
What Is Love

Minhee's POV



Jongin sat across from me as we ordered the our food. I tried to look for the most low priced item on the menu, but the lowest prices were in the range of what I still considered as expensive. 


Jongin seemed to not mind ordering a whole bunch of food. It seemed like he had a pretty big apetite, even though he was just as skinny as I was.


"Are you ordering anything?" he asked, and I continued to look.


I saw Jongin crinkle his nose from the corner of my eyes and looked up at him, laughing at his expression.


"What are you doing?" I asked.


"You're so cute when you're thinking." Jongin tapped my nose, and I snatched his fingers away from my face.


"Don't touch my nose. I'll bite you." I warned.


"Whoa, you're scary." Jongin teased.


"I'm serious! I will!" 


"I'm very intimida- yah! Yah! Ow!" 


Jongin snatched his fingers away from me and frowned, rubbing at them.


"Told you so." I giggled.


Jongin rolled his eyes, "So are you going to order?" he asked.


"Can I just share with you?" I asked back.


"I thought you'd never ask." he smirked.


The rest of the night, Jongin and I ate and ate. Most of the time, we would end up kicking each other and playing footsies under the table, or we would go into this intense staring contest that Jongin always lost. 


At the end of the night, we had finished about five dishes and Jongin had offered to pay it all. I was starting to wonder just how rich his family was, and how he had gotten ahold of so much money.


"Don't worry about it. It's our first date, I want to pay." Jongin rubbed my arms as we made our way out of the resteraunt.


"It just doesn't feel right not paying for my own food." I frowned.


"Shut up." Jongin laughed. "If I tell you you're pretty will you stop worrying?" he asked.


"Mm, you already tell me I'm pretty."


"Well, I'm going to stop." Jongin gave me this stern look that made me feel intimidated.


"Alright, alright." I sighed in defeat.


Jongin grabbed my hand victoriously as we both walked out of the resteraunt. The food was great, and the waitors and waitresses were also really nice. They were a little bit perky, if you asked me, but they were nice and what mattered was that I enjoyed the date.


A couple walked in as Jongin and I walked out, and I could've sworn that the guy that the other girl was with was Chanyeol. I looked back and I saw Chanyeol looking straight at me, and my mouth dropped.


"Chanyeol?" I called out.


Chanyeol's eyes widened, quickly turning around.


Jongin's mouth was also dropped open, but instead of calling Chanyeol's name, he called the girl's name.


"Jin Ah?" 


I looked at Jongin, and then at the girl. The girl turned around and faced me, a bitter smile on her face. 


"Jongin," she called out his name softly. "Funny running into you here." she commented.


I saw Jongin's fists clench, and felt him squeeze my hand tighter. I wondered who she was to him, but more importantly, I was focused on Chanyeol's eyes that were still widened in shock. So what Baekhyun had assumed was true all along.


"Yeah, it's really funny. You still bring guys here and try to them, afterwards?" Jongin shot back.


Jin Ah dryly laughed, "Yeah, too bad one of those guys aren't you. You would've really enjoyed that, huh?" she rolled her eyes.


"Don't bring up the past, Jin Ah. That's disgusting that you're still doing such a thing. I'm just glad that I'm not as stupid as the guy that you're with, right now." Jongin glared.


"My life no longer concerns you. But I see that you've found yourself a new girlfriend. Hopefully she's treating you just as good as I did. It'd be a pity to see such a handsome face like yours depressed." Jin Ah smiled.


"Shut up," Jongin hissed. "She's treats me better than you ever have." Jongin scoffed. He grabbed my arm and started dragging me away, but I pulled my arm out of his grasp.


"I'm not leaving, yet." I stated.


Jin Ah stood there, as if she was expecting me to do something to her. But, oh god, I didn't even want to look at her.


I marched right up to Chanyeol and gave him a smack in the face, and felt my eyes starting to cloud up with tears.


"Baekhyun gave you everything he could've, you ," I slapped him, again. "He deserves so much better." I whispered as I walked off with Jongin trailing behind me, probably confused.


I could feel everyone staring at me. From Jongin, to Jin Ah, to Chanyeol, to the customers and employees that were in the resteraunt. Jongin followed me to the car, and I started crying.


I didn't know why I was crying, but I think that it was because I had just seen my best friend's boyfriend cheating on my best friend. I felt bad for Baekhyun, and I wanted the best for him. 


"You know that guy?" Jongin asked as we both entered the car. 


I wiped my tears away and sniffed, nodding my head. "That's Baekhyun's boyfriend." I replied. 


I didn't even bother with trying to remind Jongin that Baekhyun was gay. He could figure all of that out on his own. I was just still trying to process everything that was going on and trying to figure out who that girl was.


"That girl that he's with is my ex-girlfriend," Jongin muttered. I could sense the anger in his voice, and I wanted to just get out of the car and go bcak to that resteraunt and smack her in the face.


"She cheated on you?" I asked.


Jongin nodded, and I sighed. 


When Jongin and I had danced that song, I couldn't help but think about her. I was envious of her, knowing that he had choreographed the dance and picked out that one specific song. He did all of that for her, worked his heart out, and only to have her cheat on him.


How ridiculous it that? And to top it all off, she had cheated on Jongin for my best friend's boyfriend, Chanyeol. I wanted to kill the both of them, but at the same time, I felt like thanking them.


If Chanyeol and that were never together, I don't think that Jongin and I would've ever gotten the chance to be together. As for Baekhyun, I was hoping that he was going to be okay with Chanyeol. I really felt bad for him. 


"She doesn't know what she's lost." I told Jongin, and Jongin gave me a weak smile.


"I'm glad she doesn't," Jongin scoffed. "Because I have you to know what I'm worth." 


I couldn't help but feel touched by his words, because I felt like he really meant what he was saying. I gave him a smile, and held my hand.


"I'll drive you home, okay?" he asked.


I nodded. 



Author's Note:

Triple update! Yay! Wow, okay. So I have writer's block right now and I have no idea what to write for my other story, so I'm just gonna update what I have for this story since it's already completed, lawl.

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Chapter 21: Looking forward to read more of your stories in the future :')
Chapter 21: Oh yaaaaaas no I'm actually sad to see this fic end :'''''''(

Author, thank yoooouuu for such a beautiful story. I'd never forget this one ♥
Chapter 20: Oh my god I'm going to read the last chapterrrr
Chapter 15: Wow I started reading it 3 hours ago. I'm glad to have found this fanfic after three months of being away from this site.
This story is so far so good. But sadly it's gonna end soon ;(
I'll continue with the rest tomorrow ♥
An interesting encounter that led off to a unique story is good. :)
eermaa #6
A coincidence here i have read this fic offline. It hit me when i recalled "ah....i'd read this fic before"
Chapter 21: Finished~! I really love it~! Is there a sequel?
Chapter 17: Awe... ^_^
Chapter 16: Finally~! ^^
Chapter 14: Squee~! ^^