
What Is Love

"She slapped you?" Sehun asked.


Jongin nodded, "Hard." he muttered.


"Must've hurt. You deserved it, anyway." Kyungsoo shrugged.


Jongin nodded in agreement.


"I'm just glad that Minhee's not like Jin Ah at all." Sehun said. "Honestly, I hated Jin Ah. She was such an annoying little , but since Jongin was head-over-heels for her, I couldn't really do anything but pretend to love her."


Jongin shot the younger boy a look, "Are you pretending to like Minhee, too?" he asked.


Sehun immediately shook his head, "Nope. Minhee's genuinely a nice girl. She's pretty, caring, and she's your perfect match. I mean, what other girl would go through all your bull, Jongin? She's gone through this much and she still loves you for you. I can't believe you even had to think twice about picking her or Jin Ah. Isn't it obvious that she's the one for you?" Sehun asked.


"He was blinded by love," Kyungsoo sang.


Jongin rolled his eyes, "More like blinded by a spell casted by the wicked witch."


Sehun snorted, and Kyungsoo laughed. 


"So what else happened? Are you and Minhee back together?" Kyungsoo asked.


Jongin shoook his head and sighed, "Baekhyun took her home that night without saying a word to me. The both of them just left. I think I should give her some time before asking her to be my girlfriend, you know?" 


"You better make a move fast. Baekhyun and her seem pretty close." Kyungsoo said.


"Um," Jongin looked around the room and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "He's gay." Jongin mumbled, and Kyungsoo nearly dropped the knife that he was using the cut up vegetables on his foot.


"He's what?!" Sehun and Kyungsoo said at the same time.


"You didn't know?" Jongin's eyes widened, and Kyungsoo thumped his head.


"Of course we didn't know, you idiot!" Kyungsoo shouted at him.


"Why is it such a big deal?" Jongin cried.


"Because you don't just leave out things like that!" Kyungsoo cried back.


"Well, sorry!" Jongin defended.


Sehun rolled his eyes, "This is information that you need to share with us."


"You never asked!"


And that, was how Kyungsoo and Sehun found out that Baekhyun was gay.



- - -



Minhee's POV


"My heart melted," Baekhyun sighed dreamily. "That was really sweet of him to say." 


I stared at my best friend in disbelief. It's been two days, and he's still fanboying over what had happened the other night. Everything that Jongin said to Jin Ah sank into my head. I remembered everything that he had said word-for-word. I was truly touched.


I couldn't believe that he was saying all of that, but at the same time, I could believe it.


"Are you guys gonna get back together?" Baekhyun asked.


I shrugged, "Don't know." I sighed. "I think it's best if we don't rush into things, you know? We've rushed into things too much, already." 


Baekhyun pouted, "You should ask if he wants to meet up, today. Don't just leave him hanging." 


"Well, I mean, I don't know if I'm really ready to talk to him." I admitted, and Baekhyun thumped me on the forehead.


"Ow, what was that for?!" I cried.


"For being stupid! He's obviously chosen you over that , so you shouldn't keep him waiting!" Baekhyun said.


I sighed to myself.


When I heard the doorbell ring, I got up from the couch and walked up to the door. Baekhyun trailed behind me, and I looked through the peep-hole, secretly hoping that it was Jongin.


But when I looked through the peep-hole, it wasn't Jongin.


I saw Chanyeol standing there with his hands behind his back, he was looking down at the floor like he was thinking and practicing what to say.


"Who is it?" Baekhyun asked, trying to push my head aside and get a peep, but I wouldn't let him. I quickly locked the door, covering the peep-hole so that Baekhyun couldn't see.


"It's no one. Don't open the door," I immediately said.


Baekhyun gave me a weird look, trying to push me aside.


"Is it Jongin? You have to talk to him, you can't ju-"


"I said it's no one. Don't open the door!" I shouted at Baekhyun, and he flinched a little.


A couple more knocks were heard, and I shut my eyes tightly, praying that Chanyeol would just ing stop.


"That doesn't sound like no one," Baekhyun cocked his head to the side. He pushed me aside, and I sighed. I knew that he was going to regret opening the door.


When the door flung open, I covered my eyes. I heard silence, and then I heard Chanyeol clearing his throat.




"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun's voice broke, and I looked through my fingers to see if Baekhyun was going to slap Chanyeol, yet.


"I got you your favorite chocolates." Chanyeol said, pulling them out from behind him and handing them to Baekhyun.


Baekhyun stared at the chocolates, and I mentally slapped myself. I couldn't bear to stand there and watch them.


"I'm gonna-uhm-leave you two alone to talk." I said as I stepped behind Chanyeol.


I looked at Baekhyun, noticing that there were tears in his eyes. Chanyeol stood there awkwardly, and I just wanted to punch him in the gut to tell him to apologize, but he still did nothing. Baekhyun stood there, not slamming the door in Chanyeol's face or anything, which I thought was stupid. If it were me, I would've slammed the door on him right when I saw his face.


I never knew that Chanyeol would be that type of person, the type to cheat, and I was actually devastated for my best friend. 


I mouthed a 'Good Luck' to Baekhyun, and he gave me a lop-sided smile. I frowned and then closed the door behind me. I stayed for a couple of seconds, pressing my ear against the door. There was still silence. Great, so Baekhyun hasn't killed him, yet. You're lucky, Chanyeol. 


I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. Since I was out, I figured that I'd just go and do some grocery shopping. Baekhyun and I were running pretty low on junk food, anyway.


I decided that maybe I should follow Baekhyun's advice. Maybe asking Jongin to tag along with me wouldn't be that bad. After all, I didn't feel comfortable with going out alone.



- - -



Author's POV


"Yah!" Kyungsoo shouted.


"Sehun, catch!" Jongin threw Kyungsoo's boxers to Sehun, and Sehun caught it. Kyungsoo raged as he sprinted towards Sehun with only a towel covering his bottom half, and he frowned.


"Those are my only clean pair!" Kyungsoo cried. "Stop putting your dirty hands all over it!"


"Jongin, Jongin!" Sehun screamed as he threw the pair of boxers to Jongin, and before Jongin could catch it, Kyungsoo jumped up, catching it with two arms. 


Sehun let out a shriek as he dropped to the floor and covered his eyes, and Jongin couldn't help but point and laugh at Kyungsoo. The taller male dropped to the floor and started rolling around, laughing like crazy.


Kyungsoo looked down, only to see that his towel had dropped and that he was completely - in front of his two best friends. Kyungsoo let out an earth-shattering shriek, quickly slipping on his boxers.


"This is why you don't steal my boxers while I'm in the shower!" Kyungsoo scolded.


"My eyes!" Sehun cried. "I'll never be able to erase the images." he cried even harder.


Jongin continued to laugh like the little demon that he was, and Kyungsoo jumped on him, attacking the younger as he threw his fists at Jongin.


Jongin screamed and Kyungsoo continued to punch. Sehun was still whimpering and whining on the floor, whispering things that Jongin and Kyungsoo could only make out as 'I'm scarred for life' and 'God has punished me.' 


Kyungsoo swiftly reached into Jongin's back pocket, grabbing his phone.


"ual harrassment!" Jongin screamed as he felt Kyungsoo's hand reach in his pocket, and Kyungsoo pulled down Jongin's pants.


"He's gonna me, Sehun!" Jongin shrieked, and Sehun peeked through his fingers.


"Oh my god!" Sehun screamed, and he jumped onto Kyungsoo's back.


Jongin tried pulling his pants up, but Kyungsoo was already using his phone to take pictures of Jongin and laughing, muttering things that Sehun could make out as 'Revenge, .' 


Kyungsoo suddenly stopped taking pictures as Jongin pulled his pants up. He looked at the text message that popped up, and he smirked evilly.


"Text message from 'Pretty'." Kyungsoo read aloud.


Jongin's eyes widened, and Sehun hopped off of Kyungsoo's back. 


"I wonder what Minhee would do if I sent her tho-"


"Kyungsoo, you wouldn't go that low, would you?" Jongin gasped.


Kyungsoo smirked, "Hm. Don't know." he shrugged, and scrolled through Jongin's phone.


Sehun was laughing on the couch, telling Jongin things like 'Oh, dude. You're so dead.' and 'You shouldn't have stolen his boxers.' 


"Kyungsoo, don't you dare." Jongin muttered.


"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Sehun chanted.


Kyungsoo smirked, and Jongin ended up attacking him. The phone flew in the air, and the both of them raced to go grab it.


Jongin stepped on Kyungsoo's arm, as Kyungsoo grabbed onto Jongin's foot. Jongin's sock came off and he ended up running up to the phone with one sock on and one sock off. He grabbed the phone, running into his room and locking it, scrolling through his text messages.


From: Pretty 

Meet me at the grocery shop near your place. Baekhyun's at my house with Chanyeol, and I need someone to go shopping with.


Almost too immediately, Jongin ran to change into some shorts and a shirt, sprinting out of his room.


"See you guys, later. Minhee needs me to go shopping with her!" Jongin said as he ran out the door.


Kyungsoo looked at Sehun, and Sehun stared back blankly.


"Shopping? He hates shopping..." Sehun muttered.


Kyungsoo thumped the younger boy on the head, "You're stupid. He would do anything for Minhee."


Author's Note:

Uh, yeah. These chapters are sort of rushed, as you can probably tell.

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Chapter 21: Looking forward to read more of your stories in the future :')
Chapter 21: Oh yaaaaaas no I'm actually sad to see this fic end :'''''''(

Author, thank yoooouuu for such a beautiful story. I'd never forget this one ♥
Chapter 20: Oh my god I'm going to read the last chapterrrr
Chapter 15: Wow I started reading it 3 hours ago. I'm glad to have found this fanfic after three months of being away from this site.
This story is so far so good. But sadly it's gonna end soon ;(
I'll continue with the rest tomorrow ♥
An interesting encounter that led off to a unique story is good. :)
eermaa #6
A coincidence here i have read this fic offline. It hit me when i recalled "ah....i'd read this fic before"
Chapter 21: Finished~! I really love it~! Is there a sequel?
Chapter 17: Awe... ^_^
Chapter 16: Finally~! ^^
Chapter 14: Squee~! ^^