
What Is Love

Minhee's POV



I continued to return to the dance studio each and every single day, in hope that I would see him dancing gracefully, again. But he wasn't there. He was no where to be found.


I wasn't as disappointed as I usually would've been, though. I was actually expecting it. Something inside me told me that he would probably never come back, and he was probably not even there because he had been so creeped out by me.


I decided that since he was no longer in the dance studio, I would take over it. I didn't know what I was doing, but I hesitantly opened the back door of the dance studio and walked in.


I felt regret rush through my body, but that definitely didn't stop me.


I took a couple of steps forward, towards the music player. I plugged in my iPod, searching for that one specific song that I knew all the lyrics to.


I tried to remember all the moves that I had seen him do. I've been watching him for way too long to just suddenly forget the moves, now. I tried to follow the dance steps, and continued to try until I got the first part of the song down.


The moves were actually a lot harder than I had thought, it was actually really hard. He made it seem so easy, he looked so perfect and peaceful as he danced to it. He made it seem so little.


In reality, it was actually a lot of hard work. Just learning the first part, I was exhausted and dying on the inside. My insides and outsides were burning and I was pouring with sweat.


It only made it harder on me, because I was trying to remeber the dance out of memory. I was crazy for doing this, I know. But I continued to do it.


If he wasn't going to use the dance studio, I was going to.


If he wasn't going to dance to the song that I loved to listen to every single night because of him, I was going to dance to it.


Even if I broke all of my bones, limbs and sprained every possible muscle in my body, I was determined to not rest until I got at least the first and second parts of the song perfected.



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The first part was perfected. I danced it so well, that I was actually starting to praise myself for it. It was a new interest that I had started taking in.


I actually really enjoyed dancing. Even if I wasn't as good as the mystery boy, I was still somewhat decent. I continued to learn the dance out of pure memory, and I continued to come to the empty studio every single day, blasting the song.



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Author's POV



Jongin woke up the next day. It was a Saturday. He hadn't really gotten out of bed much except for when he needed to go to school, the bathroom, or to eat food. Sometimes he wouldn't even eat.


He would just wake up, go to school, then head straight home and go back to sleep or do something else that involved him staying in his room.


He wasn't recovering very well from the incident. He was truly heartbroken.


He thought that Jin Ah was the love of his life. He was so wrong.


How could he be so wrong?


How could he not have known?


How could he not have noticed that the scent of fancy cologne that stuck around her everyday whenever he came over was definitely not her brother's, father's, or his?


How could he have been so stupid?


Jongin felt like everything had gone to waste. 


Every day, he practiced so hard. He would dance alone, and dancing alone for a choreography that was meant for two people was not easy.


He had specifically made the choreography for two people because he was hoping that he could teach her the dance moves. He was hoping that he could dance the song with her after a lovely evening and fancy dinner.


He was hoping that after dinner, he could hold her in his arms and go to his balcony, do some stargazing, and then he could dim the lights down in his house and then turn up the song, asking her for her hand.


That didn't happen, though. It couldn't.


Everything went down the drain.


Jongin was lifeless.


He didn't sleep, eat, or do anything with his life. It was a pretty sad thing for both Kyungsoo and Sehun to witness, but the both of them couldn't seem to get Jongin to do anything. Jongin just pretty much stayed in his bed all day long and sulked.



- - -



Minhee's POV



I opened up the door only to see an angry Baekhyun in front of me. I looked at him with a confused expression, and he looked like he was even more pissed off.


"Where have you been?" Baekhyun asked. He let himself into my home, and I just shrugged.


"Dance studio." I muttered.


Baekhyun looked at me with wide eyes and gasped, "You actually went back there?" he asked.


His mood literally turned completely upsidedown right when I nodded my head. Questions started to be thrown at me, questions like:


"Did you see him?"


"Did you guys talk?"


"Are you dating, yet?"


I explained to Baekhyun that I definitely was not dating the mystery boy, and that the mystery boy had not been showing up at the dance studio lately. Baekhyun only apologized and I shrugged it off.


I told Baekhyun about me trying to learn the dance moves to the song, however, and Baekhyun thought that it was one of the cutest things in the world.


He pinched my cheeks and smiled.


"I'm so happy to know that you're finally recovering." Baekhyun smiled.


I just shrugged and gave him a small smile, "I don't think we were meant to be, anyway. I stalked him, Baek. That's weird." I said.


Baekhyun giggled and ruffled my hair, "Weird is good." he said. If you're meant to be, fate will find it's way.

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Chapter 21: Looking forward to read more of your stories in the future :')
Chapter 21: Oh yaaaaaas no I'm actually sad to see this fic end :'''''''(

Author, thank yoooouuu for such a beautiful story. I'd never forget this one ♥
Chapter 20: Oh my god I'm going to read the last chapterrrr
Chapter 15: Wow I started reading it 3 hours ago. I'm glad to have found this fanfic after three months of being away from this site.
This story is so far so good. But sadly it's gonna end soon ;(
I'll continue with the rest tomorrow ♥
An interesting encounter that led off to a unique story is good. :)
eermaa #6
A coincidence here i have read this fic offline. It hit me when i recalled "ah....i'd read this fic before"
Chapter 21: Finished~! I really love it~! Is there a sequel?
Chapter 17: Awe... ^_^
Chapter 16: Finally~! ^^
Chapter 14: Squee~! ^^