
Love Is Like Magic

No One's POV

"Hye Su-yah," he began. She looked at him, curiosity filled her pupils. "Why do you hate me?"

"B-bwoh?" Hye Su scoffed. "Why do you think I hate you?"

"I don't know. Whenever I want to talk to you, you just scoff at me, and then walk off."

"Well..." she scratched the nape of her neck. "Just know that I don't hate you entirely."

"Then does that mean you like me?" Man his question was direct and blunt. Hye Su didn't hesitate before replying to his question.

"I don't entirely hate you nor do I like you more than a teammate. I just dislike you." she paused to take a breath before continuing her speech. "Yeah I have no clue why I dislike you... you just remind me of someone." 

Jiyong wanted to ask her more questions, like what interviewers do when they interview someone. But he knew it was not the right time to do so. He wanted to become closer to Hye Su (the friendly type) and understand her past. He doesn't want to piss her off or anything. All he wants is to befriend Hye Su. Remember, he doesn't like when people ignore him and/or give him a silent treatment.

Jiyong sneaked a glance at Hye Su and observed her for quite some time. She had gotten up from lying down on the country's soil and was sitting cross-legged, picking pieces of grass off the ground and playing with it. Her eyes portrayed a tint of sadness, like earlier. A tiny frown formed on her lips. Jiyong assumed she was thinking of something... or someone. But he didn't have the bravery to ask her another question that might trigger her emotions.

Hye Su felt a pair of eyes gazing on her and felt a teensy bit awkward. She shifted her head a little to the side and noticed Jiyong was staring directly at her direction. She turned around and looked into the scenery but noticed there was nothing/nobody anywhere. Actually there were four people within their surround, however, they were on the opposite of where Jiyong was looking at. Hence it was impossible that Jiyong were staring at them... unless he has eyes on the back of his head.

"What are you glimpsing at?" Hye Su asked, turning her head back to face Jiyong. He jumped up from his seat except it was not that noticable... for Hye Su, that is. He was shocked to hear Hye Su being the the first to ask him something instead of him.

"Oh... uh..." he was trying to make up a lie so it wouldn't be obvious that he was staring at her, noticing how unique and pretty serene she looked compared to Min Ae and Eun Chae. "There was something in your hair."

"Huh?" Hye Su brought her hand up to the top of her hand and felt that there was nothing. "Are you sure you're not lying?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

Jiyong nodded his head. "Now it's gone because the wind blew it away." 

Hye Su continued raising her eyebrow, suspicious of his lie. Suddenly her phone rang. She took it out of her pocket shorts and reached it towards her ear. After hearing a loud scream, she drew her mobile away from her ear and then put it on speakers so that Jiyong was aware of who was yelling.

"Yeobosaeyo?" she said into the speakers. 

"YAH, Kim Hye Su! Where did you go, huh? You ditched me and now I'm left all alone!" she whined. Hye Su can totally imagine Min Ae pouting at the moment.

"Daesung should be with you, right?" she asked, thinking back to when Daesung sat next to Min Ae on the bench before she went to chase Jiyong around the grassland.

"They disappeared and now I'm sitting here alone! Come here already!" she shouted through the sensitive speakers. 

Aish... she's the oldest yet she acts like the youngest. Hye Su thought.

"Arasso. Where are you right now?" Min Ae told her where she was sitting, which was the bench from earlier, and Hye Su told her she'll be there any minute. 

When Hye Su hung up, Jiyong intently stared at her. "What?" she asked.

"Are we going back now?"

"Uhm... there is no we but there is an I. I'm going back now. Goodbye." she got up from her seat and dusted any grass that might have stuck to her gluteus maximus. Then, she walked away without waiting for Jiyong. She didn't mind leaving him alone since he was a guy and guys are supposed to know how to protect themselves, right?


"SU!" Min Ae saw a figure similar to Hye Su and without waiting to see if that figure was really her friend, she jumped up from her seat and ran towards the moving figure.

"Yah," Turns out it was Hye Su after all. She lightly bonked Min Ae on the head.

"The guys are such meanies... leaving a girl all alone in the park with nobody. What happens if a creeper suddenly pops out of nowhere!? I'm only a girl for love's sake!" Min Ae gripped onto Hye Su's arm, clinging onto it while at it.

"Where did they go? They will surely get an beating from me."

"I don't know... try calling them?" 

Hye Su took out her phone and dialed Seunghyun's number. When the other line picked up, she immediately shouted at him. "YAH! What kind of person are you!? Leaving a girl alone in a eerie place. If anything happens to Min Ae, you guys are all dead, arasso!?" 

Min Ae jumped from the sudden anger rising in Hye Su's tone of voice. She was indeed pissed off.

"Where are you guys right now?" she asked.

"We're behind you right now." Hye Su and Min Ae turned around, seeing three guys walking towards them. Hye Su then hung up the call and slipped her phone back into her pockets.

"Next time you leave her alone, you're going to get an spank from me regardless if you didn't do anything wrong." she glared at the guys when they stood in front of her.

"I'm sorry! We just went to buy some ice cream for Min Ae and us!" Daesung apologized.

"You don't need three people to go and buy ice cream. Plus I don't see Min Ae's ice cream share in your hand right now." Hye Su said, crossing her arms.

"Uhm..." Daesung scratched the nape of his neck, feeling somewhat anxious.

"See... you have nothing to say." Hye Su stated. Taeyang and Seunghyun was about to speak up but was interrupted by Jiyong's shout-out.

"Hey everybody! You're having a group meet up and you didn't invite me?" he joked and laughed all by himself. The others stared at him, LAME written on his forehead.

"So you two..." Min Ae started, "how was your date?" she grinned widely.

"Oh my gosh you two went on a date?" Taeyang asked, feeling slow.

"One: we weren't on a date. And two: I was trying to kill this guy." Hye Su pointed at Jiyong, referring him to 'this guy' instead of saying his name.


"Yay ice cream!" Eun Chae said perkily, the melted parts of her chocolate ice cream cone. Seungri already finished his ice cream and was looking at Eun Chae - the way she cutely muches on ice cream on a sunny day.

She noticed he was staring at her and suddenly thought of something that would distract him from staring at her any longer than he already has. She scooped a bit of the chocolate ice cream with her finger and placed it on his nose. Eun Chae giggled at the sight: it looks as if he face planted his nose into dung. Seungri fnally came back into reality after he felt a cold breeze on his nose. He touched his nose and then noticed it was chocolate ice cream and the only suspicious person would be Eun Chae.

"Yah, what was that for?" he pouted. Eun Chae did not respond but only replied with more laughter.

Eun Chae thought of the happy times when she hung out with Min Ae and Hye Su. She will never forget that memory. It was the time when all three of them (before they met the five elements) ate ice cream and Hye Su would always get some of her ice cream and poke it on Min Ae or Eun Chae's nose. 

"If the ice cream was red, would it look like your nose is bleeding if it continues to melt? Hahaha! I think I'm getting abs from laughing too much. Aww my stomach hurts now~."

"Hye Su, Min Ae, and I always used to do this whenever we had ice cream. It was our custom on a bright sunny day... the perfect weather to buy ice cream." she explained, knowing that Seungri was curious about her actions and to stop him from laughing too much.

"I see..." his own laughter slowly faded away.

"Too bad that was in the old days. I miss it..." she sighed.

"So the new days with us, the guys, in your life is boring to you? Awe I feel so hurt." he pretended to act like he's heartbroken, only earning a laughter from Eun Chae.

"No... I didn't mean that. It's just-"

"It's okay. I was only joking." Eun Chae nodded and continued giggling. She gave Seungri a wide smile, melting his heart.

"You look cute." Seungri complimented, gazing into Eun Chae's pure brown orbs; which caused her to turn light pink. Eun Chae chose to look away from Seungri's gaze but failed to do so when he continued complimenting her. "You look really pretty too." This caused the pinkness from Eun Chae's cheeks change into a deeper shade of pink: red.

"T-thanks..." her face flushed pure red. 

A phone call from Hye Su and Seunghyun ended their awkward moment: when a guy friend tells you you're cute and pretty. Hye Su complained about Eun Chae not calling her after they (Min Ae, Hye Su + the guys) left the two persons alone. Seunghyun called Seungri to ask if everything between the two were alright. When they explained that they're both getting along with each other and was just hanging out near the ice cream shop.

"Have fun on your date!" Seunghyun and Hye Su chuckled through the line, causing Eun Chae to become even redder and Seungri to flush pink.

"We're not on a date!" they both shouted whispered loudly to the other line but the phone call was already dead.

After putting their phone back into their pockets, they were too shy to face each other considering what their hyung/noona said a while ago.

"Um..." Seungri started, "I think we should head back to the dorms?" 

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha