
Love Is Like Magic

Kim Hye Su's POV

Classes ended an hour ago and instead of teleporting back to the dorms, we walked with our two human legs. Everything was going smoothly until last period. In my opinion, last period is the best class out of the other four. But today, it seemed worst than the other three classes.

"ARGHHH!" I slammed my textbook onto my study table and sat down on my wheelie chair, turning on my laptop. While waiting for it to load, I spun around to face my two friends and roommates.

"Unnie, what's wrong?" Eun Chae softened her look as she sat down on the nearest bed, crossing her legs.

"Assignments are such ASSES!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

"I know right? They are such a pain in the ." Min Ae spoke. She knew clearly what I meant since she was in my last class. "The teachers don't know what they're doing by suddenly surprising us like that."

"I KNOW! Ughhh!" I ran my fingers through my already-messed-up hair which made it look like I just woke up from a very deep slumber.

"This is when a boyfriend comes in handy. Kekekeh... it'd be even better if they are willing to do your homework for you." Eun Chae giggled.

"Really, Eun Chae? Really? I think you're a little eager for your age..." I teased. It's always entertaining to meddle with the maknae.

"I'm not eager but it's true. They come in handy and OH get an intelligent boyfriend who can do your homework for you. I'll support you!" she smiled.

"Then why don't you get a boyfriend?" Min Ae sarcastically said.

"Nahh.. I don't wanna get hurt." she had something in her mind judging by her actions - scratching her chin. "OH MY GOSH! ALL Guys are the same; in the beginning they're all sweet and lovey dovey with you but in the end you're the one with the heartbreak. Ughhhhh... they're such a player." she punched her pillow. "It's a total waste of our precious time. Money can't buy me time."

"Ohhhh seems like somebody here experienced heartbreak before." Min Ae cooed.

I completely ignored the two and went back to my laptop. I'll be screwed if I don't finish it by tomorrow morning. THIS FU- I forgot I'm forbidden to swear... anyhoo, my last period teacher, Mrs. Cho, is usually genuine and lenient on us. She made our class seem perfect and easy. But today, her persona completely changed. She went from a happy-go-lucky teacher to a devil-beside-you teacher. Now I'm wondering if she installed camcorders in our dorms >.< just to taunt or mock me.

For this stupeed assignment, we were told to write a story. Pshh this might sound easy to you but it has to be SUPERNATURAL T_T ... ohhhh I can write about how wizards are mentally psychic and can read people's mind; they appear to look like dragons but in fact, they are dinosaurs in disguise. Suuure... I wish it could make no sense whatsoever but NO... this thing we're assigned must make sense and have a significant value behind it. The story must be an original - cliché will result in an automatic zero - that exceeds no more than 12 pages. If it still sounds easy to you, then allow me to continue. The story cannot be less than 5,000 words or else we'll receive an automatic zero.

"According to my knowledge from watching dramas and hearing them from my friends, breakups occur mainly because of the guys and their sudden change of mind. SO... this is why I choose not to get a boyfriend.. YET! They're immature and total erts. OMG speaking of -"

"Girls... I can't concentrate and I need to finish this ASSignment by today." I interrupted their conversation.

"Awe, don't be so glum, chum." Min Ae patted my back. "I have to do that stupid thing too."

Both of us had a sweat drop forming at the top of our head and then we sighed. "If only we could work in par- oh wait... didn't Mrs. Cho say we're allowed working in partners?" Min Ae reminded.

"OH YEAH! Yaahhhh, let's work together." I smirked. She nodded.

"Two people plus two brains equals to one completed and awesome assignment!" I cheered.

"Yaahh chingu chingu... I'm bored." Eun Chae sat there, pouting her lips at us. I glanced at Min Ae and she did the same thing. It was as if we were really psychic because...

"I know who can keep you busy~!" Min Ae and I laughed. We really think alike at times like this.

"Don't. Even." Eun Chae knew exactly what we meant. I was smirking and chuckling like crazy. Oh yeah, she could totally imagine my awesome facial expression.

"Somebody is blushing." I cooed.

"Don't you like somebody too!?" she shouted.

"Nope. But I know you two do."

"Yo, I saw that Jiyong guy check you out." Min Ae mentioned.

"OH GOD." Eun Chae had a disgusted look. "Why do most guys portray their ertedness? Like, stop staring already! T.T"

"Being a byuntae is natural for guys. I should know that because of my idiotic cousin who always think wrongly whenever somebody says something that could be interpreted in various ways."

"Ewwwww at your cousin. But Jiyong seems nice though... at least better than Seungri."

"Oh really? I think I saw you staring at somebody's arms today." Min Ae nudged Eun Chae's arms.

"What? Who?" It was obvious that she was feeling quite anxious by the way she expressed the two W's.

"You know who it is." I teased, winking at her as the name was about to slip out of my mouth.

"WHAT!? Ohh god.." she hid her face with her hands, blushing. "It wasn't like that! I mean... you're misunderstanding!"

"AHHAHA!!" we both laughed. "It's okay Eun Chae. We know he's your type. Plus he was the first to confront you."

"Ahh.. let's change the topic. I still can't believe you guys aren't in any of my classes. OH did I mention that Taeyang is in one of my classes? I never knew that!"

"Omo!" Min Ae noticed something and whispered it in my ear. "She tells us to change the topic and yet she continues talking about Taeyang. I bet she likes him." I chuckled evilly at Min Ae's amazing attentiveness.

"Eun Chae... you like him, don't you?" I asked.

"Omo I forgot that I have to copy some notes down." she took out a random notebook.

"Since when did you get this notebook?" Min Ae took the notebook and started to flip through the pages.

"Oh it's not mine but Taeyang's. He let me borrow his notes for today because the stupid teacher didn't give me enough time to jot them down." she said. "Yah! Don't rip the pages." she took it back from Min Ae. "I have to return it once I'm done- ohh yeah. Heheheh... Min Ae-ah... I'm going over to Taeyang's later so that I can give the notes back. Do you want to tag along? I heard that he shares the dorm with Daesung."

"Oh really!? That's cool and sure, I'll go too."

"What about Seunghyun?" I asked.

"I think he shares a dorm with the two byuntaes. Eww that must for Seunghyun." Eun Chae said. "Oh my god!" she suddenly yelled.

"Eun Chae-ah, what's wrong?" Min Ae asked.

"Be careful Hye Su-ah. What if he's been INFLUENCED by them?!" Eun Chae's jaw dropped.

"I thought he was a loner; living by himself." Min Ae assumed.

"I'm not entirely accurate about their information but just be cautious when you're around them. Gosh I think Taeyang and Daesung are the only two that doesn't seme erted like Seungri..." Eun Chae trailed off.

"Uhhhhh yeahhhh- OH NO!" I shouted, glancing at the time that was displayed on my laptop. "Crap... I really need to start and finish. I hate procrastination. It ruins my life."

"Oh... do you still want me to help?" Min Ae asked.

I nodded. "Yes, please."

"B-but you said you're going to accompany me to head over to Taeyang's and Daesung's dorm!" Eun Chae whined.

Min Ae turned around to face her. "I'm sorry chingu but you'll just have to go alone." Deep inside, I knew that Min Ae originally wanted Eun Chae to go there alone. But Min Ae wanted to go as well, just to get a glimpse of what Daesung is like when it's not during school. Aish! These two friends are complicating at times like this.

"Fine... if Min Ae really wants to go, then you can just go and never come back. By the time you're back, I might be... done the work and I won't add your name in it." I jokingly threatened.

"NUOOO! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS ALONE!" Min Ae whined and swung my arm.

"Gee, I was kidding." Eun Chae giggled.

"How about you finish copying down the notes and I'll go with BOTH of you. Then we can come back and finish this 'ed up thing." I suggested. Min Ae and Eun Chae thought for a moment and came to a conclusion; they nodded.

"I think it's because somebody wants to see Seunghyun, right Min?" she nudged her. I completely felt my cheeks burning from the increasing heat but it soon decreased. I'm quite amazing at controlling my abilities, skills, and definitely my feelings. So everything is alright, ready, and set to go for me.

"'Ayyee, the maknae shouldn't be addressing her unnies by nicknames, am I right?" I looked at Min Ae and she nodded. Sometimes it feelts amazing to be the older one, mainly because we can command the maknaes to do our errands or just simply burst their bubbles. That profession belongs to us alright - bubble bursters.

"You guys are fine with it though. And besides... we are close buddies." she walked over and gave us a tight hug.

"Suff-o-cati-ng" I nearly choked.

Soon, Eun Chae released us from her powerful squeeze (a simple hug in which she used no efforts and yet it's strong). 

"Yah! Hurry up if you want to meet your boyfriend!" Min Ae exclaimed.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Eun Chae shouted and then resumed on her work - copying down some notes.

"Suuuuuureee..." I teased. Eun Chae looked up and pouted.

"Actually that was meant for Hye Su... not Eun Chae..." Min Ae stared at me.

My mind just went WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? But I decided to pretend to ignore Min Ae. And gosh I hate it when she knows what I'm thinking... NOT GOOD! She's like a wizard - wait she is one, like us. BUUUUT she's psychic -.- at times... OH CUT THE RANDOM BULL CRAP KIM HYE SU! 

"Hurry up, maknae." she looked back down at her notebook and paper, spinning her pen around her fingers. Yes the maknae, Song Eun Chae, is my weapon and excuse. I'm too... awesome.

As for Min Ae and me, we went back to occupying ourselves with the tiest assignment in the human history. It was nowhere near amusing thus it made us aggravated. We decided on the plot and began typing away on my laptop, but then... we were stuck. With only 30 words, we had a dreadful night ahead of us.

"Stupid asses." Min Ae grimaced.


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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha