
What Is Love

Author's POV



Jongin held her iPod in his hand tightly. It was the next day, and he was determined that she would come back to the dance studio. He was determined to talk to her, no matter what. He was determined to befriend her, at least.


He felt like he was in some love story, and she was his Cinderella. He was searching for his Cinderella, but instead of the glass slipper, it was her iPod. It was his last string of hope. 


"You're going to talk to her, right?" Kyungsoo had asked earlier in the day.


Jongin nodded and held the iPod tightly in his hand.


"I want to talk to her." Jongin said. "She seems...different." Jongin mumbled.


"She stalked you." Sehun added in.


"She wasted her time on me, and she learned all of the dance moves that I had choreographed out of memory. She's different." Jongin defended.


He didn't even know if defending the girl was the right thing. He didn't know her name, he had never even talked to her before, but he was just so curious. He wanted to meet her so badly.


Jongin stayed at the dance studio.


He was so desperate to know more about the girl, he had actually thought of trying to hack into her iPod to see if he could find any information about her. He knew that a girl needed her privacy, but she sorta "stalked" him. He felt like he had a right to access her iPod.


Jongin entered the back door, but something caught his eye as he entered. The door has four numbers on it. 


Jongin thought that it'd be ridiculous if her iPod password was actually those four numbers, but when he typed in '1016', the iPod unlocked. Jongin was shocked. He was very shocked.


He had never noticed the four numbers painted on the door before, but it had always been there. The numbers had always been there.


Jongin firstly went through her photos. As uncomfortable as he felt going through her things, he just couldn't help himself. He saw her cute and embarrassing selcas, and smiled to himself. She's pretty. 


He felt creepy going through her photos like this, but he kept reminding himself that she had watched him from a window all this time. There was nothing creepy, anymore.


Jongin finally then clicked onto her music, looking through all of the songs that she listened to. Much to his surprise, the both of them had a lot in common. Most of the songs that she had on her iPod were all on his iPod. Their music tastes were the same, and Jongin liked that.


The thing with him and Jin Ah that really got to him was how her music taste was so different from his. He liked dancing, she liked singing. Maybe being dumped isn't so bad.



- - -



Minhee's POV



"You have to go back there!" Baekhyun yelled at me.


I shook my head and sighed, "There's no way that I'm going back there, Baek." I said.


"You left your iPod there. I bought that for you with good money!" Baekhyun pouted.


I frowned at him and turned my head away from him.


"Baek, I can always pay you back and get myself a new iPod." I mumbled.


"Nope." Baekhyun shook his head. "You're going back there." he said with the most determined look on his face.


I was actually quiet scared, because a determined Baek was a scary Baek. Whenever Baekhyun was determined to do something, anything that got in his way would definitely regret it later.


Even if it was Chanyeol, Baekhyun would destroy the taller male if he tried to stop Baek. Baekhyun was just that scary.


"Baekhyun, I don't want to." I whined.


"You have to." Baekhyun pulled on my arm. He dragged me out of my bed and to my front door. The pain in my back was not going to stop him from getting me out of my own house.


I finally gave in and got up, "Fine! Fine! Just let me get changed, okay?" I groaned.


I made sure to do everything as slowly as I could, taking my time in everything that I did. I really didn't want to go. I felt like vomiting. What if he's there?



- - -



When Baekhyun and I got to the dance studio, there was no loud music playing. A part of me was actually hoping that the mystery boy was there, but another part of me hoped that he wasn't. 


I actually didn't know what I was going to say or do.


Hi, I'm the girl that stalks you from a window. I remembered every dance move that you have ever done and I got so carried away with it that I started dancing to the song every day. Remember me?


"Go in there." Baekhyun whisper-yelled as he opened the door and pushed me in. I looked around the dance studio. No one was in sight.


I thought too soon, because right when I looked to the corner of the room, there he was. I felt myself tremble as I walked towards the boy. He was lying down with his arm covering his eyes. I guessed that he was sleeping.


I looked over at Baekhyun who was looking at me from the window, and he gave me a thumbs up. I started walking closer to the boy, and that's when his body jolted up and he removed his hand from his face, looking around.


He looked up at me, and I was just so ready to sprint right out of there and forget about my stupid iPod, when suddenly he grabbed me.


"Wait, please don't run off." he almost begged. 


I looked at Baekhyun from the window, and he was gone. His head popped back up again, giving me a minor heart attack and he smirked and gave me another thumbs up.


"I-I don't know, I just came back for my iPod....h-have you seen it?" I stammered ridiculously.


The mystery boy nodded his head, "I have it." he said. "I'll give it to you after you talk to me." 


I sighed in defeat and sat down on the floor, "Fine. Let's talk." I agreed. I kept reminding myself that I was doing this for my iPod that Baekhyun had bought me, and not because the mystery boy was incredibly cute and actually wanted to talk to me.


I felt so anxious being around him, and I was actually predicting some horrible things. 


I could see him smiling, and I had to admit that seeing him smile really made my heart melt. I didn't know what I felt towards him, but it definitely wasn't just some stranger-to-stranger feeling. It was something else. I felt like I actually knew him, but at the same time, I really didn't.


"I-uh, well." he huffed. I could tell that he was feeling just as awkward as I was. Oh god, here it comes..


"I'm Kim Jongin." he offered me a hand to shake. I was surprised, because I was actually expecting something so much worse. I hesitantly grabbed his hand and shook it.


"Choi Minhee." I stated. I was really here just to get my iPod back. He was good-looking and he attracted me and all, but the fact that Baekhyun was standing over by that window and staring at the both of us was making me really uncomfortable.


"I suppose you want your iPod back." Jongin finally said. I felt like he was reading my mind, and my heart skipped a beat.


He handed me my iPod, and I thanked him for it. I knew that he was expecting me to run off or something by the looks of it, but I decided that I'd stay back and chat a little.


"Can I ask you something?" I blurted out. Jongin looked taken aback, but he nodded.


"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked. "You saw me looking at you from that window. Why aren't you creeped out? Why do you want to talk to a freak like me?" I asked, again.


Jongin chuckled a little and then his chuckles turned into a whole fit of laughter. 


"What's so funny?" I frowned, crossing my arms.


Jongin calmed down after a bit and smiled, "You're not a freak." Jongin said. "I think I could get along very well with you, actually." he admitted.


My eyes widened in shock. 


"I knew that you were watching me all that time. The only reason why I came out on that one day was because instead of seeing you, I saw these two other guys." Jongin said.


I suddenly remembered when I had ducked when I saw him looking over at the window. The two guys that he was referring to were probably Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Other questions started ringing up in my head, and I started to get curious.


"Why didn't you say anything to me if you knew that it was me all that time?" I asked.


Jongin sarcastically laughed, "Like you would even let me talk to you. You would always run away right when I stopped dancing. What could I do?" Jongin asked.


I looked down at my fingers and apologized, "Sorry." I managed to mumble.


Jongin gave me a small smile, and before I knew it, the both of us were asking each other random questions and getting to know each other more.


The rest of the night consisted of us talking to each other and laughing. He asked me questions, and in return, I asked him some back. 


We started to even drop formalarities and started to get more engaged in the conversations. We even decided to play truth or dare. Somewhere during all that time, we ordered pizza and both ate away at it, still continuing our conversation. 


I found out that he was older than me by three months, and I also found out that we actually had a lot in common. The fact that I had stalked him really didn't bother me all that much anymore, because he seemed totally fine with it.


I was so engaged into the conversation that I forgot about Baekhyun. I figured that he had left after a couple minutes of spying on us.


"Did you ever have a boyfriend?" Jongin asked out of the blue.


I looked down at my pizza and shook my head, "Nope."


Jongin nodded his head and took a bite out of his pizza.


"What about you?" I asked.


Jongin nodded his head and frowned. He swallowed on the pizza, hard.


"I did." he nodded. "Just recently." he mumbled.


I felt my heart ache. So all this time, I had been swooning over someone who was taken.


"She cheated on me, though." Jongin blurted out.


I looked at him, feeling my heart clench.


"I-I'm sorry." I mumbled. "She doesn't know what she's lost." I said, and I meant that. How could someone cheat on a person that was so warm-hearted and kind?


Jongin smiled, "That dance, though." he mumbled. "It was meant for her." 


I felt like I was going to faint. I felt so terrible, I couldn't even explain all of my emotions.


"The dance that you saw me dancing, I choreographed everything and worked my heart out just so that I could dance it with her on one special night. She cheated on me and told me that the other guy had more money," Jongin dryly laughed and shook his head. "I thought I loved her."


I frowned, "I'm sorry to hear that." I said. I honestly didn't know what else to say. I didn't want to make him feel worse.


"It's okay," Jongin smiled. "Sorry for pouring all that out to you." he mumbled.


I shook my head and smiled, "I'm always here if you need someone to listen to your problems."


"Thanks." he nodded his head. "Hey, you've never experienced heart ache, have you?" he asked.


I shook my head, "Been single pretty much all my life." I replied.


"Lucky." I heard him say under his breath, and that was the end of the whole 'relationship' conversation.


After that, we spent the whole night talking about other things and continued our game of truth or dare.


Jongin ended up having to the dance studio's floors, and I had to show him a couple of dance moves that I remembered. 


That night, it was confirmed.


I really liked Jongin. Regardless of the fact that I had only learned his name a couple hours before.



Author's Note:

I'm super tired. Just wanted to update this story before I went to sleep. Goodnight~ <3

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Chapter 21: Looking forward to read more of your stories in the future :')
Chapter 21: Oh yaaaaaas no I'm actually sad to see this fic end :'''''''(

Author, thank yoooouuu for such a beautiful story. I'd never forget this one ♥
Chapter 20: Oh my god I'm going to read the last chapterrrr
Chapter 15: Wow I started reading it 3 hours ago. I'm glad to have found this fanfic after three months of being away from this site.
This story is so far so good. But sadly it's gonna end soon ;(
I'll continue with the rest tomorrow ♥
An interesting encounter that led off to a unique story is good. :)
eermaa #6
A coincidence here i have read this fic offline. It hit me when i recalled "ah....i'd read this fic before"
Chapter 21: Finished~! I really love it~! Is there a sequel?
Chapter 17: Awe... ^_^
Chapter 16: Finally~! ^^
Chapter 14: Squee~! ^^