his trail of thoughts, but I have Heard enough to make tears spring to my eyes as Taemin looks at me in confusion.


“What just happened?” he asks, putting an arm around my shoulder.


“I think Jiyoung thinks that there is something between us.” I mumble.


“Errm….. ew. You’re my sister….no way.” Taemin said awkwardly.


“Yeah…” I responded.


“But, why would it matter to you what he thinks?” Taemin asks.


I glare at him. I am the older twin…. at least mentally.  “Let’s go to the meeting room.” I grumble, dragging my oblivious brother with me.


No One Pov

Sora and Taemin enter the room to a chorus of stares from everyone except Jiyoung, who appears to be fascinated by the opposite corner of the room.


They awkwardly sit down next to Daesung and Taeyang. YG clears his throat and kicks Jiyoung’s chair.


Jiyoung glances up, and looks around. “Okay then. First item of business. Minho’s creepy rant on the tape, has everyone seen it?” he asks.

Everyone nods in assent. They had all watched the tape earlier that night at some point.


“Well, before we decide what to do, there are some thing I, and everyone else, need to know.”he continued, looking everywhere except for Sora.

He stood up, and walked over to Bom and Cap. “I know I am not the only one who is wondering about you two. To be honest, I’m not sure why I haven’t asked it before but - but -erm - uh - to put in simply…. why exactly are you two engaged to some really really high ranking officials.” He asks the siblings.


Bom turns white and buries her face in Top’s shoulder. Cap looks at the pair next to him and sighs. “It’s...hard to put into words for her, but I can try to explain.”he pauses.


“O-our father… Bom noona and my father, his name was Lee Soo Man and he was Jongwa’s best friend. As soon as Noona was born, she was engaged to Minho, Jungwa’s heir. And as soon as I was born...I was engaged to Irene, who was the eldest daughter of one of Jongwa’s….erm future lady friends” Cap says, looking around awkwardly.


There is long pause, then “Who is Lee Soo Man?” asks Minzy.


“You might know him as SM.” CAP says quietly.


There is a collective gasp from everyone. The all know who SM was. Fifteen years ago, he was the commander of the Dark Army. He was the one who decided to burn villages, tear apart families, rip apart friendships, and kidnap people at random. He was known to many as the very devil on earth. If it weren’t for Jongwa, SM would have been the world’s most powerful man. That is, until his death. Legend had it that he was killed by someone in Jongwa’s highest ranks, and that the method was a lethal poison. The murderer was never found.


Everyone looks at Cap in shock, and he mistakes it for anger. “Noona and I didn’t ask to be borne to a bastard like him for a father…we are nothing like him, please don’t judge us by someone who we despise more than Jongwa himself” he tries to say.


Taeyang shakes his head. “We know, we know… don’t worry… we would never blame you for something you had no control over. We respect you and call you our friends because of who you are, not what your father did.”


“I second that!” Seungri shouts.


“Same here!” Everyone agrees.


Bom takes her face out of Top’s shoulder, and for the first time since last night, the color returns to her face, and she smiles gratefully.”Thank you, thank you all so much. I have one more thing to add to my brothers statements. I am obviously with Top, and I refuse to acknowledge my engagement with M-minho. The same way, my brother Cap has always… hated Irene, and I want you all to know that they are not together, and nor will they ever be, no matter what the stupid engagement law says.”


“I think that goes without saying. Cap, and Bom noona, just one more question. Can we really trust these Winner and Red Velvet people?” Jiyoung asks.

“No.” Bom and Cap say in chorus, when at the same time Taemin said, “We have to.”


Everyone turns to Taemin, eyebrows raised. “What do you mean?” asks Cap, the sharpness evident in his tone.


“The letter that my dad sent with them, it said that we have to trust them. They are the only ones who know the inner workings of the facility and palace right now.” Taemin explained.


Everyone is silent for a minute.

Then Seungri glanced over at Minzy, and he began to speak. “When Minzy and I found them, they were arguing about Jongwa and how he killed their families. I don’t like them at all, but I don’t think they would turn their backs on us and join forces with someone who killed their own flesh and blood.”


There is an awkward pause. Jiyoung looks up, and addresses everyone. “We are going to have to work with them.”


Bom interrupts him. “But Ji-!”


“But we will keep an eye on them for sure, we’ll make sure some of our best people are watching over them. If they do anything suspicious we’ll… have to eliminate them.” Jiyoung plows through. “Let’s take a vote, is everyone alright with this strategy?” he asks, raising his hand.


Suengri, Minzy, Taemin and Sora are the first to raise their hands, soon they are joined by everyone except Bom, Cap, and Top.

“Majority rules, sorry guys.” Jiyoung says apologetically.


“I hope we won’t regret this.” mutters Top.


“Well, um… guys this is a great conversation and all, but we have to tell you guys something really important.” says Dara.


“Well, carry on then.” Jiyoung says with a wave of his hand.


“It’s kind of a long story…” Daesung starts.

He begins to tell everyone how he received an email from someone at the highest levels of Jongwa’s forces.


Then Taeyang started to explain how that email led Daesung to call Cl, Dara, and him.


CL then explained how they ended up in the sewers, waiting for whoever contacted Daesung.


Then when Dara pulled the flashdrive out of her pocket and told everyone that it held the location of fifty stolen hovercraft, hit the fan.


“W-what?” “How?” “Whoa..” “Omo..” “Fifty Hovercraft? Like Hovercraft ready to help us?” are the flabbergasted comments ringing throughout the room.


“Yeah, fifty hovercraft ready to help us. And the guy said that he and his forces will help us when we decide to attack.” Daesung clarifies.


Jiyoung ran his fingers through his hair, changing it to a bright and cheerful purple. “This changes everything!” he grins.


“How can we trust this person?” asks Sora, speaking up for the first time.


Jiyoung’s smile droops, and he doesn’t make eye contact with Sora as he tries to come up with an answer.


But he is beat by Taeyang who shrugs “Well, the guy said he knew you YG appa.”


YG raises his eyebrows and scoffs. “Really? I don’t know any high ranking officials.” He says, picking up a glass of water and sipping from it.


“Um, he said his name was JYP, if that means anything.” CL says.


YG starts choking on his water, and ends up in a coughing fit. Daesung looks at him and mentally forces the lodged water in his throat to evaporate, making YG’s stunned expression emerge from a cloud of steam.

“Your welcome.” says Daesung.


YG doesn’t acknowledge him. Instead he springs up, bumping into his wife and Jiyoung at the same time and his face goes white. “D-did you say JYP?”


“Um… yeah? He said to tell you he said hi” said CL in surprise.


YG is silent for a second and then he blurts. “The bastard let me think he was dead for 20 years, and then he shows up and tells you to tell me he said hi?!”


“Apparently…” mumbles Taeyang.


“Just who is this JYP person, dear?” asks YG’s wife, Eun Ae.


YG shakily sits down. “He was - I mean, he is  my best friend since we were kids. He was the only guy I told about the prophecy.”


“What do you mean you thought he was dead for 20 years?” asks Jiyoung.


“Well, it was a long time ago, before I had found any of you. JYP and I were roaming the streets of Seoul and we got attacked by five or six Dark Army Scouts. We fought the best we could and we took most of them out, but I had my back turned for a minute and I heard two gunshots. I turned around and I saw my best friend… laying in a pool of blood. I killed the guy who shot him. I could hear the Dark Army reinforcements coming, but I had to go back to JYP. And I w-when I went back to him, he was barely breathing… but the - l-ast thing he said to me was to run and not to look back. So thats what I did. That’s why I thought he was dead.” YG finished sadly.


“How did he end up in one of the highest Dark Army Ranks?” marvelled Seungri.


“No idea. But he was always good at talking his way out of, and into, trouble.” YG said.


“But since he is alive and you know him,  can we trust him? Can we believe that he really has fifty hovercraft for us?” asks Top.


“Even today, after all this time I would trust him with my life.” YG says seriously.


Everyone processes this statement.


“O-Kay…….” Jiyoung says, drawing out the word and drumming his fingers on the table as the gears in his mind turned.


“Well, I was thinking that we should attack the palace first-” Jiyoung says, but he is cut off by Sora.


“No, we can’t do that Jiyoung.”


Jiyoung’s eyes dart up and he glares at her. “Why should I listen to you?” he blurts without thinking.


Sora stands up. “Because I have something important to say-”


Jiyoung  shouts “Something important huh? Well maybe I don’t want to hear your opinion!”


Bom looks at the two of them in confusion, and was about to say something when Sora yells back at Jiyoung.


“Well, that means that you are being ignorant on the matters of planning this out and being selfish -”


Jiyoung stops her for speaking, by now his hair burning red orange and sparks literally flying off of him. “Me? Selfish? You should be one to talk!” he rages.


He doesn’t notice that one of the sparks he was giving off set Seungri’s jacket on fire. The maknae yelped and was immediately doused by Daesung.


By this time, Sora began radiating heat of her own and started glowing like a burning ember, “How dare you call me selfish you bastard! You didn’t even listen to me when I tried to explain to you what happened” she screamed, throwing her hands in the air, and flipping the table over in the process.  Everyone else backed up against the wall, as Jiyoung and Sora stared each other down.


“Hey guys, I think you need to sto-” YG said, but then he was silenced when JIyoung raised his arm and used his telekinesis to shut his mouth.


Then Jiyoung yelled back at Sora. “Explain?! How do you have an explanation for something like this?”


“Well,I do! You just need to list-” Sora screams, glaring at him, but Jiyoung cuts her off again.


“Maybe you should just-!” Jiyoung tries to shout, but he is thrown against the wall and pinned down by Sora’s telekinesis.


“Holy …” mutters Seungri as he watches this happening.


“Listen to me Jiyoung. Freaking listen to me! I freaking love you! You and only you! Do you understand!” Sora exclaimed, totally exasperated.


“Awwww….” coos Bom.


“B-but Taemin” Jiyoung stutters in shock.


“Is my freaking twin brother!” Sora yells.


Everyone stared at Taemin, their mouths agape.


“Oooooooh…..” Taemin whispers, finally realising what was going on between his sister and Jiyoung.


“When did you find this out?” gasps Jiyoung in disbelief.


“Last night.” mutters Sora, as she releases Jiyoung and he staggers to get up.


“Okay.” Jiyoung says.


“Just...just okay?” Sora asks, confused.


“Nope, one more thing.” JIyoung says, as he grabs Sora by the waist and pulls her into a deep and passionate kiss.


Bom slides her hand over Cap’s eyes.  Taemin mutters “Ew…” under his breath, and turns away. Everyone else has the sense to look in the opposite direction, well, everyone except Seungri.


“Whoaaaaaaaaa…..” Seungri says watching Jiyoung entangle his hands in Sora’s hair.

In a blink of an eye Seungri finds himself hanging upside down from the ceiling, an invisible force holding him up.

“…..” He hissed.


Sora’s POV

We can’t! We can’t!! We can’t attack the palace!! I freak out mentally, thanking my lucky stars that only one person in the room knows how much I’m panicking.


Sora, Sora, breathe! Daesung moves from CL’s side as I move away from Jiyoung. The rage earlier had pushed the idea of the palace out of my mind, but now it was sneaking back. Daesung put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. Sora, why can’t we go to the palace? What’s wrong?

I do as Daesung says, and take deep breaths while Jiyoung tortures the maknae. Everyone laughed as Jiyoung flipped the maknae head-over-heels. I grab Daesung’s hand on my shoulder, and turn around, still holding his hand. As I look into his eyes, I show him what has been causing me so much dread.


A wedding dress. A bloody knife. Minho screaming in pain. Bom in a dress. VIXX being mutilated by Minho. And an overwhelming sense of dread.

“Sora…” Daesung whispers, sounding unsure of himself.


We can’t go back there! I think to him.

Sora, this all happened in the past. Not sure about those boys in the cage, but the rest all happened in the past! It won’t happen again.

No no no! We can’t go back because if we do, it’ll happen all over again! I’ve been getting these real bad dreams, and in every one, someone is hurt. Some are things that haven’t happened yet, but they’re all the same. People end up hurt. People I care about, people I don’t know, people I hate, they all end up hurt! We can’t go back! No one else needs to get hurt…


With that, I collapsed into Daesung’s arms, crying silently. Daesung shared this new information with Jiyoung, YG Appa, and Umma telepathically. Umma came up to me, and guided me away as my tears flooded my vision.


No One’s POV


Jiyoung gave Daesung a look. What was going on? Sora was having nightmares?


Nightmares? But they’re all from the past! he thought to Daesung.


Could they be prophecies of some sort?


What part of ‘they’re all from the past’ don’t you understand? They can’t be prophecies if they’re dreams of the past!

But what if it’s like Sora said? What if the dreams are telling us that if we do attack the palace, bad things will happen?

Well it’s not like anything good has ever happened in the past century. Or three.




Just because Sora is having bad dreams, doesn’t meant that those dreams mean something!


When I have bad dreams like that, they usually mean something. I mean, it’s how we found Sora!


Daesung, don’t you want -


“Daesung? Jiyoung?” Top asked, looking at the two of them, wondering what conversation they had. Both men looked at Top, blinking. Top

continued, “What’s going on? Are we going to attack the palace or not?”


“No!” Daesung answered, at the same time as Jiyoung said,

“Yes! Get everyone ready, we’re moving out!”


Daesung glared at Jiyoung. “No Jiyoung! We can’t!”


“Why not?” Jiyoung snarled, angry that someone was challenging his authority again.


“Because! Sora thinks we shouldn’t! Her dreams mean something, Ji!”


“What dreams?” Top asked, growing more confused by the minute, along with everyone else in the room.


“Sora’s been having nightmares. Of all of us getting hurt. She thinks it means we shouldn’t go to the palace.” Daesung explained. The group mulled over on this, before CAP spoke.


“I agree with Jiyoung. We should go attack.”


“And what about Sora’s dreams?” his sister Bom asked him.


“Sora hasn’t had the best life. We all know that. Torture, experiments, the like. It must’ve been horrible. Then, add on all the stuff she’s been through since she met you. It makes sense that she’d have nightmares about it all. Just because Sora’s psychic doesn’t mean her dreams mean things.” CAP explained.


YG stepped forward. “We’ll take a vote. Majority rules. Who thinks we should use the ships to attack the palace?”


Jiyoung, CAP, and about half of the others raised their hands. They were evenly split, 50-50. What do they do now?

“We have to attack!” Jiyoung raged. “If we don’t attack now, we run the risk of Jongwa finding out about the missing hovercraft! Then our chance will be ruined!”


“Jiyoung, calm down!” Top tried to get his leader to calm down, but it was ineffective.


“You know what? Fine! Don’t attack the palace!” Jiyoung threw up his hands in the air. “I mean, you guys appointed me leader, but if you don’t want me to be, fine!” With that, he bolted out of the room, slamming the door behind him. As soon as the door slams, Seungri falls to the ground. He’d been held there the whole time.


“H-Hey guys? Don’t I get to vote?” He stutters after falling. Everyone glances at Seungri, and Top darts out of the room, and returns- dragging an angry Jiyoung back with him.


“What the hell is wrong with you?” yells Jiyoung, snatching his arm out of Top’s grip.


Top jerks his head to Seungri “Maknae hasn’t voted yet. He can break the tie.”


Jiyoung turns to face Seungri, and soon everyone bore their eyes into the nervous Seungri.


“I shouldn’t have said anything….” He muttered.


CL glared at him and said “Well you did, so make the decision.”


Seungri shifts his weight to one foot and bites his lip. “Umm.. before that, could I ask you a question Sora?”  


“Shoot for it.” Sora shrugs.


“Um, let’s say we don’t attack the palace… what would you want us to do?” Seungri says nervously.


Sor is silent a moment and then whispers “Go to the facility instead. Get everyone out of room 103301.”


There is a long silence, and if a pin had dropped it would have echoed throughout the room.


Seungri shuts his eyes tightly and says clearly. “Yeah, sorry hyung, but I agree with Sora. We should attack the facility instead of the palace.”


Jiyoung opens his mouth, when he sees a  number of people are uncomfortable with this ideas. “Sora, maybe-”


“Jiyoung… Everybody…. Just listen to me for a minute.” Sora says, pausing. “You.. none of you understand what it’s like to be in a place like that room. You have absolutely no control...over anything. And.. you’re always tired, hungry, hurting, and cold. If you try to talk to the others, you only make it worse for yourself, because even if they are the ones getting hurt, you too will feel pain… If your life was that bad, you’d alway be afraid. You’d start hating people. You’d begin to wish you weren’t alive. You’d go crazy. That’s exactly what I went through. That’s what those boys in my dreams, and everyone else in that room goes through everyday. J-Just think about that b-before you judge my thoughts.” Sora says, starting to tear up between her halting sentences.


Everyone looks at her sadly. “Okay. We’ll do it” Jiyoung says gently, wrapping Sora into an embrace.


“I wonder which one of them are going to be the one to kill each other first.” murmurs YG at the scene before him.


Even though YG was the one who said this, Jiyoung still directed his annoyance at Seungri, by running an electric shock through him, causing the little panda’s hair to stand on end.


“Either way, somehow Seungri will get blamed for it.” chuckles Taeyang.”


We worked HARD on this one guys.. so give us some comments? Five at least :)

Thanks <3

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update coming tommorow!


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Singapore01 #1
Chapter 44: i just discovered this story.....but there has been no new updates for years.......
Chapter 44: Good, good. Fighting. Yeah. That's what I wanted to read. :D
Chapter 26: you seriously think that duct tape can restrain a cyborg? Seriously? (-_-)
Chapter 26: "What ta hell just happened?" "Bom is alive." "Ah I see. Wait.That doesn't explain anything!!"
WTH just happened? Its the second dime already that doesn't make sense (first being that moment in the forest where Jiyong almost hit(hit?) Sora. HAH? If he loves her so, then WHY oh why would he hit her? Why did they started bickering in the first pace. Well I understand that Jiyong wanted to keep Sora safe, but what happened after that went way above me)
Its Jiyong damn it!! JIYONG!
Chapter 44: Nice. I'm waiting for the update ladies
Chapter 38: Awe that was sweet
Chapter 34: Argh! These cliffhanger chapters are killing me
Chapter 29: Sora can't die! She is the heroine
Chapter 20: Poor Jiyong has no skills with women in this story. Lol
Chapter 17: This is really good. I've been so caught up reading that I haven't commented and I hate when people do that to me. The plot is very well thought out and I am excited to see where this goes