Endless Night

Breaking Through

Sora POV

“I’ll do it. I’ll tell Taemin about his father. Tomorrow morning.” I say softly.

Jiyoung shakes his head. “Alright, but make it early. We need to make battle plans as soon as possible in the morning. We need to give him a couple of hours to deal with this situation.”

I nod in understanding.

“Are we going back to sleep?” asks Top with a yawn.

“CAP, Kevin and I need to stay here, we are supposed to monitor the cameras all night.” Sungkyu says.

“I’m going to stay here too. I need to watch that video again, and any other footage.” Jiyoung says,”I might as well start planning the battle preparations too.”  he finishes, rubbing his eyes and giving me an apologetic look.

“I- I’ll stay here and help you with that.” I say hesitantly.I lower my head quickly to hide the blush spreading across my face. Bom unnie notices and smiles at me as I bite my lip nervously.


Top groans in frustration, making it obvious that he feels like he needs to do some work as well. “Now that I’m awake, I might as well go to the weapons room and see what equipment we’re gonna need. I’ll be back with some information for you later Jiyoung. Wanna come with me Boomie?” he asks.

“As long as you never call me that again.” Bom says jokingly. The two of them walk out of the room laughing at each other.

“I’m going to sleep, and so are you Hyun Suk.” Umma says handing over the baby to her husband. The three of them walk out of the room cheerfully.

Now I’m left alone with Jiyoung who looks at me nervously. Well…. not exactly alone. CAP, Kevin and Sungkyu are in the corner, completely immersed in something on the computer screens.

“Should we start?” I ask Jiyoung as I raise an eyebrow. He gulps and nods yes, as the two of us join the three men at the computer.


Seungri’s POV

Minzy and I strolled through the woods, hand in hand. Minzy had her head tilted back, looking at the sky.

“Seungri?” she asked, looking at me.


“Can you take me flying?”

“No!” I exclaimed loudly, before lowering my voice and looking around anxiously. “No.” I say again, turning back to her.

“Why not?”

“Because! I could drop you while I’m up there, or you could pass out or something, or –’’

“Do you really think you’d drop me?” Minzy interrupts me, giving me the disbelieving eyebrows.

“No, but it’s not safe!” I protest.

“Are you saying I’m not capable of protecting myself?”

“Are you saying you can fight midair?” I ask her pointedly.

Minzy rolls her eyes. “Are you saying you can’t?”

“Not while I’m holding you! It’s not safe! I won’t take you flying!” I snap, narrowing my eyes at her. Minzy blinks, and looks down in rejection. I can feel the hurt radiating off her, and my momentary flash of anger subsides. I put my arm around her. “Hey, I’m sorry… I will take you, tomorrow, when it’s light, with the other guys. Ok?”

Minzy nods, giving me a small smile.

I hear a branch crack loudly, and my head snaps in the direction where the sound came from. I stand perfectly still for a full minute, and hear nothing else. I look at Minzy, and in the dim light provided by the moon and starts, my eyes ask her a question, Did you hear that too?

Minzy nods, and we both tense, turning back to back and looking around suspiciously. Another branch cracks, from a different direction. I put my hand on Minzy’s arm, ready to teleport back to the base if we need to.

Suddenly a bright light is shined in my eyes, blinding me. There’s a lot of rustling leaves and crunching of boots brushing twigs and dead leaves. Sounds like a whole group was coming through the woods!

“You with Jongwa?” a young man’s voice calls, trying to sound tough but not quite convincingly enough.

“No.” I answer him calmly. “I’m not with Jongwa.” My eyes were starting to hurt from the light. “Would you mind turning off the light?”

“Light stays on.” A different man’s voice says. “Prove you’re not with Jongwa!”

I debate whether or not I should show them my wings. But if they try to attack us, I can just teleport Minzy and me away, or at the very least fly.

I slowly unfurl my wings. I wonder if they can even see my wings, which are the same color as the night, but by their gasps of shock and awe, I’m guessing they can.

“You’re part of the prophecy…” a girl says in wonder.

“Yeah, and part of the rebel forces! They’re evil!” another girl snapped at the first.

“Who told you that?” a new boy asks.

“Jongwa.” The girl answers.

“And who just tried to kill all of us?”

“Jongwa….” The girl grumbled.

“Exactly.” The first boy who spoke said. To me, he said, “You are with the rebels? Part of the prophecy?”

“Yes. My name is Seungri. I’m part of the six.” I answer.

“Then who’s the babe?” a fourth boy asks.

Minzy stiffens, and I grab her wrist firmly to keep her from leaping at the boy.

“Her name is Minzy. She’s a member of 2NE1.”

“2NE1 as in Bom? Minho’s girl?” the second girl asks.

“She’s TOP’s girl, not Minho’s.” Minzy says coolly.

“No! Bom and Minho were going to get married!” the girl exclaims.

Anyway!” the first boy says. “Can we come with you?”

Minzy scoffs. “You?! Not likely, you fat toad! You lot have the look of pampered rich kids. Your parents were in cahoots with Jongwa, weren’t they? I bet none of you have ever been in a fight in your lives! What use would you be to us?!”

“Key word: Were. Past tense. Just this morning, Jongwa’s forces came to our houses. They killed our parents, and were going to kill us too.” The second boy says.

“They weren’t gonna kill us! The soldier said!” another girl pointed out.

“Yes, because if Jongwa’s soldiers said it, it must be true!” The first girl snarled. “And even if they didn’t kill us, we wouldn’t like what they were gonna do!”

“Easy, easy, everyone calm down!” I say, holding out my hands. “I think we can take you with us for now. But Jiyoung will decide if you stay.” I hold Minzy’s hand, and hold my free hand out. “Everyone hold hands. I’ll teleport us to the base.”

“Teleport?” the second girl asked warily.

“Just grab hands and shut up!” Minzy glares at the girl. “Or you’ll really regret it!” The girl quickly grabs her friends’ hands, and squeezes her eyes shut. When everyone is holding hands, I close my eyes, and focus on bringing us to the base. The vortex swirls into existence around us, and one or two of the girls scream.

When I open my eyes, we’re standing in an overcrowded control room. There was the eleven of us that I had teleported, plus Bom, Jiyoung, Sora, Top, Kevin, CAP and Sungkyu.

“Seungri, Minzy!” Jiyoung rages. “Who’re all these people!”

The people I brought with me smiled and bowed, oblivious to Jiyoung’s anger. Four girls and five boys. The first boy said,

“I’m Seung-yoon, and this is my sister Seul-gi.” He gestures from himself to a girl with yellow tips on her hair. “These are our friends.”


Jiyoung POV

“Did you even think before teleporting in here?! huh? Did it even occur to you that we might be talking about something important? Something classified? As in top freaking secret?!” I yell at Seungri, grabbing his collar. Seungri scowls at me, and then yells back at me.

“”Ya! How the hell am I supposed to know what was going on? I freaking teleported by thinking of you! And you happened to be here, so freaking don’t talk to me like-” I’m about to throw a punch at my dongseng, when Sora stands between us and pulls us apart. She glares at both of us, and we both get the automatic mental message she sends us Shut the hell up! Stop yelling at each other for stupid reasons!

Seungri and I step back from each other. I glance at the people he brought with him, all of whom are cowering behind Minzy. I turn around and go to the table that I was at, to hide the papers and plans before I deal with the newcomers.

But when I get there, I find that the job has already been done by Top hyung and Bom Noona. They had returned earlier with from the list of ammo, weapons and armor. I nod in thanks, and return to the eleven new people. Normally I welcome new recruits, but something about this group sees off. Or maybe I’m still pissed about not getting enough sleep for the night. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the time. 4:00 in the morning. It’s been a long night.

“Explain.” I ask simply to Seungri.

He then tells everyone about how the groups were found, or more like how the groups found him.

After he finishes, I look at the people closely. Four girls and six boys. They appear healthy and well fed, rich kids…..  I think to myself.

One of the girls pushes the hair out of her face and looks up. I immediately see CAP and Bom stiffen.

“Cap oppa! Bom unnie! It’s great to see you.” she says coolly.

“Hello Irene.” says Bom, gritting her teeth. Cap just glares at the girl and moves to stand in front of Bom.

“You three have a history or something?” asks Top hyung.

“History? I’m Cap oppa’s fiance. Just like Bom unnie is Minho oppa’s fiance.” Irene says with a smile on her face.

“Don’t call me me oppa.” Cap says stiffly.

“Bom isn’t Minho’s girl.” Top blurts angrily, putting his arm around Bom.

I can feel the situation quickly about to spiral out of control, so I step in, even though I don’t like the sound of things. “Fond memories aside. I can understand why you are here. You want revenge for your parent’s deaths. So introduce yourselves to us, and we’ll give you a place to stay.”

One guys steps forward. “Like I said, I’m Seung- yoon. These guys over here are Mino, Taehyun, Jin-woon, and Seung-hoon. We like to call ourselves winner.”

Seung-yoon continues, “I have this envelope, it was given to me by the lead architect. He said to give it to Taemin. Do you know where I can find him?” He says, pulling an envelope out of his pocket.

The gears in everyone’s heads start turning. The lead architect? Isn’t that Taemin’s father? I think to myself. “I’ll keep the envelope and give it to him in the morning.” I say, startled.

His sister, that one Sel-gui girl starts talking. “I’m Sel-gui, and these girl are Joy, Wendy, and I guess some of you already know Irene. We call ourselves Red Velvet.”

“Okay then. Umm…… Welcome to the YG Family, I’m Jiyoung, the leader of the rebels. This is a rather…… busy time right now, so I will talk to all of you tomorrow morning. I need to know more about you, and why you left the palace. Errr…. Kevin, and Sungkyu show them into some of the spare rooms.” I instruct awkwardly.

Kevin and Sungkyu lead them out of the room, and I sigh deeply, okay… I’ll deal with them later. I look over at Bom and Cap. Something isn’t right. Bom was engaged to Minho - the heir to the throne, Cap was engaged to Irene- who is obviously some high ranking official's daughter. Just who are Bom and Cap? I realize I know almost nothing about their past, and I mentally facepalm myself for not realizing it before.

At that moment, CAP abruptly leaves the room, slamming the door behind him, startling everyone. Bom looks at the questioning faces around her, and whispers grudgingly “I’ll explain tomorrow morning.” She then leave the room to go after her younger brother.

“Everything is tommorow morning now isn’t it?” I mutter to myself, turning to Sora, I speak “You better wake Taemin up and tell him now, tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

Sora nods and quickly leaves the room.

“Yah…. Top Hyung, you seriously need to find Taeyang, Dara, Daesung, and CL. Then tell them what we found out tonight.” I tell Top. He too, leaves the room - with a crinkle of worry across his forehead.

Now it is just Seungri, Minzy, and I.

“”Why the hell were you so mad at me?” Seungri blurts.

“We need to talk.” I say tiredly, getting ready to explain what exactly we had seen tonight.

Sora Pov

As I knock on the door to Taemin’s room, the butterflies in my stomach turn into piranhas, and it feels like I’m going to die of an anxiety attack. How do I tell him? Where do I even start? I think to myself.

The door cracks open, and a sleepy voice slurs “Yessss?.”

“Hey.” I say.

“Sora? It’s four in the morning, can’t this wait?” He says, rubbing his eyes

“I’m afraid it can’t.”

Taemin opens the door wider and lets me in, although he doesn’t seem to happy about it. We both sit down, me on the chair and him on the bed.

“What is it?” Taemin yawns.

This is it, the death of me…. “I hate talking to people.” I mutter.

“You woke me up at this unearthly hour, to tell me about your people problems?” he groans.

“No. Of course not.” I say seriously. Taemin notices the change in my tone immediately.

“What is it? What happened?” He says suddenly.

“It’s yo- your father…”

“My father?” He gasps, his face paling. “Is he - is he…” he stammers, dreading to say it.

“Minho wants him to be executed, publicly. And, he going to use his death to draw us in. He wants us to go and rescue him, so the Dark Army will be able to demolish us. He wants our rebel forces wiped out, and he is using your father as bait. He wants us to take the bait and fail…… but we won’t. We’ll save him and we won’t fail.” I say slowly, trying to assure Taemin it would be okay.

“No. It won’t work. My father is as good as dead….. if Minho wants someone to die….. they’ll die. There… is no chance of his survival.” Taemin says heavily his face crumbling. “dammit…” he mutters.

“Don’t worry, we’ll go and save him, Jiyoung is drawing up the plans already.” I say soothingly, patting Taemin’s head.

“We won’t be able to.” he sighs. “And, actually- I think he knew that he would be hunted down by Jongwa eventually. He- he never really agreed with Jongwa, he just did what he was told to do. I- I think he was just trying to do his best for me- and for others” Taemin says softly, in between trembles of his voice.

Instinctively, I embrace him. “I understand completely.”

“Y- you know, he was the one who told me to take care of you. He was the one who told me to check up on you and m-make sure you were okay, but that was when we were just kids.”

Taemins words trigger  a painful blackout in my head, a split second long, but just long enough for the flashback to comeback to me as if they are a slow motion movie.

I’m a child, no more than 5 or 6 years old, in a glass cage, surrounded by dozens of machines and scientists. Hours and hours pass by, and finally everyone leaves. The lights are turned off. It must be nightfall. A few hours pass, and I fall into a troubled and light sleep. Suddenly the door opens, the light blare on, and a man jauntily walks in, with a boy my age on his shoulders. The boy and the man seem very happy as they walk in.  I cower in the cage, trying pitifully to hide from the strangers. It’s not morning yet is it? The machines are all off... The man places the boy on the ground in front of the cage. He says something to the boy, and I can hear him speak. “She’s the girl I was telling you about, Taemin. I need you to take care of her.”

The little boy looks at my huddled form and asks his father. “Why appa?”

“She is very special. But you must keep this a secret. ” is the response.

“Okay appa. I’ll do my best.” promises the boy. He waves at me through the glass. I don’t move. I don’t understand. I don’t know why the man called me special. I don’t know why the boys smiled and waved at me. I’m tired. I’m cold. And I want them to just leave me alone. And finally they go, leaving me in the blackness of the room.

Just as I am about to drift away into another round of nightmarish sleep, a tapping on the cage awakens me. Instantly I fling my body to the other end of the cage, shivering in fear.  I peep open my eyes, and I see the boy from earlier standing there. He is holding something. A bowl…. I think. The boy slides the bowl through the small opening in the cage and says something “H-hi. I bought this for you.” I smell the deliciousness that diffuses through the cage, and my stomach rumbles….. how long has it been since I’ve eaten? But still I don’t move.

The boys speaks again “Don’t worry, I’m your friend. My name is Taemin.”

I don’t trust him. I don’t trust anyone. I will myself to stay away from the bowl, but my stomach wins out. I inch myself to the bowl and eat as quickly as I can. Then I dart back to the opposite wall.

“Was it good?” asks the boy. I give no response. The boy smile. and picks up the bowl, and is about to leave, when he sees what I’m doing. I slowly lift my hand and give him a small wave, keeping my head down. He waves back, and smile. “I’ll visit you soon.” He leave the room.


I feel something inside me, something warm and deep- but I decide that it’s just the bowl of rice.

Another hour later, the nightmares start again, and this time it’s not just a dream.

The lab coats surround me in droves

The blood gleams and glistens

The pain intensifies

The knife never listen to my screams

Chains holding me back… never letting me hide

Feathers being pulled out

Needles pricking, literally taking my energy

Burning burning burning

Never ending

Never stopping

I gasp for air, and realize I’m on the floor, my head between my knees, Taemin sits next to me, with a worried expression on his face. “You gonna be okay.”

I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment.

“Yeah…. I get those flashbacks a lot….b-but Jiyoung… he has an envelope for you.” I say, changing the subject.

“For me?” he asks

“From your father.” I say softly.

“When did he get this?” He questions.

“Tonight, some guys named winner and red velvet brought it.”  I reply.

“. We need to go.” Taemin say, pulling me out of the room at light speed.

Hi guys! BigBangAngel here, I hope you guys like this chapter. We worked really hard on it.

Please comment and spread the love :)


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update coming tommorow!


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Singapore01 #1
Chapter 44: i just discovered this story.....but there has been no new updates for years.......
Chapter 44: Good, good. Fighting. Yeah. That's what I wanted to read. :D
Chapter 26: you seriously think that duct tape can restrain a cyborg? Seriously? (-_-)
Chapter 26: "What ta hell just happened?" "Bom is alive." "Ah I see. Wait.That doesn't explain anything!!"
WTH just happened? Its the second dime already that doesn't make sense (first being that moment in the forest where Jiyong almost hit(hit?) Sora. HAH? If he loves her so, then WHY oh why would he hit her? Why did they started bickering in the first pace. Well I understand that Jiyong wanted to keep Sora safe, but what happened after that went way above me)
Its Jiyong damn it!! JIYONG!
Chapter 44: Nice. I'm waiting for the update ladies
Chapter 38: Awe that was sweet
Chapter 34: Argh! These cliffhanger chapters are killing me
Chapter 29: Sora can't die! She is the heroine
Chapter 20: Poor Jiyong has no skills with women in this story. Lol
Chapter 17: This is really good. I've been so caught up reading that I haven't commented and I hate when people do that to me. The plot is very well thought out and I am excited to see where this goes