
What Is Love

Minhee's POV



"I saw him with Jongin's ex-girlfriend while we were on our date, I'm sorry, Baek. I really am," I apologized to him and I hugged him.


Baekhyun was crying into my shoulder, now. Chanyeol had been ignoring him for the past couple of days, and he was pretty much heart broken. They lived in the same house, but Chanyeol wouldn't even come home. Baekhyun was devastated, and he was hurt.


"I slapped him in the fact twice, if that makes you feel better," I tried to lighten up his mood, but I could tell that it didn't help all that much. Baekhyun's eyes were basically Niagara Falls.


"I'm really sorry, Baekhyun," I apologized once more. I patted his back and his hair as he cried and cried.



Later that afternoon, I met up with Jongin. Baekhyun said that he was going to go back home and pack up his things and I offered for him to move in with me, but he refused. He said that I needed to be able to have my privacy and he didn't want to bother me, and as much as I wanted to argue back, he would deny, deny, and deny.


"So, how'd he take it?" Jongin asked me.


I sighed, "He's recovering.." I lied. "Sort of." I added in.


Jongin chuckled lightly and ruffled my hair, "He'll get over it and find someone new." he reassured.


I hoped that Jongin was right, but a part of me told me that Jongin was just saying that because it had happened to him. Not everyone's life can be perfect and not everyone can move on easily.


"What about you?" I asked Jongin, and his eyes rounded.


"What about me?" he asked.


"Are you okay with the ex-girlfriend thing?" I asked.


Jongin sighed, "Don't worry about it too much, pretty." he smiled.


I wanted to not worry, but I couldn't help myself.



- - -



Author's POV



Jongin had forgotten all about it. He had forgotten all about Jin Ah and decided that he could move on and start a new chapter in his life, but God had somehow managed to have them meet, again.


What made it harder on him was knowing that his ex-girlfriend had been cheating on him with his current girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend. As much as he felt like he should be mad at Minhee, he knew that it wasn't her fault that all of this had happened.


He admitted at first, he was practically using Minhee for his own selfish reasons. He only used her because he needed someone to help him get over Jin Ah, but he couldn't deny that there were also some sort of real feelings that were there.


"Small world," Kyungsoo muttered, listening to Jongin pour his heart out.


"I can't believe you ran into that ," Sehun growled. 


Jongin was surprised, actually. Usually, Sehun would call Jin Ah "noona", but today, he didn't call her that. Jongin guessed that Sehun had finally lost all of his respect for her, just like Jongin and Kyungsoo had.


Although all of his respect for Jin Ah had been lost, Jongin had to admit that he still had major feelings for her. He had to admit that no matter what, there was always going to be that one part that belonged to her. He wanted to deny it, but he couldn't.


He felt like he was letting Minhee down in a way, and he couldn't even look at himself in the mirror. He disgusted himself.



Jongin was at the park with Minhee, the both of them were lying on the grass and staring up at the sky. Jongin was quiet, she noticed. He wasn't talking all that much, and he wasn't trying to strike up a conversation like he used to.


She wanted to ask him what's wrong, but she already knew that it was probably his ex-girlfriend.


Minhee felt jealous, knowing that Jin Ah still had a place in his heart. She felt hurt that he was still thinking about Jin Ah, but yet, she still stuck by his side to try and help him get through his heart ache. At the same time, Minhee didn't want a relationship like that. She didn't want to be a second choice.


She wanted him to hold her, kiss her, and tell her that he loved her and only her. But that wasn't the case.


She thought to herself, thinking what her life would've been like if she didn't have Jongin in it. If she hadn't taken that one different route home and heard the loud music. If she hadn't started to stalk him and watch him dance. If she hadn't met him, just at all.


She wondered what her life would've been like- just without Jongin. Would it be like this? Would he be this heart broken? Who would she have ended up with? How would Baekhyun and Chanyeol's relationship turn out?


"What're you thinking about?" Jongin suddenly asked, making her snap out of her thoughts.


"You." she replied, truthfully. Jongin had somehow made his way into her head and completely taken over every single cell in her body; it wasn't like she was complaining, though.


She needed him, now. But the problem was, she knew that he didn't need her back. She knew that if Jin Ah had somehow crawled back to him and begged him to take her back, there would be a part of him that would take her back in a heart beat.


He dedicated a whole entire dance for her, and what did he do for Minhee? Nothing. All he did was dance with her and ask her to be his girlfriend. She was just his new motivation, and he only liked her because she motivated him. That was it.


She convinced herself that this whole relationship was just because he needed someone to help him get over Jin Ah, and as much as it hurt her, she wanted to help him get over Jin Ah.


Minhee didn't want him to get over Jin Ah because that'd mean that he'd be hers. No, that wasn't the case at all. She wanted him to get over her because she wasn't worth it, and he shouldn't be wasting his time on someone so heartless.


"I'm thinking about you, too, pretty." Jongin replied back.


Minhee frowned. She loved to hear his voice, and she just loved to be with him. It hurt her to know that one day, she might not be able to call him hers, anymore.


"Jongin," she spoke up. Jongin looked at her, and the tone of her voice was worrying him. It was the same tone that Jin Ah had used on him when she was breaking up with him, and he couldn't afford to lose another precious and valuable thing in his life.


"Yes?" he replied.


Minhee looked at him and then laid back down, resting her head on his arm.


"Do you still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend?" she asked, her voice breaking in the middle of the sentence.


Jongin felt a lump forming in his throat, and he frowned. He didn't want to lie to her. He couldn't lie to her.


"Don't worr-"


"I can't not worry about it, Jongin. You're my boyfriend, and I don't feel like we're in a stable relationship if you have feelings for her. I want to know the truth." Minhee told him.


Jongin sighed, the same sigh that Baekhyun used whenever he was defeated. Minhee knew that sigh too well. She had won without even trying.


"No matter what, she'll always be my first." he said.


The words stung. Minhee felt like there were daggers stabbing at her heart.


"And I'll always be second," she muttered to herself. She dryly laughed, and then turned her face away from him.


"Hey, look at me," Jongin said. Minhee hesitantly turned around to have their eyes meet, and Jongin sighed. "It's not that you're my second choice, okay?" he spoke, his voice hoarse.


"It's that you're slowly starting to replace her as my first, and as much as my heart wants you to take over her place, my mind is telling my heart something else because of all of the memories that I shared with her. Those memories were precious to me. Really precious." Jongin explained.


Minhee held in her tears, trying to be strong. She was trying to be strong for not only her sake, but Jongin's sake. She didn't want him to see her crying and being vulnerable over someone that doesn't even have a part in his life at the moment, but words have never hurt so much.


"I'm sorry," she apologized. "If you'd never met me, maybe you would still be with Jin Ah." 


Jongin immediately shook his head, "If I hadn't met you, maybe I would still be with the person that was bound to hurt me in the future. If I didn't have you, I think I might've killed myself, honestly. You're here for a reason, and I want you to be here to stay." he said.


"I like you, pretty," Jongin turned to face her. "I want you to be here with me." he frowned.


She looked at him in the eyes, and Jongin could see the tears that were building up in his girlfriend's eyes. He took her hand and put it on his cheek, guiding it up and down to his cheek.


"I'm sorry, Jongin," Minhee apologized. "But I don't think we should be together." her voice broke.


Jongin was about to say something, but she continued.


"We can't be together if your heart is already claimed," her tears rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry." she apologized. She got up, sprinting off. Jongin got up and ran after her, but she was already too ahead of him.


He watched as her figure disappeared, and he felt himself hurting on the inside. He truly was broken. He didn't derserve her, he thought.


I promise I'll get over her. Just give me time, Minhee. Just give me time.



Author's Note:

Woop, guess who finally updated? Sorry, I've been so busy with school. Eh. Whatever. This story's coming to an end, soon. There's only six more chapters to go, so enjoy it while you all can!

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Chapter 21: Looking forward to read more of your stories in the future :')
Chapter 21: Oh yaaaaaas no I'm actually sad to see this fic end :'''''''(

Author, thank yoooouuu for such a beautiful story. I'd never forget this one ♥
Chapter 20: Oh my god I'm going to read the last chapterrrr
Chapter 15: Wow I started reading it 3 hours ago. I'm glad to have found this fanfic after three months of being away from this site.
This story is so far so good. But sadly it's gonna end soon ;(
I'll continue with the rest tomorrow ♥
An interesting encounter that led off to a unique story is good. :)
eermaa #6
A coincidence here i have read this fic offline. It hit me when i recalled "ah....i'd read this fic before"
Chapter 21: Finished~! I really love it~! Is there a sequel?
Chapter 17: Awe... ^_^
Chapter 16: Finally~! ^^
Chapter 14: Squee~! ^^