(Day 3 Part 3) Our last night.

Love Is Like Magic

Seungri and Jiyong walked back to the cave seeing the three girls already changed and setting up to sleep. They covered and area of the floor with soft leaves (no bugs on them) and put the comforter over it. And set up a net hanging above the sleeping area so no bugs would fly and be on them when they sleep. They left enough space for the two guys to sleep on the other side.

"What did you guys do?" they noticed one big area of the floor was wet.

"What you said earlier. We took a 'shower' and now we are going to sleep."

"But what about us? We need water too." Jiyong walked closer to them.

"Here." Hye Su turned around and a body of water splashed on both of the guys.

"Bwah!" Seungri spit back out the water that went in his mouth.

"All clean!" Hye Su smiled.

"Wait. But how are they going to change?" Eun Chae asked fixing her bag and using it as a pillow.

"It's not like we're going to look at them. And they can go outside to change!" Min Ae joked.

"Ohh well. I'm dried up. I just need to change into more comfortable clothes." Jiyong opened his bag to find clothes.

"Hyung! I'm still wet." Seungri said but everybody just ignored them.

"Aish. Fine." he walked closer to Eun Chae.

"What are you doing?" she got up from her sleeping position.

"I'm going to change my shirt?" Seungri smirked and took out a shirt from his bag.

"Put out the fire when you guys are going to sleep." Eun Chae threw the comforter over her head, covering her face then faced the opposite direction of Seungri before he took off his sihrt.

No one even noticed that Jiyong changed until he layed down to sleep.

"Hey. Did you go outside and change?" Min Ae asked.

"Yeah." Jiyong answered. It's not like he was scared being in the dark by himself anyway. Especially since he was only 1 meter away from the cave when he changed...

"Yo! Seungri what are you doing?!" Hye Su turned her back against him just like how Eun Chae did. Min Ae covered her eyes with her hands and looked away.

"I'm changing. I thought you girls said you weren't going to look?" he teased.

"You should have at least went outside! There are girls here. Stupid." Jiyong defended them, being the nice guy.

"Eun Chae doesn't mind. Right?" he leaned closer to the body that had the comforter wrapped around herself with her eyes closed.

"I think she's sleeping." Min Ae poked her cheek.

"Hey!" Eun Chae opened her eyes.

"Ohh well. Now I'm going to sleep." Seungri put out the fire.

Since they had only one net to keep bugs away from them while sleeping, they cramped up all in one area only big enough for 5 people. They would have seperated girls and boys but the net wasn't big enough to have a bigger gap in between them.

Jiyong slept on the far left. Beside him was an empty spot. And then there was Eun Chae. Min Ae was in between Eun Chae and Hye Su who was on the far right.

(Jiyong |   (empty space)  |   Eun Chae  | Min Ae | Hye Su )

Seungri slipped in between the empty space that seperated Jiyong and Eun Chae. Sadly. Eun Chae wanted to sleep somewhere else but her unnies stole the other spots before she could it. Jiyong knew that he had a habit of hugging someone or something when he's sleeping so he didn't sleep next to Eun Chae. He didn't want any misunderstandings. He would rather hug Seungri, though the girls just might tease that he looks gay once they wake up and notice it.

'Why is this ert sleeping beside me?' Eun Chae shifted a bit closer to Min Ae and away from Seungri.

'I hope Jiyong hyung won't hug me...' Seungri moved closer to Eun Chae.

'WHY IS HE COMING CLOSER?!' Eun Chae thought. She shifted her body so her face was facing upwards and had her back against the floor. She opened her eyes a little bit and looked at Seungri. She could feel him breathing on her. It was scary. She shivered and closed her eyes hoping she would fall asleep.

'Am I too close?' Seungri turned his head and saw that Jiyong's back was against him. He moved away from Eun Chae.

'Who is keep on moving?' Hye Su thought as she heard people shift during their sleep. She ignored it and soon fell asleep.


~(Jiyong's Dreamland)~

"Jiyong, you're really stupid." Eun Chae sighed.
"What did I do?" I asked.
"I gave you so many hints."
"Of what?" I wondered. Then she disappeared. Oh hey! I see my notebook. Why is it flying in the air?
"Hyung. How come Hye Su's name is everywhere?" Suddenly Seungri appeared.
"I'm not sure." I answered.
"It's you, Jiyong." Eun Chae appeared again.
"You like her."

~(Hye Su's Dreamland)~

"Hye Su!!" I saw Jiyong waving to me and smiling.
"What are you doing?!" I did not expect to see him.
"Why are you mad again?" he asked innocently.
"I'm not mad."
"Then what?" he leaned closer to look at my face. I looked away from him.
"Just... leave me alone!" I tried pushing away but he was too strong.

~(Min Ae's Dreamland)~

"WEEHH~" Daesung and I ran around the park.
"Ohh look! It's a giant Doraemon!" we ran to it.
"That's so cute!"

~(Eun Chae's Dreamland)~

"HUGS!!" he hugged me.
"It's you again!" I said after he let go.
"Huh?" he looked at me.
"You! I saw you in my dream last time? What's your name?" I tried saying but it sounded weird. I looked at myself and noticed I was a little kid again.
"My name is.."

~(Seungri's Dreamland)~

"How's your knee?" I pointed to it as we sat next to the slide.
"it's better. But I think I have a scar.." she pouted.
"At least when we grow up I will remember it's you!" I smiled.
"Yeah! But what if we don't see each other? I still owe you! You saved me!"
"Hehee. Then I'll find you or you find me! Or we can come here again when we grow up! My name is-"
"You're smartt!!"
"Eun Chae-ah!" we both turned around.
"Oh no! I have to go...I'm moving houses so I can't come here anymore! Bye bye..." she frowned.
"Bye bye!! See you when we grow up!" I waved to her.


Eun Chae opened her eyes when she heard something beside her ear. She moved her head and saw it was Seungri snoring beside her.

'AISH. Because of you! I don't know who he is!' she rolled her eyes.

She wanted to turn around but she felt someone's arm around her waist. She looked at the hand and noticed it was a guy's. It was Seungri's. 'WHAT THE HECK?!' she blushed and tried to lift his arm but it wouldn't budge. Unless she wakes him up. She looked at Seungri and saw another arm hugging him.

"Oh my god." she whispered. Eun Chae's eyes followed the arm and saw it was Jiyong.

'Why is he hugging him..? That's odd..' she looked away and saw her unnies were sleeping peacefully. She closed her eyes and ignored Seungri. But he hugged her tighter making her gasp. No guy was ever this close to her other than her family. She blushed harder realizing she was now facing against Seungri's chest. Luckily it was dark so if someone woke up, they would not see it. Although she was stuck, it was true that she felt comfortable being hugged by Seungri.

A part of her thought that she might like Seungri. But she pushed those thoughts away. Not just the thoughts, she pushed Seungri forcefully away from her making him roll onto Jiyong.

"EUGHH." Jiyong started to cough and woke up.

"Get off me.."

Seungri woke up after hearing Jiyong cough and went back to his original sleeping position.

'Stupid guys.' Hye Su thought when she woke up hearing Jiyong being squished once again.

After a few minutes, they drifted off back to sleep once again; everyone continued the dreams that was once interrupted.



"No! I am Eun Chae!" she agrued.
"NO! What's wrong with you? Stop copying me!" They both looked at Seungri.
"Ok you two! SHUT UP!" he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Do you..." he paused.
"Do I, what?" she turned to him.

"Ok. Just admit it."
"Admit what?" he asked, confused.
"That you like her."

'What if... I do like him?' she wondered.

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha