
Love Is Like Magic

Min Ae's POV

So here we are... sitting in the living room with Hye Su awake. She seems to be depressed about what had happened earlier but I'm sure she'll get over it. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE...

"Unnie, what's that?" Eun Chae pointed at the three envelopes that I was holding. "Is that our mission card?"

"I don't know. Let's open it?" I handed each an envelope. Well, it had their names on it so I just gave it to them. It's as easy as saying one, two, TREE. 

At the same time, we all opened the envelope we were gripping on. Inside was a list of names and I so happened to notice my name, Lee Min Ae, first.

"OH! This is so exciting!" Eun Chae squealed. 

"Finally we're being categorized into different groups. Su-ah, whose group are you in?" I asked. I'm super duper excited about the field trip. I mean, I really want to graduate and enhance my skills. 

"Uh.... it says here that you and Eun Chae are in my group." Su said. 

"Omo! WE'RE IN THE SAME GROUP!" Chae shouted, sstuffing the paper right into my face. "Yay this is the best-"

"WHAT THE HECK!? THAT IS IN MY GROUP!?" I sense some trouble... I looked at my paper and read through the names.

Lee Min Ae
Song Eun Chae
Kim Hye Su
Lee Seungri
Kwon Jiyong

I re-read the last name on the list. Kwon Jiyong... isn't that the fire boy? Oh no...

I glanced at Su and noticed two of her cat ears burning with fire. Oh.... this doesn't look good to me. I shifted my gaze onto Eun Chae and she was biting on her lips. I fiddled with my fingers... what am I supposed to say?

"Su-ah..." I started, "Let's watch a movie." I tried changing the topic. Hye Su doesn't seem scary at times but when she's not in favour of something, she tends to go wild... and wild as in frustrated.

"Stupid jerk who doesn't know what I've been through and he calls himself a fire and pshhh like I care cuz I'm a water and water can diminish fire any time and grrr doesn't he know how to join another group and omfg he is so annoying somebody get him out of my group already!" Su spazzed, using only one sentence and one breath.

"SU! I'LL BUY YOU THE LATEST ALBUM OF YOUR FAVOURITE ARTISTS!" I shouted in order for her to stop her anger which, in fact, worked.

"CHINCHA!?" she stopped punching the cushions (poor cushions... it shaped like pikachu too!) and looked at me. Eun Chae giggled at her quick reactions.

"Um.... if you want?"

"Okay so I want all of kpop's newest album." she grinned widely. Seriously? That's going to cost a lot... probably more than the price of her laptop.

"Yah.... I don't think..."

"kekeke I was only joking with you. But I'd like a SHINee or Block B album." she said, forgetting about what was wrong with her a couple of minutes ago.

"OMG WAIT... THE ERT IS IN OUR GROUP!" I noticed Chae's eyes widened.

Eun Chae's POV

"NUOUUOUOUOUOOOOOOOO~! Why Hye Su.... Why.. WAEEEE!!" I shook her as I cried then started to punch the cushion she had earlier. "DAMN YOU!" I threw it in the air then punched it, causing it to fly across the room.

"Life is not fair.." I closed my eyes and bent my head down.

"When is this thing? How long is it?" I heard Hye Su ask and picked up the paper that she threw onto the floor.

"Hmm. It's next week. For 5 days and 4 nights."

"WHAT?!?!" I shot my head back up and grabbed my paper. "You can't be serious!!!" I smacked my forehead.

"This is terrible Hye Su. Terrible. Min Ae, we need to be careful." I said slowly.

"Come on, he... Oh my god, Hye Su. What if he sleeps next to us at night?" she suddenly thought and got a bit scared.

"Maybe we will be in different rooms. You are overreacting too much. I know I was earlier with-"

"It says we will be staying at this cave for the second night!! How many rooms can there be at a cave?!?! For the first night we will be at this old Korean house. Who knows if there's only one room!?!" I stared at the piece of paper that had all the detail.

"Uhm.. calm down, Eun Chae." Hye Su patted my back.

"I know. You can freak out later, ok? Right now we must enjoy the days without being with Seungri." Min Ae stood up.

"I didn't mean that.. =__='  Now where are my CD's?"

I must complain. I took out my phone as they were talking about whatever. I quickly texted my brother and had a mini 'interview' with him about this. If we were supposed to be grouped with people we work well with, how come Jiyong and Seungri are in our group? Was it because we hung out once? Jiyong and Hye Su are like enemies. Hye Su always says, "I hate his attitude" to my brother, Junho. He seems ok to me but is she supposed to get along with Jiyong? Hye Su doesn't like any Fires. Seungri and I are .... I just don't like him being flirty and y with me. Ok. I think I'm getting tired because of all this thinking.

"I'm going to bed.. Goodnight." I stood up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

No One's POV

"I think it's more serious and critical when Chae spazzes compared to me." Hye Su and Min Ae faced each other, both nodding their heads.

After Eun Chae's miniature attack, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and laid down on her bed. She stared up at the ceiling, resting her forearm against her forehead. 

"Aiiishh! Why must they be in our group!?" she kicked the blanket off of her.

Trying to get the grouping decision out of her mind, Eun Chae turned to her night stand and took her cell phone into hand. She thought of an idea; she texted Taeyang asking him for a favour.

From: Taeyang

Why do you want his number? :O

To: Taeyang

Ani. I was just hoping to talk to him about Hye Su unnie.

From: Taeyang

Ohhhh.... his number is 010-***-****. You're welcome! ^_^

Eun Chae quickly thanked Taeyang for the favour and texted the new number that she saved onto her contact list.

To: Jiyong

Annyeong! Guess who this is!

From: Jiyong

Let me guess... Eun Chae? ^o^ kekeke

To: Jiyong

-gasp- how'd you know?

From: Jiyong

I was sitting next to Taeyang when you asked for my number. I never knew you wanted my number that bad.

Eun Chae read the message and thought he was a little too conceited. She didn't feel like replying to the text message so she left it and put aside her phone. 

Meanwhile Jiyong was staring at his mobile, waiting in anticipation. 

"Yah that's not fair!" Seungri complained. "How come hyung got her number without having to even ask? This is so not fair!" he kicked air - not Daesung but the empty atmosphere surrounding the room.

"Everything comes and goes like magic." Jiyong replied after waitng for some time, noticing that Eun Chae won't be texting back.

Back at the girl's dorms, Hye Su and Min Ae were playing some video games to spend their spare time (which was doing nothing) whereas Eun Chae was on her laptop. She suddenly jumped up due to the vibration of her mobile which she placed on her table. She took the phone and read the message she received from Jiyong.

From: Jiyong

You didn't text me back ): I'm going to call you in a minute.

Not long after, Eun Chae's ringtone blasted her ears. She picked up the phone and asked him why he decided to call. 

"No apparent reason. It's just that you didn't pick up the phone." he said, but in fact there was a reason why he called.

"HYUNG! LET ME TALK TO THE PRETTY LADY!" someone in the background -obviously Seungri- whined. He was trying to grab the phone out of Jiyong's reach and planned on hogging it until morning. But that is, only if Eun Chae was willing to speak to him. 

"But was there a specific reason why you got my number from Taeyang?"

"Oh.. um.. about that... I... erm.. I had something to tell you earlier... but I guess we can discuss about it tomorrow... if that's fine with you. It's not that important anyways..." 

Jiyong was wondering what she wanted to tell him. Maybe it was a confession...? He thought but the chances of Eun Chae crushing on Jiyong was slim. Maybe she wanted to hang out with me? As Jiyong continued coming up with possibilities about what Eun Chae wanted to 'discuss' with him, his conscious kept on telling him that what she wanted to tell him was nowhere near anything about the two of them. 

"Um... Jiyong-sshi?" Eun Chae was waiting for a reply before she decides to 'hang up' the call. When she received a response from Seungri, who apparently grabbed the phone out of Jiyong's hand whilst he was busy drifting into deep thoughts, she immediately hung up the phone without saying goodbye. She didn't want to converse with a byuntae, especially since she wasn't completely finished with her 'mini' rant about having to group with ert(s).

"Chae-ah," Min Ae knocked on Eun Chae's room. "Are you asleep yet?"

Eun Chae got up from her seat and went to open her door. "Unnie, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Want to join my gang so we can smash Hye Su?" Eun Chae immediately gave her a what-the-heck look. "She's being really mean to me. For the past hour, she won all the games we've played in." Min Ae continued, pouting and giving her dongsaeng her aegyo -it has its pros and cons but still effective, regardless of gender- and Eun Chae couldn't refuse her request.

"What game are you girls playing?" Eun Chae didn't like using the terminology 'guys' which can be also be referred to the pluralization of 'you'.

"A bunch of random games on the Wii." Earlier, the three girls saved up some money and bought themselves a Wii for entertainment purposes.

"Okay..." she agreed and Min Ae clapped in glee, a huge smile on her face.

Approximately half an hour later...

"ANDWE! WAEEE!!!!???" Min Ae and Eun Chae shouted. Hye Su covered her ears so it wouldn't damage her ear drums. "IT'S NOT FAIR! HOW-"

"You asked for it." Hye Su said. Of course, the three youngsters were gaming altogether since they couldn't sleep and was bored (which is their daily routine). Hye Su was versing against Min Ae and Eun Chae, who were partners. Through the various games they've played, it was mostly Hye Su who won, leaving the partners sobbing about how unfair it was. 

"B-BUT-" Min Ae wasn't at all 'satisfied' with their gaming results. "It was a two against one thing!"

Hye Su and Eun Chae chuckled at Min Ae's childness. Would anyone believe she is the eldest out of the three of them? 

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha