The Facility

Breaking Through

Daesung POV

“The Institute?! As in the facility, where you were before” exclaims Jiyoung hyung. “Yes, the facility” Sora says. “No….. No, we can go, but not you … maybe one of the girls can stay with you” he says glancing at the remaining members of 2ne1. “What on earth are you talking about?” “Are you insane?!” “She is not going to stay here hyung!” are the chants of protest from Dara, Minzy, and Seungri. “Jiyoung…” starts Sora, immediately cut off “I said no didn’t I” he snaps raising his hands, instantly regretting it when Sora flinches back. “No, Sora, I wasn’t going to hurt you, just please listen….”

Then we all see a sudden fire within Sora’s eyes….. and Jiyoung breaks off.

“Why not why can’t I go with you, I have trained with you all, I know so much about the facility, Don’t I have powers just like you?.... Don’t I want revenge on was done to me? I wasn’t ever considered to be a PERSON before I escaped, I thought that all of you would understand, but Jiyoung you seem to be the only one who doesn’t” She says he voice wavering.

“Sora… what don’t I understand?” says Jiyoung hyung softly. “That I am afraid, and that fear is my motivation, that fear is the only reason I am here, I NEED my fears to keep me going…... fear to you may seem weak, but it gives me power… it is my strength….. Don’t you have any fears oh great kwon leader” she says sarcastically.

Jiyoung hyung is taken aback by her sudden harshness“No, I don’t” he says fast… too fast… “But you don’t know enough…” “He is right Sora” I say “Daesung oppa?” she says in shock. “I mean you only need to learn the power of fire from Hyung… then you’ll be at your peak powers” I say taking control. Sora nods at me and understands that I am on her side. “Hyung, well, do your thing” says Taeyang after we all stare at Jiyoung. Suddenly I receive a paniced message in my head.

“How am I supposed to…… I can’t just shoot her with flames?!?!?!?!?!? I could hurt her, She probably hates me even though I ….. I think I …. Love her”

“Idiot, Don’t you understand anything just do it! She is way more powerful than anything than you can even imagine”

Jiyoung slowly raises a hand and releases a tower of flames to Sora – who doesn’t flinch. TOP hyung reacts and instinctively puts a force field around her. He quickly relizes his mistake and drops it. Sora doesn’t use and of her powers…. Just lets the burning inferno envelope her. She slowly rises out of the fire flapping her wings with her eyes shut gently. Every single part of her is burning but it doesn’t affect her or even her clothes. I sense a tugging message and here her voice in my mind.

Oppa, I’m ready.

Then I shoot a torrent of water to her, extinguishing the flames. She glides down delicately sighs and then pelts me with what looks like a clone of Jiyoung’s own flaming. We battle it out for a while, then both stop. “Now, does anyone have ANY objections to Sora joining us on the mission to rescue BOM unnie” asks Minzy. Everyone is silent – Jiyoung looks at his feet.

“Ok, then, let me tell you about the facility” says Sora.


Sora's POV

“Ok, then, let me tell you about the facility.” I say slowly, trying to stomp out the residual flames of my anger. “When I say it’s big, I mean, it’s big. It’s only three floors high, but it’s length and width… It’s unfathomable. It’s shaped like an hour glass, and at its thinnest point, it’s 30,000 ft. wide.”

“As for security…. There isn’t anything that looks like a camera. But in any given hallway, there are at least 1,000 cameras, in the doorknobs, the sprinklers, even the pictures on the wall. All of the cameras are hooked up to a computer. The computer is running facial recognition, height, even how you walk, and comparing it to the scientists and subjects that are in the system.”

“There are only guards around the most critical of areas. You can literally just walk right in! No one’s gonna stop you. It’s when you try to leave that they get you. If you don’t match to someone in the system, they gun you down as soon as you touch the exit door.”

“The first floor is all storage. It’s literally one long room down the entire length of the building, full of boxes and crates and cages. Not critical, not guarded, and relatively few cameras. The second floor is where the scientists and subjects live. A few guards around head scientists’ rooms. And the computer core, which is located in the center of the floor, is also guarded. A few more cameras than the first floor. Then we have the third floor. That’s where all the sciencey stuff happens. That’s where I was tested on.”

“Where’s Bom being held?” TOP asks, taking a step forwards anxiously.

“She was taken by SHINee, who lives on the second floor too. They got a whole wing to themselves. She could be there.” I think aloud. CL starts to pace.

“Wait, wait, wait! How are we going to get out? Yes, Seungri could teleport us in and out, but as soon as they recognize Sora and figure out why we’re there, they’ll be on us like white on rice!” CL waves her arms, agitated, as she speaks. We all fall silent as we ponder her question. I unintentionally glance at Jiyoung, and it’s like I can see the wheels turning in his head.

“What if….” Jiyoung starts hesitantly. “What if the cameras stopped working? What if the main computer malfunctioned somehow?”

“That would never work!” I snap at Jiyoung, still mad at him. “It’s only the best of the best for Jongwa! That computer isn’t going to malfunction!”

“What if it doesn’t malfunction? How’s its virus protection software? What if we deliver a virus?” Taeyang suggests, giving me a warning glare.

“A virus?” I ask skeptically, but a vague plan is already forming in my brain. “I don’t Jongwa actually has any virus protection! I mean, any attack on Jongwa is the death sentence to a normal person!” Seungri has a doubtful look on his face.

“I hate to burst your bubble, Sora, but none of us really learned that level of techno-whatever. It was fighting and singing mostly.” Seungri looks at 2NE1. “Do any of you know how to program a virus?”

“Bom unnie does, but not us.” CL answers with a sigh. I smile to myself. While I might not have learned to sing, or to properly use my powers, or to read and write, all those tests the scientists put me through taught me a lot. Like how to hack.

You guys might not know how to, but I do!” I say, sending a triumphant gaze in Seungri’s general direction.

“How?” Daesung asks.

“Yeah, I thought you didn’t get an education?” Jiyoung adds. I send him as good a death glare I could muster.

“I may not know how to sing, or dance, or read and write, I grant you.” I say with a quiet anger that has everyone taking a safe distance. “But all those tests? They taught me things. The scientists used to lock me in a room. The only way out was to hack through the locks.”

“Ok, so we-’’ Jiyoung starts, but I interrupt him.

“Tell me, Jiyoung, what do you know about breathing underwater?” I ask him, still with that cold, quiet anger. I can just imagine the others sitting there with a bowl of popcorn. When Jiyoung doesn’t answer, I continue. “What do you know Jongwa’s torture methods? Would you say you have firsthand experience on the matter? Hmm?!” Jiyoung turns and steps up right in front of me, he raises his hand again. But before he can hit me, Taeyang steps in between the two of us.

“Let’s keep our heads, shall we?” he says, turning his head to look at each of us. Jiyoung looks shaken, lowers his hand, and turns away from me.

“So we teleport in, upload the virus into the computer, wait for it to do its thing, then we find Bom?” TOP runs through the basic plan we were all thinking.

“It won’t be so easy, you know that, right?” Dara asks. “SHINee’s going to fight to keep her, and fight hard.”

“The best virus I can think of would take at least ten minutes for full effect. We’ll need to stay there to make sure no one does anything to counteract it. While we’re there, we’ll be going up against the forces of Hell.” I add.

“And if we’re captured….” Minzy trails off.

“If we’re captured, what?” Taeyang asks.

“If we’re captured,” I answer, “they’ll most likely kill 2NE1, and keep the rest of us to experiment on.”

“So what you’re saying is, we need a well thought out, solid game plan?” Seungri asks. I nod. “Then let’s go!” He uses his super speed to run back to the house.

Forgetting something?” I message him, smirking. He’s back in a second, scooping up Minzy, and returning along his way home. Taeyang shrugs, picks up CL, and follows him. I start running after him, not wanting to be alone with Jiyoung without Taeyang there.


Hey, guys! This is Taramarada! BigBangAngel is sick, so we won't be updating for a while... :( But I hope you like this chapter! BYE!

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update coming tommorow!


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Singapore01 #1
Chapter 44: i just discovered this story.....but there has been no new updates for years.......
Chapter 44: Good, good. Fighting. Yeah. That's what I wanted to read. :D
Chapter 26: you seriously think that duct tape can restrain a cyborg? Seriously? (-_-)
Chapter 26: "What ta hell just happened?" "Bom is alive." "Ah I see. Wait.That doesn't explain anything!!"
WTH just happened? Its the second dime already that doesn't make sense (first being that moment in the forest where Jiyong almost hit(hit?) Sora. HAH? If he loves her so, then WHY oh why would he hit her? Why did they started bickering in the first pace. Well I understand that Jiyong wanted to keep Sora safe, but what happened after that went way above me)
Its Jiyong damn it!! JIYONG!
Chapter 44: Nice. I'm waiting for the update ladies
Chapter 38: Awe that was sweet
Chapter 34: Argh! These cliffhanger chapters are killing me
Chapter 29: Sora can't die! She is the heroine
Chapter 20: Poor Jiyong has no skills with women in this story. Lol
Chapter 17: This is really good. I've been so caught up reading that I haven't commented and I hate when people do that to me. The plot is very well thought out and I am excited to see where this goes