Your Number?

Love Is Like Magic

No One's POV

Hye Su noticed that she was too absorbed at the fact that she stared at Seunghyun that she didn't notice it has been more than five minutes. To make it less obvious, she took out her phone and started texting Min Ae.

'Yah Min-ah, look at Seunghyun. Oh my gosh can you believe that we're both water!? I mean, I've liked him all my life! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but kyahhh!'

'He looks so... cold and mean >_<. Omo! Did you know that both Daesung and I are wind!? Ikr? ^o^ He's cute too :P' Hye Su giggled at the emoticons that came with the message. She looked up and glanced over her shoulder. Min Ae was smiling and laughing at Daesung's silly jokes.

Eun Chae felt somewhat left out and she, too, took out her phone.

To: Min Ae unnie, Hye Su unnie

Yahhhhh! I feel so lonely! T^T you two are texting each other. Let me join!

Five seconds later, Eun Chae received two replies from her fellow friends.

From: Min Ae unnie

Mianhae... We were just talking about Daesung and Seunghyun :P

From: Hye Su unnie

Who's more lonely? T^T At least you two have each other. I'm the only freaking female here along with a byuntae (ert) >_< and he's spiritual. What happens if he decides to HAUNT me!? @_@

Eun Chae giggled at the response she received. Byuntae... he is one, indeed. She opened a new message and began typing away on her keyboard.

To: Hye Su unnie

And guess who he reminds me of? Byuntae... -.-

To: Min Ae unnie

Oh that sounds gossipy and Seunghyun looks cold >.<

From: Hye Su unnie

The ert that kept getting me mixed up with my friend? I mean, we look NOTHING alike!

Eun Chae giggled at Hye Su's reply.

"Hyung's table seems very quiet. I swear it was lively and busy when I was sitting there earlier." Taeyang said. "Should I go back to enlighten their mood?"

Eun Chae looked at Taeyang. "If you are going to that table, then can you please call Hye Su-ah over to this table?"

"But then I'll be alone and I hate being alone!" Jiyong whined childishly.

"You still have Daesung and man, please don't whine."

"He's too busy flirting with Min Ae-ah."

"Then talk to Eun Chae? She's not talking to anyone right now." Taeyang stood up and left the table. He walked over to Seunghyun's group and sat down at the vacant seat beside Hye Su.

"Hye Su-ah, Eun Chae-ah wants you to head over there." Taeyang whispered, pointing at Eun Chae. Hye Su thanked Taeyang for telling her about Eun Chae's message. She then stood up and headed over to Eun Chae's table. She noticed that Jiyong was sitting directly in front of Eun Chae and he kept on staring at her - technically checking Eun Chae out. Eun Chae didn't notice the pair of eyes on her as she was busy listening to music and playing games on her phone. Gosh, are all guys really THAT erted? Hye Su wondered. erts irritate Hye Su. As far as her experiences with several of her ex-boyfriends, they are all erts deep down in the guts.

Hye Su noticed Jiyong had a wide grin plastered on his face. ert. She thought once again. Feeling somewhat agitated by his noticeable actions and knowing that they're going to be speaking girl's language, Hye Su grabbed Jiyong by the arm and vigorously dragged him over to the guy's table, gluing his gluteus maximus right on the seat. Then, she politely walked back and asked if Daesung would like to sit with the guys even if there weren't enough seats over there. Daesung gladly accepted Hye Su's request and made his way to the guy's lively table.

Eun Chae and Min Ae giggled at Hye Su's abrupt actions. "What?" Hye Su asked.

"Nothing..." The two girls said but continued laughing. They can totally imagine Hye Su engaging in a person-vs-person (PVP) battle with Jiyong and Hye Su winning whereas Jiyong is lying on the floor, his muscles aching from Hye Su's tremendously powerful techniques.

"If you're going to ask me about what happened with Jiyong earlier... fire and water aren't a compatible mixture. End of story." Hye Su leaned back against the chair.

"I see that he pisses you off." Min Ae continued laughing.

Meanwhile, the guys were having a group meeting. "So who do you think is the prettiest out of the three of them?" Seungri, the maknae, questioned his hyungs while sipping on his slushie.

"I think Min Ae is cute." Daesung said. "And she's really nice and fun to talk to." Jiyong nudged Daesung on the arm.

"It seems like you've fallen for her already, huh?" he winked. He was convinced that Daesung has a thing for Lee Min Ae.

"Ani. All girls are cute in their own way." Daesung smiled.

"Except for that Hye Su girl. She is nowhere near cute, pretty, or nice. She DRAGGED me instead of politely asking me to move! And she's super strong! Is she even considered a girl!?" Jiyong disagreed.

Seunghyun, who was quiet the entire conversation, spoke up. "I don't think she's as bad as you described her. She's pretty and generous once you get to know her."

"Yeah... from what I've seen, Hye Su is quite unique." Taeyang mentioned. Jiyong shook his head disapprovingly, crossing his arms while at it.

"I think Eun Chae's the most appealing out of the three." The maknae spatted randomly to ease the tension within the atmosphere. Fire always start off battles when water wants to end the war. Sometimes they don't get along but at times, they're friendly which is amazingly weird.


After their 'gossiping session' and when everybody finished their brunch, they decided to hang out a bit longer except for Eun Chae. Since she wore a tank top, she started to shiver and went back to the dorm. She suddenly remembered that she was supposed to read a chapter from her textbook for homework. So after she change into a comfortable loose long sleeves shirt and long pants (lol dressing so warm all of a sudden), she started to read. On the other hand Min Ae and Hye Su were hanging out in the game/entertainment room at their school.

"If only Chae was here." Hye Su sighed.

"Yeah..." Min Ae agreed.

"Waeyo?" Jiyong wondered, not looking at Hye Su but at his brothers and Min Ae.

"She's good at playing these games and stuff." Hye Su and Min Ae weren't exactly the gaming type/fan. It's usually Eun Chae who plays with and for them.

"I heard she has a brother, right?" Taeyang asked out of the blue.

"Yup. He graduated 2 years ago."

"That guy is a Fire, isn't he?"

"Yeah, but she got the genes mainly from her dad so she's Earth and he got it from their mom." Hye Su explained.

"No wonder sometimes she acts all mean when I .." Seungri rubbed his chin.

Are you serious? It's not just her that doesn't like you teasing =_= Min Ae and Hye Su thought.

"But don't you think she's a bit too quiet?" Jiyong asked.

"Her? Quiet? At first she seems quiet but once you know her well, you'll find out that she's not that quiet." Min Ae said.

Meanwhile, Eun Chae was busy with her activity back at the dorms. She was sitting at her desk with a textbook in front of her. With one arm resting against the table and holding her head high, she sighed as she flipped through one page at a time.

"Noo! I don't want to read this! How many more pages are there!?" she stared at her textbook after reading about 20 pages from where she previously left off.

"Ugghhh! Come on Eun Chae... A FEW MORE PAGES TO GO!!" she encouraged herself.

After a while, she felt like giving up. "WHYYY THIS IS SO MUCH WORK!!" she complained and rested her head on the table while reading the textbook.

While Eun Chae was busy stressing out and complaining, the girls and the guys were spending their time talking to each other.

"Hey, Hye Su-sshi," Seunghyun went over to Hye Su. "Uhmm... what's your number?" Hye Su raised a brow at Seunghyun, but in fact she was squealing like a typical crazed fan-girl on the inside. "So we can hang out sometimes?" Seunghyun asked to make it seem not that awkward.

"Oh... my number is..." Hye Su tried not to stutter in front of him. Her heart was beating twice the normal heart rate and since she was super duper excited that Seunghyun was speaking to her, she forgot her cell phone number.

"Umm... can you give me a second?" she politely asked and took out her phone from her pockets. She went through her cell phone and soon found the number. She read it aloud to Seunghyun and he saved it into his contact list.

Daesung, on the other hand, was doing the same thing as Seunghyun. He went over to Min Ae and asked her for her number in case they'd want to share some more ridiculous stories and jokes. Since Min Ae left her phone back at the dorms, she went over to Hye Su and asked her friend for her own number.

"You should really memorize your number." Hye Su used her phone and lightly bonked it on Min Ae's head. "Silly girl..." Hye Su muttered.

Min Ae apologized and took Hye Su's phone. She went through Hye Su's contact list and found her number. Then she walked back to Daesung and gave him the number. Also, Daesung asked if Min Ae could give Hye Su and Eun Chae's number as well. Daesung is very social and enjoys making new friends all the time.

Min Ae asked Hye Su if she's fine with giving Daesung her number and Hye Su nodded.

"Ohhhh can I have your number too?" Seungri noticed they were exchanging contact information and wanted to join along.

No because you're a complete byuntae. Min Ae and Hye Su thought exactly the same but their response wasn't according to their mindset. "Sure." They said and exchanged numbers with the maknae, a smile on his face.

After doing so, the two girls linked arms and joyfully skipped back to the dorms. They were glad their element asked for their number. Now it's easier for them to communicate through a call or a text and they can hang out any time they want.


"Oh no!" Eun Chae's textbook slipped off of her hand. "Damn.." she was about to bend down and get it until someone else picked it up before her.

"Here." he handed the textbook to her.

"Thanks." she smiled a little at Jiyong then noticed someone beside him. Her smile faded and she left.

"Wait,  Eun Chae. What's your number?" Seungri caught up to her.

"Oh my number?" Eun Chae thought of something. "Here, give me your phone. Since your friend was so kind enough to get my textbook, I'll give you my number." she smiled.


"Yes.." she started to punch in some numbers into his phone. "Here. I gotta go now, bye!" she handed him back his phone then ran off.

"Yes! Hyung! I got her number fo- wait.. what is this?!"

First Name: You're        Last Name : Stupid         Mobile: 111-222-3334

"Yeah, you are stupid. You got a random number that isn't even hers and who knows if that exists." Jiyong laughed.

"Aww man.."

"Tch. That's what you get. You fool." Eun Chae laughed as she heard what they said from afar. "Ok, I really need to get to class." she dashed off to the classroom.

"Why did you want her number so badly anyway? So you can flirt with her? Don't you have enough of other girls' numbers?" Jiyong rolled his eyes.

"Yes. But no hyung! I wanted to get it for you.." Seungri sighed.

"What? For me? Psh, I can get my own."

"Who knows, Eun Chae's number might come in handy one day and you'll need me. Like I said, she's pretty. Heh heh." he winked.

"Uuhh huh. I don't think I'll need it. We don't have any classes together."

"Fine. Why am I getting it for you anyway? She's Earth and you're Fire. Right. Taeyang hyung is Earth too. I'll only share her number with Taeyang hyung instead of you."

"Wha- It's like he'll want it. But isn't she ok with Fire? I mean, her family-"

"You're talking about her family now, huh? Whatever~! I know someone will want it." Seungri walked off happily.

"Aish this kid.." Jiyong thought to himself.  "Ya! I said I can get it myself! Just you watch." he said to Seungri.

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha