(Day 2 Part 4) Nothing. That's all they say.

Love Is Like Magic

Hye Su's POV

What the hell am I doing? Don't I hate him? If so, why the hell am I feeding him and not Min Ae? She has nothing to do! Oh wait... if she can't really handle taking care of herself, then what's the point of asking her to take care of others - especially sick patients?

I tried avoiding Jiyong's gaze, looking elsewhere but there. Honestly, what is wrong with me? I continued feeding him the large bowl of congee. He needs it to heal his health. I ain't going to take care of him for the next couple of days if he doesn't get better. No way! We still need to move on with our mission and graduate. It's not like I'm going to live in this house located in the forest filled with these people for the rest of my life. 

Then, I came to realize that there was only one spoonful of porridge left in the bowl. Oh great! He can finish it off and I can leave! Hip hip, hooray! Gosh I hate Jiyong... why can't he feed himself? Oh yeah... he's weaker than me compared to when I am sick (which is a rare sight).

"Thank you," he said as he took the last spoon. "Thank you for taking care of me when you really don't want to. I appreciate it." 

I just sat there, still. He knows I hate him and I know that I hate him.. but how come I- NO IT CAN'T BE! Nah... it can't be.

"Whatever.." I stood up and walked out of the room, seeing four familiar figures crouching down.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" I asked, shaking my head. I didn't wait for them to respond and then walked away, back into the kitchen.

The more I think about it, the more I find it unlikely and strange. I'm not the oldest, nor the youngest... I'm not childish nor am I mature... I'm not that close to the guys and I'm not that nice either... why do they trust me in taking care of Jiyong? I mean, I can easily strangle him any time. Unless they don't care about their friend at all... if that's the reason... then they just made my life and Jiyong's life easier... kekeke...

---------------- Afternoon: When the rain stopped still Hye Su's POV --------------

After a good afternoon nap, I woke up to birds chirping again in the forest. I looked around and I didn't see anyone. Where did the girls go?

I took it out because they're only going to be in the forest for 5 days and 4 nights. And it's the 2nd day already so they need to go to the cave. Everyone was sitting in a circle outside the house. Well, there were lodges and benches so we didn't sit on the floor. I sat beside Min Ae and Eun Chae like I usually do and started to eat some fruits... they're healthy and yummy.

"Su.. You know... you need to eat other foods besides fruits because if you don't eat vegtables or meats or whatever, you will not get the other nutrients you need. And if you don't get the nutrients you need, you might need to take vitamin pills. And if you take vitamin pills-"

"Eun Chae-" I tried interrupting her to tell her I understand what she's trying to say.

"AND IF YOU TAKE THEM, you will need to take them daily. And I will stop here. Thank you."

"B-but it's a habit to eat fruits in the morning!" I whined, taking another bite of my apple. Did I ever tell you I love eating apples and that they're my favourite fruit? Well, you know now!

"Here, take some vegetables!" Eun Chae said, stuffing some lettuces into my mouth. Did I ever tell you I don't like lettuce? Now you know..

I swallowed the raw lettuce.. it tasted bitter to me. If only there were salad dressing... then you might see me eat lettuces. Otherwise, I'll munch on fruits or any other vegetables aside from lettuce. The next thing I noticed, Jiyong was writing things down in a mini notebook.

"Hey fire breathing dragon, what's that?" I asked him, pointing at the notebook.

"Oh it's nothing." he said and quickly hid it back into his pockets. Meh.. it's not like I'm eager to know what's in there anyways..

Nobody's POV

"I think we should get ready tonight and leave for tomorrow. The ground is very wet and muddy. And Jiyong seems better now." Min Ae stated.

 "I agree. Tomorrow is the third day. And then we'll rest at the cave until the fith day and we leave then. Yesterday was the first night, today's the second, tomorrow is the third night and then.. the day after is the fourth night. Yup. So five days and four nights. We're leaving tomorrow." Daesung explained.

"And... Hyorin. Where's my shirt?" Eun Chae remembered.

"You see I sorta can't find it." Hyoring blinked a couple of times.

"What?!" she stood up.

"Sorry Eun Chae! I'll buy another one for you!" she hid behind Seungri but then Seungri shifted over away from her.

"Good thing it's not my shirt." Jaeho smirked.

"I'm going to make sure I have everything for tomorrow." Min Ae and Hye Su both left.

"Me too" the rest followed except for Jiyong.

"She better buy me another one." Eun Chae sighed. "And you" she glared at Jiyong who was taking out his book.

"what?" he opened it and started to write something again.

"I saw you happily eat the food Hye Su made you." she nudged him. "And what's that book?" Eun Chae leaned closer to see.

"No! I mean.. It's nothing." he put it in his pocket again. "And did anything happen this morning between you and him?"

"He and Hyorin were just ignoring me and Min Ae. But whatever."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, I feel down and I was bleeding."

"That's it?"

"What do else do you want me to say? That he-" Eun Chae stopped herself from continuing.

"He what? Go on." Jiyong told her.

"It's nothing. Just like that mini book of yours! Nothing." Eun Chae got up to go back to the girls' room.

"I think he was trying to make you jealous by bringing Hyorin, to be honest. And then when you fell down you were bleeding and he carried you, right?!"

"Where'd you get that from?" Eun Chae turned back around and glared at him.

"I heard Jaeho and you guys talk when you came back."

"Your point is?"

"I know him very well. Enough to know who he likes."

"Yes, he likes me as a friend. And likes to bother me until I get mad."

"When did I say that he likes you?" Jiyong laughed.

"You're so rude! And are you saying all this because you want me to tell you who is the person that wants to know more about Hye Su and become closer with her too?"

"Oh! I wasn't thinking of that. But sure! You can tell me now. I mean, you SHOULD tell me NOW." he grinned.

"Why do YOU want to know?" Eun Chae ran back inside.

"Yah!! I'm older than you! You're supposed to listen to me! Aww man. Who is it though?" Jiyong scratched his head.


"You two seem to be very close." Hye Su said to Eun Chae while folding her own clothes and putting them back in her bag.

"He's just trying to steal information from me."

"What information?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh.. nothing."

'What information?? Stealing information? Eun Chae knows something? A secret? Is she- No. Why would she be a secret agent pretending to be a student here? Those type of things only happen in dramas. Am I thinking too much? But what does Jiyong have to do with this? I hate that guy!! He's annoying. Is it just me or am I more aware of his actions lately? Of course I would, he's in my group! I see him every morning to night. Just a few more days, and you won't see him as often. And possibly Seunghyun more! Yes! I wonder what he's- OBVIOUSLY PACKING FOR TOMORROW!'

"Su? SU!" Min Ae waved her hand in front of Hye Su's face.

"Yes?" she snapped out of her thoughts.

"What's wrong with you? You seem spaced out."

"Nothing. I was thinking about J-"

"J? J what?"

"J.. JELLY. Peanut butter and jelly. Why do people eat that?"

"Peanut butter and jelly? Hm. I don't know. Does it taste good? I don't think I've tried it before."

"I'm not sure either. That's why I was just thinking about it."


'Why are they so close..?? Don't tell me Eun Chae likes him.. No.... Jiyong likes her then?!  Aish. This is frusterating!' Hye Su scratched her head.



"Eun Chae!" Seungri grabbed her arm and tried to pull her back up. "Try to push yourself up!' Seungri held onto both her arms. "I can't! There's something...like a force trying to- AHH!!" they both fell.


"Ah!" Min Ae tripped on a rock while trying to run to them as well. She got back up and realized that she wasn't in a forest anymore. "Guys..!?"


"Ahh!" Jiyong slipped and fell into a body of freezing cold water. 'Don't tell me I'm going to die like this.. This can't happen..'  He thought.


"Ah!" she shrieked and started to run away from it. But it continued to spread the more she ran. Soon she was surrounded and trapped by a circle of fire around her. "Oh. My. Buddha. How am I going to do this?"




T_T we feel very sad that no one is commenting!! ='(

And whenever no one comments, I honestly don't know when to post the next chapter...

Or at least say any suggestions to make this story better (?)

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha