Sweet Love

Breaking Through

No one’s POV

Ryeowook woke up in a hard and uncomfortable medical bed. The other boys of Super Junior were gathered around his bed, and he could hear their soft breaths as they waited for him to wake up. Ryeowook knew what they were gonna do. Make fun of him. He was beaten by CL and then Sora!

In his defense, Ryeowook thought, CL is a bleeping badass who could probably kill him with a paper clip and some orange juice, and Sora was…. Sora. She can control all the elements, was strong beyond belief, and she knew how to make blows sting! No wonder Ryeowook got beat!

Ryeowook took a deep breath, and opened his eyes.

“He’s awake!” Yesung cheered.

“We were getting worried Sora had damaged you beyond repair!” Siwon grinned devilishly at Ryeowook, who was squinting from the light.

“Or maybe that CL had wrecked your windpipes too much for poor Daesung to fix!” Donghae laughed mockingly.

“I can’t believe you let her tackle you like that!” Yesung commented.

Ryeowook rolled his eyes, and found himself repeating the argument he had in his head. “CL is a bleeping badass chick who could probably kill me with a paper clip and some orange juice!”

The other boys in Super Junior blinked as they considered that statement. They nodded at its truthfulness.

“But still, you-’’ Leetuk started.

“Ryeowook did better than you did!” Taemin said as he walked into the room. Immediately every boy in Super Junior tensed, still not entirely trusting of the cyborg. Taemin could feel the change in attitude, but he ignored it. He walked right up to Ryeowook’s bed, and looked him over. “You’re fine. You can get up and walk around.” Ryeowook raised his eyebrows at Taemin, and crossed his arms. Though stiff, Ryeowook felt no pain. He sat up, and swung his legs over the bed. “We need all of you in fields 2 and 3 to help with the planting of the crops.” The boys in Super Junior groaned quietly at the thought of the back-breaking work, bending over constantly. As far as they were concerned, gardening was women’s work.

“It’s not gardening.” Daesung suddenly appeared at Ryeowook’s bedside with Seungri. “And you think those tiny little girls in SNSD are going to be able to work the heavy machines?” Daesung pulls Ryeowook up from the bed, thinking about how in all likelihood, if all the SNSD members at once put in the elbow grease, they probably could collectively move some of the ancient machines. But Super Junior didn’t need to know that.

The boys in Super Junior consisted of two groups of triplets, three pairs of twins, and three single-born brothers. They all grew up escaping from Jongwa and his men, the groups of siblings sticking together like glue, until finally they all met in the remains of a church just outside of Ansan. They fought bitterly over who had claim to the church, until finally they decided to – begrudgingly – share the church as home.

At first, it was still every family for themselves. There were fights over who owned which part of the church, and no one trusted anyone but their own.  The tension was thick in the air, you could feel it pushing on your chest. Zhou Mi and Henry, one of the twins, were known for sneaking around the church at night, stealing from the other families.

But then, Jongwa’s men found the church. It was a miracle they hadn’t seen it before, but all good things must come to an end, and so they set fire to the church. They struck in the dead of night, when no one was up, not even Zhou Mi and Henry, ‘The Robber Boys’.

The first one to notice was Leetuk, and his brothers Siwon and Yesung. They quickly ran from the church, and would’ve left the other boys behind, but they ran into Jongwa’s men. The men didn’t notice them at first, but the brothers knew that they stood little chance getting out as just the three of them. Three young men could only take on so many bad guys.

So they ran back to the church, to find that Jongwa’s men had boarded the door to the church shut, leaving the other boys trapped inside. Leetuk could hear Jongwa’s men laughing as the boys inside screamed for help. Siwon and Yesung started trying to pull the boards off the doors, but Leetuk ran up to the windows, rocks in hand. He threw the rocks at the decorated windows, and wondered if there was still a god up there to be mad at him for doing this. The windows broke, and the rocks clattered to the ground inside the church. Leetuk picked up some more rocks, and threw them, and again, until there was a big enough hole for him to fit through. He gingerly climbed in, and shouted to be heard above the crackles of the flames and the screams of the boys,

“Follow me! There’s a way out here! C’mon! Get the out of here!”

He repeated the call several times, coughing from the smoke. He found Kyuhyun lying on the floor, his head almost touching the flames. Leetuk heaved Kyuhyun over his shoulder, and continued looking for the other boys. He managed to find the rest, and lead them to the broken windows. They all piled out of the church, met up with Yesung and Siwon, and ran like hell.

From then on, they were a team. At first it was they all felt like they owed Leetuk something for saving their lives, but then real friendship and loyalty cemented them together.

Daesung blinked, and motioned for Seungri to take them away. The boys from Super Junior all held hands with Seungri, and vanished, leaving Taemin with Daesung. Daesung immediately broke out into a sweat. He knew that Taemin knew he liked CL, and he also knew Taemin wanted to talk about it. And talk about it he did.

“Have you talked to her yet?” Taemin asked eagerly. Daesung rolled his eyes.

“Noooooooooooo!” Daesung plugged his ears and tried to run using his super speed to escape Taemin, but the cyborg grabbed his arms and forced him to look Taemin in the eye.

“You need to talk to her! C’mon, man, you’re missing out! If you don’t act now you’re gonna miss it!!” Taemin shook Daesung roughly by the arms.

“No, she doesn’t like me back!” Daesung protested.

Taemin smiled evilly. “Oh? Really? Because you see, my sources tell me otherwise!”

Daesung raised his eyebrows. “What sources?”

“Oh, just a little birdie…” Taemin trailed off. Daesung gave him a look. “CL told Bom and Dara, Dara told Thunder, Thunder told Kevin, and Kevin told me!”

“Ha!” Daesung scoffed. “That’s hardly concrete!”

“Oh, what do you want from me? A written invitation?! She wants to date you, but she’s scared to ask!”

“CL?!! Scared?!? Yeah right!”

“It’s true!” Taemin crossed his heart. “Just ask her, man! Before someone else does, because let me tell you, there are plenty of men here who want her too!” Now that set something off in Daesung. He wanted CL too, but if she wasn’t gonna say it, then he supposed he would have to!

Daesung wrinkled his forehead.   There is no freaking way that she likes me he thought. I mean she so bad and tough and I am so…. mentally unstable. He tI freak out with strange flashbacks that aren’t even mine…. no no no.  CL  wouldn’t likesomeone with constant mental breakdowns. Daesung thought. T

aemin is just pulling my leg…..

Daesung considered peering into CL’s thoughts, but then he decided that he wanted to live,and  keep all of his  limbs.

He shrugged and went down to the cafeteria. . followed by Taemin


“Bommie!!!!!” I pouted, using up all of the aegyo I could muster up.  She just glared at me. I scoot over my chair closer to hers, and notice that her lunch tray iis still full. She hasn’t touched a thing. “I’m sorry.” I say, throwing in a little bingu dance.  No response. Aissh. I guess I deserve it. I mean, I was an hour and a half late to meet her, but it wasn’t my fault…. that stupid Chunji from teen top just had to mix the wrong  two chemicals together in the weapons and training center and accidently blow out the wall to the ladies locker room. I clench  my teeth in annoyance.  Now my Bom is mad at me….

What to do? What to do? Suddenly an idea springs to my head. I jump up and run over to the food counter and demand for corn on the cob. The youngish guy standing there looks at me like I’m insane.

“where the hell am I supposed to get you corn from man?” he frowns.

I roll my eyes, and jump over the counter. “Hey!!! What the heck man?” shouts the guy.

I run around the kitchen until I find Taeyang. “Hyung? What do you want?”he asks, totally confused.

“Corn.” I reply seriously.

“But the corn fields have just been planted… even I can’t make them grow that fast. I could make them grow in two or three days if you want.” Taeyang answers skeptically.

I hang my head, completely frustrated. “Can you make me at least one cob?” I plead.

“Why?” he asks me.

“He wants it for Bom unnie.” explains a new voice. I turn around and see Dara standing behind me.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“There only one person in the world who loves corn so much. And shes also happens to be your girlfriend.” Dara grinned. She then walked over to Taeyang and put her arms around him.  Taeyang turned bright red.

I raised my eyebrows.

“Are you two….” I left my words hanging in the air as I glanced at the two of them.

They grinned at me sheepishly. I laughed and high five them in congratulations.

“Now make the corn….” I demand childishly.

Taeyang sighs. “I’ll see what I can do...maybe by dinnertime.”

I thank him, and sprint out of the kitchen, almost tripping over the exasperated guy at the counter.

“Bommie!!!!!!” I shout. I see her at her table, now sitting next to Daesung and Taemin. She’s laughing and talking to them. But as soon as I sit down and greet the boys she clams up again. Daesung and Taemin glance at me with “whats happening?” faces.

I groan and turn Bom’s face towards me. I pull on my ears and pout. “Bommie. I’m sorry I was late. It was silly of me to be late for a beautiful girl like you. Forgive me? I even got Taeyang to make you corn for tonight!” I plead.

“Apology accepted….” Bom giggles.

“Wait…. you’re laughing? Were you never really mad at me?” I ask,confused.

“Not really, I heard about what happened in the lab so I don’t really blame you. I was just playing hard to get.” She laughs, and punches my arm playfully.

I groan and bury my face in my hands.

Daesung and Taemin are shaking in silent laughter, and trying not to choke on their food.

The four of us sit together and eat peacefully for a while.



As the four were finishing up, a panicked Seungri teleported right next to them. Causing them all to flinch back in shock. “Daesung hyung! Thank God!! I’ve been looking all over for you! Come quickly!You too Taemin.” He whispers urgently.

Daesung and Taemin jumped up and teleported away with Seungri right away,with no questions asked. Within a millisecond they arrived at one of the rooms in the hospital ward. Minzy was sitting at the bed holding the hand of a small figure on the bed.

Daesung rushed forward and examined the girl, realizing that she was severely wounded and malnourished. She can’t be more than eight or nine years old, the thought.  As he began healing her, Seungri began explaining what had happened.

“I took Minzy out for a quick flight after dropping of the Super junior boys in the fields. We were checking the far north perimeter of the force field that surrounds the HQ complex, when Minzy pointed off into the distance and said she had seen something.”

“When we got to the spot, we saw this little girl there, laying on the ground, trying to get back up. Seungri and I picked her up and teleported here, and he began looking for you, Daesung oppa.” Minzy finished.

Taemin looked at her. “Do you think she’s related to anyone here?” he asked.

“I don’t know, she had no identification or anything on her.” Minzy said, and Seungri agreed with her.

“Why is she ....” muttered Daesung. The three looked at the girl. Her external injuries were all gone, but the little girl was still twitching, obviously in pain.

“Maybe you need to fix something internal?” suggested Seungri.

“Normally I can heal internal injuries from the outside, but for some reason I can’t figure out what’s wrong with her.” Daesung mumbled.

“I’m equipped with X-ray vision.” Taemin offered. The others looked at him, again realizing that he wasn’t full human. Daesung nodded and they all stood back as Taemin did his thing.

After a minute, he stopped and looked at the girl quizzically. Then he scanned her upper abdomen again. And again. Finally he stepped back and grabbed his forehead in anger.

“What’s wrong?” asked Minzy.

“I’ll show you what’s wrong.” Taemin growled. He shut his eyes and lifted a finger. A small cybernetic insert popped out from his finger and projected an image onto the wall.

The girl’s x-ray was at first normal, until Taemin enlarged her part where the bottom of her right lung should have been. A 2 by 2 inch metallic cube was impaled in the lung. A crack in the cube ran from it’s top to it’s bottom.

“What is that?” Daesung implored.

“The Dark army places that device in all of it’s lower class soldiers.” Taemin said bluntly.

“But she’s just a kid!” gasped Seungri.

“Apparently, now they don’t care anymore. Not that they cared ever anyway.” Taemin continued hollowly.

“What does it do?” asked Minzy.

“The cube contains a slow acting poison. It’s controlled by a remote device that her commanding officer has. If the girl ever disobeyed command, or tried to run away, The cube’s outer seal is to be broken by the remote controls.” Taemin said, sinking to his knees.

“Can we heal it? at all?” Daesung asked slowly.

“No, the poison is in her bloodstream and will soon kill her.” Taemin said sadly.

The four of them stood silently, as Daesung tried again and again to heal the girl.

“It’s not going to work.” Taemin whispered.

Daesung hung his head as Seungri checked the girl’s vitals.

“Her pulse is getting weaker.” Seungri whispered.

“Her blood pressure is going down too.” He continued softly.

“And now… hyung...she doesn’t have a heartbeat. She’s gone…..” Seungri trailed off, his voice cracking.

Minzy burst into tears and ran out of the room. Seungri looked at Daesung and Taemin apologetically and ran after her.

Taemin covered the girls face with the blanket. He patted Daesung’s shoulder and spoke. “You did your best.”

“I failed.” Daesung whispered

“There was nothing you could do about the poison.” Taemin said.

“We don’t even know her name…..” Daesung sighed.

“We can give her one.” Taemin answered softly.


“Hea Jung. It means noble. She was noble and brave for running away.” Taemin said thoughtfully.

Daesung nodded.

“I’m going to make sure the funeral preparations are made. Are you coming?” Taemin asked.

“No. I need t be alone.” Daesung answered.

Taemin nodded in understanding and pulled the bed with the girls body out of the room with him as he left.

Once Taemin left, Daesung whispered to himself. “She reminds me of Sora.”

Daesung spent the next few hours just  wandering the hospital ward aimlessly. He was trapped in an array of memories that belonged to others, and slipping back into a depression.Soon it was late at night.

Daesung POV

I feel sick inside. I feel like I’m walking down a hallway of despair. And with every step I take, the sadness just amplifies. It began when I first met Sora, and saw the story of her past flash before my mind. I had always known that the world was a harsh place, but just that peek into Sora’s story made me realize that things were even worse than I could’ve imagined.

It took a long time to get out of that depression, but I did it. I buried myself in work, training, and msic… I even wrote two songs, “Wings” and “Baby don’t cry”, those songs about overcoming sadness helped, I’m glad I listened to appa…...

Bit by bit, my happiness began to return. But then, at that battle in the throne room, everything came tumbling down. I made the mistake of peering into Jongwa’s thoughts. I was just tring to figure out what he was planning, and how much he knew, but instead I just saw terrible… horrible things. All of the atrocities he has done and ordered, all the innocent lives he destroyed. All the horror and terror he was responsible for. But the worst part is that, in all of those memories, I didn’t see a single drop of remorse. Not a single moment of kindness, or any positive emotions. I never knew that anyone’s mind could be so-so –so… vile. How is he even human?

I slowly breathe out and sink to my knees, crouching on the floor.

I’m lucky that I’m alone, It’s late at night, so no one is in the medical infirmary right now. I stand, my legs wobbling and begin to pace back and forth, trying to think of a happy memory, but my mind is just too tired. “urggghhh!” I growl, banging my fist against the wall in frustration. My outburst echoes through the empty room. I hate this. This feeling of being alone. This feeling of being sad, feeling hopeless.

I lean back my head and sing from my heart, not caring about what comes out of my mouth, as long as the words really have meaning.

When the darkness ends by the moonlight

Yes, I’m calling out for you

Yes, I was alone from the beginning

I knew that the whole time

It’s okay, whomever that is

It doesn’t matter

It’s the same for everybody

But a part of me sometimes wants

That one person to look out for my heart

And that one person to be you

Yes, that’s how I feel

Yes, that’s how I feel, I

*My two eyes that have gone cold

A marionette, dreaming only about you

Tears hotly fall

Yes, I was alone from the beginning

Even colder

But a part of me sometimes wants

That one person to look out for my heart


Yes, that’s how I feel

Yes, that’s how I feel,

Look at me, look at me

Please look at me

Anyone, anyone, anyone

I’m lonely, I’m scared, all the time

The person I want, that’s you

Come closer, closer, to me

Hold me in your arms

Come closer




To me

I hang my, head and mutter. “Yeah, I’m a lunatic alright…. Right world? Hey world, I’m a lunatic!!!!!” I end yelling.

“Well, I thought that was beautiful.” Says a voice from across the room, behind me.

“What the-” I stutter and swing around, not expecting a response.

The voice belonged to CL. “oh- oh hi” I say awkwardly.

“I thought I was the only one in the world who felt that way?” she says.

“Wh-what way?” I ask.

“You know, in your song, all alone and empty and stuff” she says, stepping forward and swinging her long legs over a chair and sitting down.

I swallow. “You feel it too?” I ask, genuinely curious, and trying not to get distracted by her looks.

“Yeah, all the time. I mean, everyone seems to have someone but me. Bom unnie and Top oppa are in love, and seem to be so happy. Dara unnie, who is really shy and everything, but she found Taeyang oppa, and they are so close now.  And even though Seungri is Minzy’s first boyfriend, they are definitely head over heels for each other. And there me. Forever alone.” She says in a rush.

My throat goes dry and my heart beats faster. “You don’t like anyone?”

“I really like someone, but I don’t think he likes me.” She says.

My heart plummets… oh well, I guess I can give her some advice. “Why do you think that?”

“He just never responds to any off the sign I send him, and I… think I scare him.” she pouts.

How can she go from being so blunt and fierce to someone with so much aeygo? “Well, have you told him that you like him?” I ask.

“No.” she answers rolling her eyes.

“Well, it is best to be upfront with your feelings, and let the other person know how you feel.” I say, with a twinge of jealousy for the lucky guy.

“Alright, then, I’ll give it a try.” She says walking up to me and taking my hand.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“Daesung oppa.” She says fluttering her eyelashes. “You pabo, I love you.” She grins.

My jaw drops, and no words come out. CL’s smile falters. “You don’t like me the same way?”

I shake my head frantically and throw my arms around her. We hug each other tightly. Not gently, like the other person will break, but tighter and tighter. Because we both know that we are equally strong.

I’m the first to let go. CL looks at me curiously. “Charein-ah? I’ve been in love with you since the first time you threatened to kill me. Will you be my girlfriend?”

“I thought you’d never ask. Of course Dae Dae.”

“Dae Dae?”

“Is it an annoying nickname?”


“Okay, it’s permanent.” She giggles

Aisssshhhhh. I hold out my hand, and she takes it. We leave the medical room arm in arm. The sadness and emptiness in my heart has suddenly been filled with a new love between the girl of my dreams.

Hey guys! This is Taramarada. BigBangAngel is going to be busy for the next three weeks or so, and so will I, so we might be a little slow updating. Can we have 5 comments?

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update coming tommorow!


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Singapore01 #1
Chapter 44: i just discovered this story.....but there has been no new updates for years.......
Chapter 44: Good, good. Fighting. Yeah. That's what I wanted to read. :D
Chapter 26: you seriously think that duct tape can restrain a cyborg? Seriously? (-_-)
Chapter 26: "What ta hell just happened?" "Bom is alive." "Ah I see. Wait.That doesn't explain anything!!"
WTH just happened? Its the second dime already that doesn't make sense (first being that moment in the forest where Jiyong almost hit(hit?) Sora. HAH? If he loves her so, then WHY oh why would he hit her? Why did they started bickering in the first pace. Well I understand that Jiyong wanted to keep Sora safe, but what happened after that went way above me)
Its Jiyong damn it!! JIYONG!
Chapter 44: Nice. I'm waiting for the update ladies
Chapter 38: Awe that was sweet
Chapter 34: Argh! These cliffhanger chapters are killing me
Chapter 29: Sora can't die! She is the heroine
Chapter 20: Poor Jiyong has no skills with women in this story. Lol
Chapter 17: This is really good. I've been so caught up reading that I haven't commented and I hate when people do that to me. The plot is very well thought out and I am excited to see where this goes